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kitler53 said:
DemoniOtaku said:

and about Inf**king's surprise.. Soul Sacrifice will have World wide release THIS YEAR?! That's the only inaF**ckYEAH surprise that he could give us, rigth?

i think i'd almost be disappointed.  not that i don't want to play it but this is an important title for vita.  it needs more marketing hype before release and so far sony hasn't given it enough emphasis.

Yeah That's true.. but not always surprise are good rigth?...


But with LBP, ragnarok, Persona4 golden, fifa13, Sonic racing and other tittle this year I don't mind waiting too ;)


BTW: I BOUGHT Wipeout2048 together with Tekken tag 2... next week will have a new game on Vita, I wanted HotShotGolf too but I don't have enough money rigth now.. I hope there's a new offer on PSN on that game again... :(


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