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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Runa216 said:
Tridrakious said:
Resistance: Burning Skies was terrible. Horrendous control, sluggish, gimmicky touch controls that just got in the way, graphically pathetic, terrible hit detection, dreadful story, the characters were tacked together and I couldn't get the multiplayer to work.

When I first started I didn't know why people were bashing it so much, I thought it was good. Not great, but good, then I played for about 3 to 4 hours and just couldn't torture myself any longer. As the game was not going to get better.

Nope, wasn't terrible. 

Had good controls, much better than I expected (even mentioned it in my review)

The Gimmicky Touch Controls worked  alot better than I expected and I felt it added to the game. 

Graphically just fine.  Could be better, but it's not horrible. 

Hit detectionis fine.  

Story was pretty lame though, and the multiplayer was hit and go. 

Well you've got your opinion and I've got mine. I didn't write up a review for this game for my own site, because I honestly just didn't care to spread the word about how bad it was. Just like with Lewis, you both seem to like the game a lot better than I did.

I just don't need to stamp "I reviewed this game for [insert website/magazine here] and my opinion is worth more than your opinion, because I was paid for my opinion".

I dispise this game. I gave Zipper Interactive a lot of crap on top of several reasons why I believed they should have been shut down, but they should have been given the chance to develop a Resistance game. Nihilistic has really only one more chance to save themselves and their lucky, because they have the strongest franchise in gaming to do it.

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So we can all agree that reviewers nowdays are more or less useless because thats also the feeling i have most of the time.

1. Reviewers always calling for innovation and something new but what do they show on there sites. All the praise for Call of Duty ect but no infos for games that arent so popular.
2. The Vita bias sometimes is ridicous. My favourite gaming magazine alsways postet Famitsu Numbers with titles like Vita last again and so on and so on but when a game like Miku or Persona 4 released they have no news with how good the vita is selling this week, but then again a week after when the vita dropped again the have a news about how much the vita dropped. Thats insane.
3. Reviewers give game a a 9 or 10 out of 10 too often early in the gen. Right knwo when games released which are better and also the reviewer said it was better than they give it a lower rating.
4. Most of the reviewers think that every game that hasnt a multiplayer and dont have open world are should lowered the score
5. Most of the reviewers want new periphals but do a hardcore gamer like me need that. I am happy with my Dualshock
6. Some reviowers are plain stupid and have no knowing about games history-like an example when tre discussion was how many 1st party charakter could be in PSBR some were talking that they even dont know 5 charakters that could be in the game. Well Kratos, Nathan Drake, Sackboy, Sly, Ratchet and clank, Jak and Daxter, Crash- thats 7 charakter and from popular series. Ands the less populara arent mentioned. A reviewer should know that otherwise he should get fired.
7.Reviewers tend to give a more subjective score rather than objective. That shouldnt be the case. In my opinion a reviewer must stay objective even if he didnt like the charakter or the game what ever.

So what i want to say is i dont give a damn shit about reviewers nowdays.I can do a better job than most of the reviewers out there.

I hope the Vita version of Earth Defence Force gets localised. Those games are just silly fun, and I reckon it'd be really enjoyable on the system:

Then again, I could probably just import a copy when I get my Vita and it'd work alright, they're hardly all about the story anyway!

^Reviews by reviewers are still useful though. The trick is not put much weight on any one reviewer. I usually read 3-5 reviews and look at the scores other reviewers give a game. I also don't read reviews base on scores or anything, what I do is read the extremes, like the two highest and two lowest and one in the middle.

There are also times when you find a reviewer who has almost the same taste/preference as you when it comes to games and follow that reviewer more than others.

But as a rule of thumb, I base a huge percentage of my decision on game images and gameplay videos. Lastly, if the cover art looks good, then why not? lol!

COme to think of it, the only reason I bought Shadow Hearts one for the PS2 was coz of the cute sexy chick on the cover lol! I ended loving it, then I got Shadow Hearts two, which is my favorite RPG EVER! along side Xenogears. Too bad Shadow Hearts 3 didn't live up to the awesomeness of Covenant, but still good though.

Kresnik said:
I hope the Vita version of Earth Defence Force gets localised. Those games are just silly fun, and I reckon it'd be really enjoyable on the system:

Then again, I could probably just import a copy when I get my Vita and it'd work alright, they're hardly all about the story anyway!

I know, its rediculously fun! Nothing beats killing giant insects. I hope It does get localized as I'd much rather play it in a language that I can understand. Actually, if they just make the start up menues and options english and keep everything, including the story in japanese, i'd still buy it. Mindless fun >>>>>>> understanding the story haha

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Heavenly_King said:
ils411 said:
Does anyone remember Chaos Legion? I enjoyed that game lots! A Vita port would be awesome!

I think that the "sequel" is the part of DMC4 in which you are Nero RE LOL XD

umm.. I dont get it.. must be coz I never got around to playing DMC4 I owned it once but sold it when I sold my 1st PS3, then I bought another PS3, then traded it to an xbox360, then traded to xbox360 go a wii with 2 wiimotes and a guitar controller, then sold that wii then bought a psp, then sold that psp and got an xbox360, then sold that 360 for a wii, then again sold taht wii and got a ps3 that died on me and then sold it for parts and then got a hacked wii, then sold that shit and got a 3ds, then sold that and got a psvita and now this vita will stay with me till it dies or till i sudenly nead money hahahahaha! such is the cycle of a poor gamer

hey guys, wanna read something funny? look for the thread where this biased fanboy is trying to compare the £200++ Vita to a £500++ cellphone... keeps claiming that the Vita's power has been beaten by a mobile phone, that is "gasp"! over £500++ ahahahahaha! people just loves to keep spinning the wheel.

ils411 said:
hey guys, wanna read something funny? look for the thread where this biased fanboy is trying to compare the £200++ Vita to a £500++ cellphone... keeps claiming that the Vita's power has been beaten by a mobile phone, that is "gasp"! over £500++ ahahahahaha! people just loves to keep spinning the wheel.

I actually don't mind him making the comparison.  It's the fact that in that thread, he's comparing the price of the Vita to the price of the iPhone because "you'll always have a contract so it's just accepted", with posts like this:

I'm not quite sure what he doesn't understand about contracts.  For example, when I got my iPhone 3GS, I paid a lump sum of something like £100 up front, and then £35 a month fixed contract for 18 months.  Once the contract was up, I switched to my current plan which is £10 a month for the same amount of minutes, texts and 3G limits.

So basically, I paid £100 + 18 x £25 = £550 for the phone on it's own.

Compare that to a £200 one-off payment for a Vita (+ a memory card these days I guess, but still), there's just no contest.

Heavenly_King said:
Why Sony in Japan only has 1 studio?? why no more like in US or EU?? Or "Japan Studio" represent more than 1?

From what I can tell, SONY has two major studios in Japan. 

SONY Japan Studio
Polyphony Digital 

Within SONY Japan Studio there are 2 other studio's working as subsidaries. Those are Project Siren (Siren Series, Gravity Rush) and Team ICO.

So they have really 4 studio's in Japan: Japan Studio, Project Siren, Team ICO, Polyphony Digital.
Vs 5 studio's in Eu: SCE Cambridge, London, Media Molecule, Guerilla Games, and Evolution.
And 6 in US: SCE Santa Monica, San Diego, Bend, Foster City [This is a support studio], Naughty Dog and SuckerPunch.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:

Vs 5 studio's in Eu: SCE Cambridge, London, Media Molecule, Guerilla Games, and Evolution.

XDev in Europe.  A support studio like Foster City.