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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
DemoniOtaku said:
Runa216 said:
darkknightkryta said:
Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:
I know that it has nothing to do with this thread, but I just platinumed MGS4...WOOT!!! XD

dude that is hardcore. don't you have to like beat the game 4 times at minimum and have a run where you do it all without being spotted?

I did a Big Boss run a few years back.  It's a pain, but ultimately you have to beat the game in less than 5 hours.  The platinum doesn't seem too hard after doing the Big Boss run.

yeah I just don't have the patience for that kind of perfection.  there are few games I master anymore, I'm too busy playing a variety of games and game types to master one.  I think the last game I mastered Fantasy X or XII.  you know, beat all the arena monsters and get all the celestial weapons, or in 12 get all the marks.  the idea of playing through the same game a half dozen times and mastering it just seems....tedious.  Especially a game like Metal Gear solid 4, which I found was pretty tough even on normal mode.  

And with two hours cutscenes less! Even if you can skip them... is kinda boring... I will try to complete MGS4 again.. this time I'll have the incentive of the trophies!


and about Inf**king's surprise.. Soul Sacrifice will have World wide release THIS YEAR?! That's the only inaF**ckYEAH surprise that he could give us, rigth?

i think i'd almost be disappointed.  not that i don't want to play it but this is an important title for vita.  it needs more marketing hype before release and so far sony hasn't given it enough emphasis.

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So I've been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat and I've been doing great getting the trophies, until I looked up the "My kung fu is stronger" trophy. I have to win 100 battles, do 100 fatalities, do 150 X-rays, spill 10,000 pints of blood, and play for 24 hours...with each character! What gives! Even playing tag team thats 432 hours! I know you can rubber band trick it for time, but I did twice and it didn't save those hours either time after I relaunched the game. So either I have to ensure I time all characters after the other goals are met without exiting the game or having my Vita turned off for 18 days straight? Wtf. To get this normally it will take a solid year of playing a little everyday.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

kitler53 said:
DemoniOtaku said:

and about Inf**king's surprise.. Soul Sacrifice will have World wide release THIS YEAR?! That's the only inaF**ckYEAH surprise that he could give us, rigth?

i think i'd almost be disappointed.  not that i don't want to play it but this is an important title for vita.  it needs more marketing hype before release and so far sony hasn't given it enough emphasis.

Yeah That's true.. but not always surprise are good rigth?...


But with LBP, ragnarok, Persona4 golden, fifa13, Sonic racing and other tittle this year I don't mind waiting too ;)


BTW: I BOUGHT Wipeout2048 together with Tekken tag 2... next week will have a new game on Vita, I wanted HotShotGolf too but I don't have enough money rigth now.. I hope there's a new offer on PSN on that game again... :(


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Panama said:
Any news on whether the US version of Ragnarok Odyssey can play online with Asian copy owners, and whether it will have DLC? Being restricted to a EU PSN now has me worried i'd miss substantive DLC content.

Haven't heard any news, but Japanese Version owners cannot play with Asian English Versions, and both versions were published by Gungho. So, if thats any indication, Most likely the XSEED US Version wont be able to play with other versions, unless of course XSEED and Gungho unify their servers, which is highly doubtfull.

As for DLCs, the Asian Localized version already has the online patch for online multiplayer as well as all DLC Extra quests that have been released for the Japanese version. Most likely the NA version will also have these extra qeusts on cart too. As for other DLCs you might miss, only other DLCs not included in the cart are costume packs and head gears. The costume back i think is free (not sure), while the head gear costs some moola.

So, Nah, I dont think you'll missout on anything major if you opt to go for a US version or Asian Englis Version. I'd suggest to get the version that most of your friedns will be getting so you can be sure that you'll be able to play online with them.

Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:
I know that it has nothing to do with this thread, but I just platinumed MGS4...WOOT!!! XD

dude that is hardcore. don't you have to like beat the game 4 times at minimum and have a run where you do it all without being spotted?

You have to play the game EIGHT (8) times at minimum in order to collect all the emblems (for the Ipod tracks lol trophy).  And 1 of them must be on the hardest mode (The Boss Extreme), without being spotted, without dying, without using health items, without killing anybody, without using special items (stealth camo, bandanna) and beat the game in less than 5hrs XD.   Even though it is hardcore of some sorts, I think there are games a lot harder to plat, like the ones having on-line trophies lol XD.  Or at least a lot more tedious lol.

The first 2 playthroughs were in normal trying to collect some trophies and completing requirements for some emblems.  My 3rd playthrough was in The Boss Extreme, and finished that game in 3hr 32min, but considering all the retries (quitting to the main menu and load) it took me like 10 hours lol.   After that I did the last 5 playthroughs in 3 days, it almost drove me nuts!  Now I have plats in every MGS solid game XD.  If I remember right, MGS2 HD is harder to plat.

Why I wrote all of that? I dont know; maybe I just wanted to tell someone all the things I did in order to get the plat :D

I wonder how many people here also have the plat

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BasilZero said:

10 days left until TGS 2012!

Cant wait to see what is being released/announced. 

Hoping for FFType-0 International Edition for global release whether its through Digital (PSN) or Physical copy for the Vita! 

I hope XSEED also helps release Ys Celceta.

There is always an international release for FF games so hopefully they will announce a version for the PSVITA!!!

Chark said:
So I've been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat and I've been doing great getting the trophies, until I looked up the "My kung fu is stronger" trophy. I have to win 100 battles, do 100 fatalities, do 150 X-rays, spill 10,000 pints of blood, and play for 24 hours...with each character! What gives! Even playing tag team thats 432 hours! I know you can rubber band trick it for time, but I did twice and it didn't save those hours either time after I relaunched the game. So either I have to ensure I time all characters after the other goals are met without exiting the game or having my Vita turned off for 18 days straight? Wtf. To get this normally it will take a solid year of playing a little everyday.

24hour with every character 0_0, that is just crazy. 5hours would have been enough by far. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

ils411 said:
Panama said:
Any news on whether the US version of Ragnarok Odyssey can play online with Asian copy owners, and whether it will have DLC? Being restricted to a EU PSN now has me worried i'd miss substantive DLC content.

Haven't heard any news, but Japanese Version owners cannot play with Asian English Versions, and both versions were published by Gungho. So, if thats any indication, Most likely the XSEED US Version wont be able to play with other versions, unless of course XSEED and Gungho unify their servers, which is highly doubtfull.

As for DLCs, the Asian Localized version already has the online patch for online multiplayer as well as all DLC Extra quests that have been released for the Japanese version. Most likely the NA version will also have these extra qeusts on cart too. As for other DLCs you might miss, only other DLCs not included in the cart are costume packs and head gears. The costume back i think is free (not sure), while the head gear costs some moola.

So, Nah, I dont think you'll missout on anything major if you opt to go for a US version or Asian Englis Version. I'd suggest to get the version that most of your friedns will be getting so you can be sure that you'll be able to play online with them.

Thanks for the in depth response.

Colonel Flounder from LBP Vita

Colonel Flounder was once a legendary Ringmaster and the pride of all Carnivalia. But now he is desperately seeking a hero to help return Carnivalia to glory. Dancing wildly on the borderline between healthy eccentricity and stark-raving lunacy, the Colonel is still one of the finest mentors in the land. Sackboy simply couldn’t be in better hands!

Meet Colonel Flounder and a whole host of new characters in Sackboy's brand new adventure on LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Hey guys when do you think will Sony make some TV ads for Little Big Planet Vita? The game releases in one week its about time or not?