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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

Uhmm guys?

Will Sony going to have SCEJ Conference (aka pre-TGS) again this year?


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Are there global sales numbers (including digital) for Freedom wars?

drdante said:

Uhmm guys?

Will Sony going to have SCEJ Conference (aka pre-TGS) again this year?

I think that Shu said that they will have only 3 conferences (or events) for what remains of the year: TGS, PGW (Paris Game Week), and PS Experience.

lehamsy said:

I think that Shu said that they will have only 3 conferences (or events) for what remains of the year: TGS, PGW (Paris Game Week), and PS Experience.

I don't remember reading that, but that does sound right.

I'm hoping TGS this year will be better than last year for Vita.  It wasn't the worst I'd seen - there were lots of smaller titles (ironically with higher localization chances as a result), but nothing meaty.

P.S.  There's also Anime Expo in 2 weeks.  Sony won't be there, but NISA/Aksys will!

Ka-pi96 said:
Hey Vita guys, I need your help!

Is it possible to get games from other accounts on my Vita? I've got my UK account on there atm but say I want to make say a US account to buy games from the US store is there anyway I could download them to my Vita and play on them with my UK account still on there?

Short answer: no, you can't have two accounts on the same memory card at the same time.  You'd need two different memory cards and you'd need to reset your Vita for switching between each one.

Long answer: watch this IGN video on how to go about it, but it's long winded and not worth the hassle.

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Ka-pi96 said:

Oh no, I don't want to have 2 accounts, just games from 2 accounts. But maybe that's not possible without multiple accounts then. So I guess there is no other way to get games digitally from another region on Vita?

Edit: Vita is region free though so physical games from another region would still work right?

Well, if you wanted to get games from US PSN, you would need a US PSN account (i.e. a second account).  On PS3 it's as simple as logging out of one account and into the other.  On Vita it's much more long-winded.  

Physical is different, indeed.  I have Vita games from Asia & USA that work fine on my UK account.  I'm just locked out from DLC.

If you're really after digital-only Vita games from a different region, maybe just buy a cheap PSTV or something and use that as your US-dedicated system. 

Is there any chance for Kancolle western release?

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

Kebabs have a unique attribute compared to other consumables. To unlock this effect you need to wolf down a big ass kebab really fast, like under 10 minutes or so and wait for the effect to kick in. If done correctly your movements should feel unbelievably heavy to the point where you literally cannot move at all.

-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

WC4Life said:
Is there any chance for Kancolle western release?

Personally, I think there's a good chance.  NISA & Kadokawa are on good terms lately (Demon Gaze; Natural Doctrine; Rodea the Sky Soldier).

The problem with KanColle is that it's a big multi-media franchise, so just to bring over the Vita game would be doing it a bit of a dis-service.  However, NISA could at least bring across the anime as well (since they handle anime distribution in the USA) so you never know.

Teflon02 said:
btw. If anyone orders on amazon. I'm sure it's world wide. They have a 20% off preorder promotion for like every game from june 30th onwards. Sadly Trails of Cold Steel wasn't on the Canadian Amazon yet so I did Mighty No. 9 for PS4 and Sword Art Online: Lost Song for Vita. saved about $20 on the order. Cheaper than preordering both at eb games :)

Where? I can't find info about that deal.. ANd no Cold Steel preorder yet on Amazon US... -.-


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Guys.. I tried to delete, Gravity Rush from my Vita to get some space to donwload some PSM games I have on my Download List, and then got a error, pushed ok and tried to delete again.. It got deleted aparently, but when I tried to download it wasn't -.- So I have +1.7gb of invisible data.. How can I delete it whithout formating the Memmory card? I tried restoring database, and just dissarranged my folders -.-

Why our goddess Kat punish me? I have GR on my PC to restore it any time!


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