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So we can all agree that reviewers nowdays are more or less useless because thats also the feeling i have most of the time.

1. Reviewers always calling for innovation and something new but what do they show on there sites. All the praise for Call of Duty ect but no infos for games that arent so popular.
2. The Vita bias sometimes is ridicous. My favourite gaming magazine alsways postet Famitsu Numbers with titles like Vita last again and so on and so on but when a game like Miku or Persona 4 released they have no news with how good the vita is selling this week, but then again a week after when the vita dropped again the have a news about how much the vita dropped. Thats insane.
3. Reviewers give game a a 9 or 10 out of 10 too often early in the gen. Right knwo when games released which are better and also the reviewer said it was better than they give it a lower rating.
4. Most of the reviewers think that every game that hasnt a multiplayer and dont have open world are should lowered the score
5. Most of the reviewers want new periphals but do a hardcore gamer like me need that. I am happy with my Dualshock
6. Some reviowers are plain stupid and have no knowing about games history-like an example when tre discussion was how many 1st party charakter could be in PSBR some were talking that they even dont know 5 charakters that could be in the game. Well Kratos, Nathan Drake, Sackboy, Sly, Ratchet and clank, Jak and Daxter, Crash- thats 7 charakter and from popular series. Ands the less populara arent mentioned. A reviewer should know that otherwise he should get fired.
7.Reviewers tend to give a more subjective score rather than objective. That shouldnt be the case. In my opinion a reviewer must stay objective even if he didnt like the charakter or the game what ever.

So what i want to say is i dont give a damn shit about reviewers nowdays.I can do a better job than most of the reviewers out there.