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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Concept: Pokemon Snap for Wii U?

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danm, that brings me back

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kitler53 said:
my mind was not blown -- mind explaining the gameplay to me cause i didn't play it.

Freaking video won't work.

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Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theRepublic said:
kitler53 said:
my mind was not blown -- mind explaining the gameplay to me cause i didn't play it.

Freaking video won't work.

Hopefully it works now.  If not, click the link.

okay yeah, i can see that on wiiU.  but is that really fun?  reminds me of the game on the ps3 called afrika, which i also had no desire to play.

kitler53 said:

okay yeah, i can see that on wiiU.  but is that really fun?  reminds me of the game on the ps3 called afrika, which i also had no desire to play.

I never actually played it.  I just knew what it was.  Someone else will have to answer you on that one.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

kitler53 said:
theRepublic said:
kitler53 said:
my mind was not blown -- mind explaining the gameplay to me cause i didn't play it.

Freaking video won't work.

Hopefully it works now.  If not, click the link.

okay yeah, i can see that on wiiU.  but is that really fun?  reminds me of the game on the ps3 called afrika, which i also had no desire to play.


I had a week in hospital with pretty much nothing but Pokemo nSnap and some mario Kart Rip off with planes to keep me entertained. Was pretty fun. Slightly difficult considering one of my arms was broken and thus not useable.


I would totes buy a Wii U version

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Sounds boring but it would definitely work well I would think.

that would be...


 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Everybody doubts Pokemon Snap before they play it because the concept seems weak. It's seriously awesome though.

Pokemon Snap was brilliant. A new game is a must.

I just watched the video theRepublic posted, gotta say the concept it PERFECT for the new console! Nintendo better use the R trigger button! Just like a REAL camera!

Also saw a mock up for Okami on another site, wouldn't THAT be SO awesome?!!