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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lulzsec mastermind arrested

Phendrana said:
Apparently the guy just ran the IRC channel Lulzsec used. He's not the mastermind. Not even part of the group from the looks of things.

They always play stupid when a member gets caught. Look at all the anonymous membs that been cauught and charged over the years they say the same thing.

Anyone who's breaking the law is obvious a criminal.

Around the Network
Phendrana said:
Apparently the guy just ran the IRC channel Lulzsec used. He's not the mastermind. Not even part of the group from the looks of things.

Hmmm good old sky news eh, i supposse time will tell but im sure any member of the group threatend with extradition will want to cut some sort of deal.

According to CNN it IS against the law to name him (they don't in their version of the story)

Also LuLzSec has no mastermind, from the leaks we saw at:

Its more of a spin-off of anonymous, no central structure, hackers/hacktivsts simply sharing a common goal, so arresting one will not kill the group.

in the UK, it's not against the law to name suspects.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Before we celebrate, let's remember that he's a suspect. They could have gotten the wrong guy.

Around the Network
Galaki said:
Before we celebrate, let's remember that he's a suspect. They could have gotten the wrong guy.

And even if they successfully prosecute him for hacking, I don't think they actually have the awareness to know whether he was leading it, participating in it or merely copying it, so I'm ignoring claims he masterminded it for now.

Soleron said:
Galaki said:
Before we celebrate, let's remember that he's a suspect. They could have gotten the wrong guy.

And even if they successfully prosecute him for hacking, I don't think they actually have the awareness to know whether he was leading it, participating in it or merely copying it, so I'm ignoring claims he masterminded it for now.

I doubt they work under 1 leader. They seem to be all over the places hacking random sites.

Galaki said:
Soleron said:
Galaki said:
Before we celebrate, let's remember that he's a suspect. They could have gotten the wrong guy.

And even if they successfully prosecute him for hacking, I don't think they actually have the awareness to know whether he was leading it, participating in it or merely copying it, so I'm ignoring claims he masterminded it for now.

I doubt they work under 1 leader. They seem to be all over the places hacking random sites.

Yes. It's much more diffuse than the mainstream media are making out. That's why the claims right now are ridiculous. The police want to look like they've stopped a significant part of the hacking like they say about terrorism when they do a raid for that.

Guys this is the guy who backstabbed Anonymous. Remember alittle while ago when a traitor took out Anonymous's servers or what ever and lead a coup. It was reported all over the news, anyways Anonymous outted him revealing his name and location saying his name was Ryan and he lived in Essex. At the time the Government's never arrested him and nothing was done.

Is this the same guy? I mean we know that LulzSec is home to many ex-Anonymous members. Could this be the famous hacker that caused all the infighting in Anonymous? This guy has balls to continue hacking after his name and location were given out. I guess the feds just had to get some dirt on him launch an investigation and bring him to justice.

Or am I completely wrong

Here's the story about Anonymous Coup

"The IRC servers used by AnonOps have been compromised and taken over by "Ryan," who is reportedly a young man in Essex, England."

Here's the story listed in the OP

"The arrest of the 19-year-old - named locally as Ryan Cleary" The FBI and Scotland Yard launched an investigation immediately and detectives from the force's e-crime unit swooped on the teen's home in Wickford, Essex,"


Just a coincidence or are they the same guy?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


I'm with Joe, that was my thought when I heard the news. Same guy.

I hope he does a nice bit of bargaining. "Lower my sentence for all names and locations of hackers I know". Hopefully he knows lots.

Hmm, pie.