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DemoniOtaku said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
But the bigger new her is the loss of liverpool. There may be no need to worry, they could take all the top people from that studio and place them under another development house and keep wipe out going. The game would remain the same and it might save Sony some bucks. But man i'll miss that splash screen popping up. Seeing liverpool at the begging of the game assures quality. I really to pay homage to one the the greatest studios that ever was. I was thinking about making a tread about it. If anyone would like to help it would be great. But maybe for a week we could all run Wipeout on our vitas and PS3 24/7 Logged on just to let sony know how we feel about it. It would be great if we could get a a good amount of people to do it. It might send a message to Sony. What do you guys think?

Yeah! they have been arround since PSX! And they have made some jewells for PlasyStation brand! I will miss them :'(

I'm utterly gutted at Liverpool Studio closing. They've been a part of my life since before PlayStation as they were fomerly Psygnosis releasing games on the old Home Computers (Atari/Amiga etc). Shadow of the Beast remake NEEDED to happen! :(

Apparently a lot of the talent from the company are already being picked up by other developers. Liverpool is actually pretty close to me as it's only about a an hour and a half's drive from here and there are a surprising number of high profile developers around here including studios for Activision, Rockstar, Codemasters and Sony have other studios like Evolution. Fingers crossed for everyone there. It's always sad to read about this stuff, especially for a team that has been together for like 20+ years!

One thing I'm noticing this genrations is the studios in the line for shuttering are the ones which are making great games that are critically acclaimed but for some reason not selling at all, I guess because they don't involve marines shooting things :( The market for racing games especially this generation seems to have fallen through the floor.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.