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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

and I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

0_0 to 57 new posts! god damn you guys love this place! ( I do too...even while banned I read most of those posts :P)

I had just found out about the Ragnarok LE when I got looks SOOOO GOOD! And cuz we will be getting a random selection of cards we can share info and what not too. I believe you can use these cards for in game assets or something as well

and folks, THIS is the reason why the game got delayed in the west. It was explained over at gaf by one of the members of XSeed. so get this, there are only 'SIX" people working on this. and 3 of them are in marketing lol...hence the delay

I think this also tells us why they were happy with the preorder numbers for the game....they WILL make a nice chunk of profit with this with such a tiny team behind it! This is excellent news and I think we can expect their future support on the vita as well

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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M.U.G.E.N said:
and I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

0_0 to 57 new posts! god damn you guys love this place! ( I do too...even while banned I read most of those posts :P)

I had just found out about the Ragnarok LE when I got looks SOOOO GOOD! And cuz we will be getting a random selection of cards we can share info and what not too. I believe you can use these cards for in game assets or something as well

and folks, THIS is the reason why the game got delayed in the west. It was explained over at gaf by one of the members of XSeed. so get this, there are only 'SIX" people working on this. and 3 of them are in marketing lol...hence the delay

I think this also tells us why they were happy with the preorder numbers for the game....they WILL make a nice chunk of profit with this with such a tiny team behind it! This is excellent news and I think we can expect their future support on the vita as well

you know, you're the reason people think Sony fanboys are the worst....not that you ARE the worst, you're totally my bro...but like me and many others, you just get fed up with people being aggressively negative and/or ignorant and eventually you just flip.  like me!  

Welcome to the "Banned for Standing up for Sony" club!  

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This thread really seems to be only normal place for SONY followers to hang out. I'm amazed how many VG users get satisfaction from Vita's "poor" sales numbers. I think it's funny that the most vocal Vita bashers don't own the system at all... I don't mind people vocalizing their opinion if they got that opinion out of their personal experience... But how can you have experience about something if you don't own it at all? and the only "valid" source of your information are the like minded "gloom and doom" forumers...?

Pimp3k said:
This thread really seems to be only normal place for SONY followers to hang out. I'm amazed how many VG users get satisfaction from Vita's "poor" sales numbers. I think it's funny that the most vocal Vita bashers don't own the system at all... I don't mind people vocalizing their opinion if they got that opinion out of their personal experience... But how can you have experience about something if you don't own it at all? and the only "valid" source of your information are the like minded "gloom and doom" forumers...?'s a quite sad sad situation really. The intentions of most of those people are so apparent it's not even funny. Oh and i would also add that at least one of them is actually pretending to have a vita...I would bet money on it lol



aaaaaaaaaaaaand a new trailer for upcoming/current apps for vita

It's iframe so i can't seem to embed. But give it a look :) looking good

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Pimp3k said:
This thread really seems to be only normal place for SONY followers to hang out. I'm amazed how many VG users get satisfaction from Vita's "poor" sales numbers. I think it's funny that the most vocal Vita bashers don't own the system at all... I don't mind people vocalizing their opinion if they got that opinion out of their personal experience... But how can you have experience about something if you don't own it at all? and the only "valid" source of your information are the like minded "gloom and doom" forumers...?

One of them does... and the way he talks about it surprises me. His posts make me wonder why he ever bought it...

4 ≈ One

Around the Network
M.U.G.E.N said:
Pimp3k said:
This thread really seems to be only normal place for SONY followers to hang out. I'm amazed how many VG users get satisfaction from Vita's "poor" sales numbers. I think it's funny that the most vocal Vita bashers don't own the system at all... I don't mind people vocalizing their opinion if they got that opinion out of their personal experience... But how can you have experience about something if you don't own it at all? and the only "valid" source of your information are the like minded "gloom and doom" forumers...?'s a quite sad sad situation really. The intentions of most of those people are so apparent it's not even funny. Oh and i would also add that at least one of them is actually pretending to have a vita...I would bet money on it lol



aaaaaaaaaaaaand a new trailer for upcoming/current apps for vita

It's iframe so i can't seem to embed. But give it a look :) looking good

Hmm... wonder if we're thinking of the same dude.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:

Hmm... wonder if we're thinking of the same dude.

I also believe I know who you're talking about!

lol now I'm curious, can you two PM me the name of your suspect?

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

DemoniOtaku said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
But the bigger new her is the loss of liverpool. There may be no need to worry, they could take all the top people from that studio and place them under another development house and keep wipe out going. The game would remain the same and it might save Sony some bucks. But man i'll miss that splash screen popping up. Seeing liverpool at the begging of the game assures quality. I really to pay homage to one the the greatest studios that ever was. I was thinking about making a tread about it. If anyone would like to help it would be great. But maybe for a week we could all run Wipeout on our vitas and PS3 24/7 Logged on just to let sony know how we feel about it. It would be great if we could get a a good amount of people to do it. It might send a message to Sony. What do you guys think?

Yeah! they have been arround since PSX! And they have made some jewells for PlasyStation brand! I will miss them :'(

I'm utterly gutted at Liverpool Studio closing. They've been a part of my life since before PlayStation as they were fomerly Psygnosis releasing games on the old Home Computers (Atari/Amiga etc). Shadow of the Beast remake NEEDED to happen! :(

Apparently a lot of the talent from the company are already being picked up by other developers. Liverpool is actually pretty close to me as it's only about a an hour and a half's drive from here and there are a surprising number of high profile developers around here including studios for Activision, Rockstar, Codemasters and Sony have other studios like Evolution. Fingers crossed for everyone there. It's always sad to read about this stuff, especially for a team that has been together for like 20+ years!

One thing I'm noticing this genrations is the studios in the line for shuttering are the ones which are making great games that are critically acclaimed but for some reason not selling at all, I guess because they don't involve marines shooting things :( The market for racing games especially this generation seems to have fallen through the floor.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

M.U.G.E.N said:
lol now I'm curious, can you two PM me the name of your suspect?

it's me, it's gotta be me!  

But I think the most annoying thing is that they're all masking their hatred under the ever-present doomsayer that is "sales."  since it IS selling poorly, they're all falling back on the "it's doing bad therefore it's okay to hate it and hope it fails" wagon, and so few are being optimistic and actually HOPING for it to get better, or for it to get the killer apps. 

Frankly, I don't know how "Uncharted" isn't a killer app.  it's a well reviewed entry in a critically acclaimed franchise (one of the msot critically adored series' this generation), and it was a launch title.  I just don't understand why people claim it has no games.  WHYYYY?! 

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