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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Akiran said:

@ Tom3k o.o That's insane! crossing my fingers, good luck!

You did your magic! Got it!. One more trophy and plat :)

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Kresnik said:
I know this is going to sound like a silly question, but how representative of the full game is the Soul Sacrifice demo?

Because, I decided to download it on a whim last night and actually had a brilliant time playing it today. Enjoyed the storyline with Sortiara; enjoyed the focus on having a variety of different spells & skills rather than just swinging your weapon like in MonHun/GodEater; enjoyed the environments and enemies.

Is it a game which is impressive for the first few hours then gets tedious, or does it keep this up all the way through? Because I'm genuinely thinking of purchasing it at the moment (I know, I know, it was free on Plus).

I realise the online will be dead as well, but I don't really care about that.

Soul Sacrifice Delta as well. Does that include the original game or not, does anyone know yet?

I found the demo incredible and my opinion about the game didn't change after I beat it. I didn't get bored for a second. My only problem with it is that some of the extra missions are insanely difficult to beat. It's almost impossible to beat some bosses from the missions you unlock after you beat the game unless you play online and though it works well, I'm not a fan of online. Other than that, I can't recommend it enough. It has tons of free dlc/extra missions. Not sure about Delta though.

Seems like you don't care much for online, but I'd give it a try if I were you. The times that I did play online were from decent to awesome.

Kresnik said:
I know this is going to sound like a silly question, but how representative of the full game is the Soul Sacrifice demo?

Because, I decided to download it on a whim last night and actually had a brilliant time playing it today. Enjoyed the storyline with Sortiara; enjoyed the focus on having a variety of different spells & skills rather than just swinging your weapon like in MonHun/GodEater; enjoyed the environments and enemies.

Is it a game which is impressive for the first few hours then gets tedious, or does it keep this up all the way through? Because I'm genuinely thinking of purchasing it at the moment (I know, I know, it was free on Plus).

I realise the online will be dead as well, but I don't really care about that.

Soul Sacrifice Delta as well. Does that include the original game or not, does anyone know yet?

Im afraid it gets tedious towards the end. Monsters start taking a long time to kill, wich requires grinding. Its a beatiful and original spin on the hunting game though. But, after playing toukiden, i can see some merit on the monhun structure to fight boredom.

I would say wait for delta if you want to get it. It adds more variety to the gameplay from what we can see. 

Tom3k said:
Akiran said:

@ Tom3k o.o That's insane! crossing my fingers, good luck!

You did your magic! Got it!. One more trophy and plat :)

Grats :D Good luck on getting plat! (I can never get plat -.-)

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

Damn the Vita has alot of lego games lol

Around the Network

Compile Heart are up to something. Who knows what. Though the comments seem to think that it's all the NIS people who left revealing something new.

They're also wailing on it pretty badly. Probably won't be Vita related, but we'll see.

Kresnik said:

Compile Heart are up to something. Who knows what. Though the comments seem to think that it's all the NIS people who left revealing something new.

They're also wailing on it pretty badly. Probably won't be Vita related, but we'll see.

Whatever it is Im buying =D

Kresnik said:
DemoniOtaku said:

but anyway this game have a high probabilty of coming to the west... after JoJo's was announced my hopes for this are almost certaintity...

I'd say it has no chance because it's full to the brim of licencing issues.

Like which issues? the only problem I see is if they decide to dub the game with the series that aren't subbed and the problem to bring all the voice actors together with the one that have... but a subtitled with original voices release is full viable option to Namco... again... look at JoJo...


And about SS, is totally full representative of the game... ifyou play the main story it doesn't get tedious, the story is quite engaging.. and have a great english dub I say. I really liked more the english voices than the japanese, and that's really something coming from me.... only for the story the game is already worth, but have a lot of others missions for multiplayer or play alone if you want...


and SSDelta is confirmed in the last triler to have the story of the firstgame, is a expansion so is obvious..  SS would have been a good excuse to be plus for 3 months at least... but by now, wait for the DELTA, I don't think it would take long to release here.. the first take less than two months...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

Kresnik said:

Compile Heart are up to something. Who knows what. Though the comments seem to think that it's all the NIS people who left revealing something new.

They're also wailing on it pretty badly. Probably won't be Vita related, but we'll see.

Could be. It definitely reminds me of Disgaea.

So Makai Ichiban Kan is from the director of Disgaea and, contrary to what Kreswrong thought, it is for Vita.