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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

@DGC: hehe yep...I keep a close eye on all sources available :D

@teflon: it seems I have hit my 100 mark on my friends list 0_o didn't even realize it..I will remove someone who I don't even remember by now and add you up

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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ShadowMagist said:
Oh yeah, technically a new user here too. Been lurking for awhile now though. Hi! Lol.

Just had a thought. With the PSP being presumed dead and God Eater 2 gets localized, what are the chances of it being a Vita exclusive in the west? That'd be, on the whole, a good thing right? Sure Japan sales might be canabalized by the PSP version but outside, it could do well.

Atelier Totori trailer looking good! Love the return of Orthogalaxen. Also, they seem to be pushing Iksel, Cordelia, and Cecelia this time around. Which I love. Iksel and Cordelia were awesome in Rorona. Was kinda sad to see them sidelined in Totori.

That's the most probable.. and would be the best for PSVita.. in West PSP isn't so lively anymore... so is most probable to see PSVita's version of GodEater and others Multi games for both consoles like Time Travelers...

EDIT: About totori for Vita.. i would like that Rorona's come first to vita... but it seems that I will have to play it on PS3... the Totori+.. I hope (as I doubt) that if it come to west, it come with original voices as optional at least!


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

outlawauron said:
DemoniOtaku said:
Teflon02 said:

I was going to but picked Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Skies because it is like 40 hours for the main story and has 2 sequels coming out eventually and one in definitely is on vita so i think i should support the game, luckily it's amazing. Gurumin was my original chose if i didn't do additional research on the others. I loved that game when i had it on psp

Actually.. Vita's a remake of the first trials in skies.. Yeah the same that You bougth!...

That isn't true.....

Oh rigth! my bad... Sora no Kiseki (trials in Skies) is the first of a trilogy.. and only that have come to west... and ZERO no kiseki (PSVitas) is a remake of a sequel of Sora no kiseki on PSP... thatre's Ao no Kiseki and the upcoming nayuta no Kiseki...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

HabinoBR said:
Pimp3k said:
I ordered today Gravity Rush (finally managed to find a good deal on ebay) and Rayman Origins (it's 20€ new + free shipping on zavvi :)). Can't wait for both of those games to arrive :)

Bro, you wont regret a single penny from Gravity Rush lol

I paid FULL PRICE and it worth every cent!.. I'm at two trophies ago from the Platinum.. next I will be Playing the DLC chapters and missions ^^ and Ihope Everybody's golf Kat's DLC character come to West too... I can't gro tired of Kat! She is so KUTE!


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

Smeags said:
Hello folks, I have a favor to ask of you guys.

If you've noticed, I've started a Wii and DS Appreciation Thread that asks the community to vote for their favorite games for each system. As the PSVita is out and about the the PSP is fading into the twilight, I wanted to do an Appreciation Thread for Sony's original portable as well.

However, I'm not familiar with the handheld and its games. If anyone wants to help me out by hosting the thread, that would be awesome. You can reply to this post, post on my wall, or PM me. Then we can collaborate on the different topics to vote on and other stuff.

Thanks in advance. ^_~

I'll try to help you out Smeags.  I love my PSP... even though I put it to rest to play my Vita.

Around the Network
Sal.Paradise said:
Aaaah did you see Gravity Rush won GOTY at TGS! So happy for them.


Really like the Sly cover! And I think Sly looks cooler than in the trilogy. I just wish Bentley was on there. Bentley's the man!

Was Gravity Rush Goth award out of ALL consoles? If so that's amazing!


ils411 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
-EReader for Vita is also right up my ally. I keep trying to gather why people even buy tablets when a smart phone does all the same things and is more portable. Nevertheless people do. The reasoning for any gamer to opt for a tablet and not a vita is getting slim. I would love to download some ebooks and read them on the go with Vita, as I would never fathom buying a 200 machine simply for that one feature.

I'm with you on this. Actually, I dont even know wtf a tablet is for either, (android tablets, ipads, and everything else). What the hell is it even for anyway? Its like the must have thingy that has zero use. everything it does a smartphone/notebook/handheld does better.

Anyways, an Ebook reader will be awesome! While their at it, a calculater, notepad and alarm clock app would be nice. And yes, I'm serious, I always use a calculator when doing my groceries and with a calculator app, I dont have to bring one (I know my smartphone has one but hey, calculator on Vita=Awesome), note pad can be like a to do list and i can use it for my grocery list. Better yet, a port of one of those mobile office android apps would be great. With these apps, it would make the Vita even more multifunctional.

Get OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! I have been saying from jump that Sony should actually implement some of those basic phone like applications like a calculator(prefer Graphic, that would be golden). Some of those more nifty little conveniences that make it worthwhile. Also a notepad like app for just jotting down info.

Tablets just seem super silly to me. I think everyone has just been caught up in the hype of Apple's "New Gadget" and how oh so futuristic it feels but people have forgotten....

-Buttons still beat touch at funtionality. Yes sometimes they are cool but buttons give a tangible response feedback you won't get from touch, not to mention they just work more consistantly. Rememer this is the reason most don't like touch exclusive games from iphone devices with sometimes them becoming more responsive. No wondering "Did I press that? i cant tell!"

-Then there is the fact smartphones do EVERYTHING tablets do basically, with the added benefit of being more portable and being a phone. I don't understand it at all. In a sense I supose Tablets are more so a take on the laptop/PC market. Because there batterylife kinda sucks on the grander scale of things. So what if its smaller than a laptop, u still end up putting it in your bookbag/manpurse/satchel which could easily fit a laptop. If that is too heavy for you you need to work out more :/. Running PC like application programs on tablets are still a joke at this point. Feels like you are trying to run photoshop CS5 on a macantosh. 

-the whole "The screen is bigger seems odd as Laptop's screen is far bigger and like I said before, not as heavy as Apple wants you to believe. Not to mention any proper Reader app will allow you to scale font size to your liking :P Reminds me of the Apple Air laptop.......What a peice of shit that was. It looked so high tech and fancy for a laptop....but lacked any of the capabilities a lap top should have like idk.....PORTS!

At least with the Vita you are not being suckered into paying an outrageous PREMIUM price(no one complains tho :/.....) and the added bonus of hardcore gaming capabilities. Now that PS Suite is out and only $90 for the DevKit this should mean similar apps could be coming Vita's way (If Sony doesn't make it a complete headache for devs to do so). Once Vita starts to get those apps they should really start pitching Vita at the tablet lemming's market.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

M.U.G.E.N said:
@DGC: hehe yep...I keep a close eye on all sources available :D

@teflon: it seems I have hit my 100 mark on my friends list 0_o didn't even realize it..I will remove someone who I don't even remember by now and add you up

Alright lol, I had a feeling it would probably be full.

Also, I redownloaded my Nico Nico app, what time do you think the stream will show up on it? I wanna make sure I miss nothing lol

Ok poll is up :) please vote and tell us what you like

oh and teflon: added you just now ;)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!