darkknightkryta said:
It had fantastic support in its early months. Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Assassin's Creed, more than enough on its own. It probably would have had Call of Duty sooner if Activision didn't screw that up epicly. I personally think Vita's lineup is the most well rounded lineup on any "mobile" device. There just isn't really a market for dedicated handhelds outside of Japan anymore. And to be frank, if Capcom announces Monter Hunter 5 on iOS, there isn't going to be one there either. |
3ds proves you Wrong... if Vita isn't having succes is not about handhelds market dying... So I still think is a question of promotion.. Like instead of rushing games like Resistance and COD they should have been take more time in development.. Resistance with a late 2012 release instead of COD would have been a great game.. because already was fun.. COD was pushed too by SONy, that's why nihilistic developed it... in a short spam of 5 months..JUST TOO MUCH CRAZY!
COD for beginning of 2013 would have been do some great numbers... and pushed hardware sells...