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^Reviews by reviewers are still useful though. The trick is not put much weight on any one reviewer. I usually read 3-5 reviews and look at the scores other reviewers give a game. I also don't read reviews base on scores or anything, what I do is read the extremes, like the two highest and two lowest and one in the middle.

There are also times when you find a reviewer who has almost the same taste/preference as you when it comes to games and follow that reviewer more than others.

But as a rule of thumb, I base a huge percentage of my decision on game images and gameplay videos. Lastly, if the cover art looks good, then why not? lol!

COme to think of it, the only reason I bought Shadow Hearts one for the PS2 was coz of the cute sexy chick on the cover lol! I ended loving it, then I got Shadow Hearts two, which is my favorite RPG EVER! along side Xenogears. Too bad Shadow Hearts 3 didn't live up to the awesomeness of Covenant, but still good though.