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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Aerys said:

I dont understand the 5/10 of Ragnarok Odyssey on IGN, like the 70/100 of ACL, almost the same score , its very disturbing...

REviewers really hate the ps vita, people are mad

It's a conspiracy

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Chark said:


Persona 4 Golden PS Vita Skin and You: An Application Guide

+ Posted by Aram Jabbari // Manager of PR and Sales, ATLUS


PlayStation(.Blog) Nation,

Did you know that Persona 4 Golden is only 18 days away? That’s 432 hours. 25,920 minutes. 1,555,200 seconds. THAT’S PRACTICALLY NOW, FRIENDS.

Seeing as how P4G’s unique blend of social-life-developing and evil-shadow-defeating roleplaying gameplay is a must-own for PS Vita owners (YEAH, I SAID IT), and it’s arguably reason enough for those pained on-the-fencers (Seriously, it must be getting super uncomfortable by now. We have soothing balm on the PS Vita side, come join us…) to hop off already and snag themselves a sexy new PS Vita, we figured why not pimp out the special pre-order bonus PS Vita skin while we’re at it?

Oh, you haven’t heard of the pre-order bonus? Well, that’s quite a pity, because while supplies last, folks who pre-order Persona 4 Golden from participating retailers will receive a DezaEgg protective skin for PlayStation Vita. Yes, the same DezaEgg skin that’s also included in the completely awesome, completely sold out Solid Gold Premium Edition of the game, which also includes a custom HORI Hard Pouch, HORI Face Cover, and a set of nifty stickers. It’s understated, stylish, and pretty much the best way to tell your friends, “Why yes, I do own Persona 4 Golden and I was cool enough to pre-order it.” You’re also telling them, “Oh, PS Vita? Yes, I have one. Didn’t you know I have excellent taste?” It ALSO happens to be the exact same item given to Japanese customers for the game’s release in that region.

To add even more fuel to this fire of awesomeness, this classy and vibrant PS Vita skin also comes with a selection of Persona 4 Golden wallpapers that seamlessly mesh with the skin’s design. With a wallpaper for each of the main characters, you’ll be able to personalize your Vita even further.

The DezaEgg skin is so darn cool-looking and so easy to apply… Well, we decided to make a handy-dandy video (up above) that shows you exactly how easy the whole process is. Watch former ATLUS PR Manager Aram Jabbari (hey, that’s me!) give you pro tips and walk you through the simple steps to get P-4-G all over your P-S-V.

Persona 4 Golden releases on November 20th, in stores and via PlayStation Network, exclusively for PS Vita. Please note that the pre-order bonus offer only applies to the physical version of the game (available on Amazon for example), seeing as how it’ll be centuries until transporter technology is a real thing (according to Star Trek, anyway). Transparent aluminum, on the other hand, we’ve had for a couple decades. Thanks, Scotty!




I bet a few of you might be in need of this video.

Do you know if the skin can be removed and reapplied for later use?

The Cyclops In Soul Sacrifice Became A Monster After Sacrificing His Eye

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Naninho said:
Chark said:
So the new PS Store is up in North America and I must say, I love it. It is very nice looking, everything is easily visible, related content is accessible from the main content, and streaming videos and viewing photos is excellent. I feel that this new store is serving as a beta for the PS4 and its set up is designed to not only look good but to look stunning in 3D. Unfortunately one can no longer use the PS Store via Remote Play. I am not happy about that but considering the upgrade I will let it slide.

Really!? I think it looks even worse! And I hated the old interface!

Laggier than ever, is still lacking the most wanted features like a proper search engine and filters for your download list. Not that I'm surprised... Sony is full of bureaucrats and doesn't care about the end-user experience. They won't listen to us, ever. PlayStation.Blog Share is the joke of the century!

The new search engine is great! What you talkin bout boy?

Teflon02 said:
Okay, Now that I put over 20 hours into Ragnarok Odyssey, I can give some detailed info on the game for people on the fence.
Note: I've only played 10 missions alone, and played over 60 missions online with friends who I'm progressing with. We got to 4-6.
Leveling system: There IS a leveling system, just not a system that's experience points based. But technically experience based. Look in your Status info and you will see you player Rank, (I'm rank 4, which means I leveled up 3 times) Rank 10 is for beating the game.
Card System: It is actually extremely easy and simple to understand but different for everyone. Mix and max cards to fit into your player clothes. The only things clothes affect is card slots which all can be upgradable. The slots go up to 100 points, and alot of the cards is sacrifice something to get something else, the good cards you'll find on missions so don't worry to much.
Clothes: The only real upgrade on clothes is adding card slots, easy comparison would be like adding the ability to add more materia on your stuff in FFVII, besides that its all looks. Also good thing about that situation because everything is completely upgradable, you can wear what you want. Also when you buy clothes with certain abilities those abilitys are also given to you because its just preset cards in the clothes.
Trophy's: Apart from the death trophies (and potion trophy in my case lol), all the trophies will come naturally which is good. I'm missing only 2 hidden trophys that's not chapter based. And I have alot to go for card collecting and so on, good thing is you can hold up to 5 things from friends in near which can help quite a bit on certain things.
Areas: Seems you unlock different areas every chapter.
Bosses: Are Epic, apart from orc king, the bosses have strategy to them. Chapter 3s boss is epic especially.
Combat: I use a cleric and every character playes different. So I can only speak for myself.
- Combos with cleric can be changed completly because the style the combat is made to be like. Example I can swing then rush with my shield then swing twice, then launch, and while the enemy is launched, I can charge a offensive spell that takes like 3 secends to cast and basically kill any enemy but bosses of course lol. But I can also choose to jump it from the launch and swing 3 times then whale on em with like 6 rapid swings then do a knockback, then airdash to where there going to bounce then use the ground launcher and then charge thecircle attack to the ground, you'll get like a 40 hit combo if you do it right, with just one enemy. But as a Cleric and the fact I basically only play with friends online I'm always using the healing circle and jumping and round to help in battle so I'm important to everyones survival. I am also the strategist, I do stuff like set up combos like the one I said but after the launch the swordwarrior wales on him since hes stronger then the hammersmith jumps up and smashes him into my magic that takes long to launch and while I'm hitting them they go, love it.
Extras: the performance of this game is amazing. I destroyed like 14 porrings smashing em all into walls in a circle around the room with ten showing on screen being smashed off the walls exploding and more being hit on the ways to the was etc. And NO frame drop. This game has a consistant locked framerate I believe. Only drops is if online connecrions lag and it only lags randomly every hour or so for like 2 secs.
Also when playing online never , play with the same class and its better with friends cause party chat adds soo much to the experience
Personally I'd give the game 9/10
My only main issues is, I wished I could go out into the fields without being assigned a mission. Because when I wanna grind materials I don't like that I completed a mission then gotta go back again, or being hit with a time limit etc.
Last thing is Colin lied in his review completely. Me and my friends checked everything he complained about in the game, and nothing was valid but the things that are always those ways fot games in the monster hunting genre. They said no real tutorials? The manual has tutorials as well as. Specifically, ingame they told me if I need tutorials or additional info, to go to my room on the wall is a list of tutorials, and those as adetailed as you can possibly need. Cause in the fame they fully tell you the basicas and tell you to try out things and experiance for yourself you'll understand best that way. I'm loving this

Ragnarok is amazing. I've played about 6 to 8 hours of it and keep wanting to play. Better to play with friends than solo, which I believe is the biggest draw to this game. Playing with friends or just playing online.

Around the Network
Chark said:
outlawauron said:
Aram was a good hire for Sony! Look forward to more his coverage.

I don't think they hired him. I'm pretty sure he works for Atlus. PS Blog is just great about allowing gaming PR people to post their own stuff and manage comments and user relations using the Blog.

Nope, Aram IS in fact working for SCEA now...not Atlus.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Finished chapter 2. Did my first job exchange from Assassin to Hammersmith. THe combat styles are so different aren't they? :D I love this game..mainly cuz of the combat. It's so fun

speaking of which..any 'hunters' here? I got this bow called Eoh Luna Bow with Atk: 51 and low Gravity and Tension up Lvl1 as the special characteristics

anyone want it?

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

The chapter 3 boss in Ragnarok is epic!! Just saying lol.

lol don't give any hints...

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

When is RO releasing in EU again >_>

Also PS Plus for Vita info coming next week, so hold on into your wallets until then.

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