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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Race for the Golden Disc

PC doesn't count. This is a console tracking site :)


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Hopefully the PS3 will see another 200$ price drop during the full year of 08. Competition is good!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

leo-j said:

PC killed console because of graphics? Yea sure :S

 I'm sorry but i didnt say a single thing about graphuics. the gamesof 2007 were just enough. Graphics... ill jsut say Crysis but graphics dont make a game, its the gameplay

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ssj12 said:
leo-j said:

PC killed console because of graphics? Yea sure :S

 I'm sorry but i didnt say a single thing about graphuics. the gamesof 2007 were just enough. Graphics... ill jsut say Crysis but graphics dont make a game, its the gameplay


"And God said unto John, come forth, and ye shall receive eternal life. But John came fifth, and he got a toaster."

Xbox360 – 26.5 million

Wow, you really expect the 360 to sell a lot better in 2008 than it did in 2006 and 2007. 

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TheBigFatJ said:

Xbox360 – 26.5 million

Wow, you really expect the 360 to sell a lot better in 2008 than it did in 2006 and 2007.

 Yes. I expect another price cut to do the job nicely. It's only another 11 million units.


Currently playing: Civ 6

ssj12's constant support of the PC amuses me, mostly because I was a PC gamer back in the early-to-mid 90s. Not by choice, mind; my parents didn't want to shell out for a SNES and its $50 to $80 games. Anyway, I played an awful lot of games on PC back then. But then 1999 rolled around and I got a PS1, and rarely went back to the PC afterwards. Nowadays, my PC is used for the occasional game of Sims 2, and not much else entertainment-wise.

Concerning the write-up, I'd say it does a good job of highlighting each company's strong points this year. Rather reminded me of most award shows and their ilk, actually...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Reasonable analysis, though I think your yearly sales numbers are off. Right now Nintendo is pushing 1.8 million per month, which, if that held consistent and the system continued to sell out thrugh 2008, would only get them to 41 million or so. Granted they will likely increase production, but I also have a hard time believing that they will continue to have demand exceeding supply. I think granting them 2 million per month to bring them to 44 million seems more reasonable, with maybe another 2-3 for the holiday season.

With the 360 26 million would likely mean lanother 10 million, or a 25% increase over this year. I think this is reasonable unless they are really going to go all year without a big - and long overdue- price cut.

For PS3 to hit 21 million, we're talking about an even bigger increase than with the 360. I'm not sure Sony has a big price cut in them before the fall, and have a hard time seeing them getting past 20 million.

Anyway... I'd dish out the awards as follows:

Golden Disk: Nintendo. Anyone who needs an explanation should not even be here.

Silver Disk: Microsoft. Admittedly it didn't seem to want the award at times, from the RROD, to the dismal E3 showing, to the ongoing failure in Japan. However, they did have the biggest game of the year in Halo 3, a couple of stellar, platform exclusive titles (Bioshock, Mass Effect), and just building a spectacular library overall. Add in the fix of the RROD, the revamping of the ludicrous "Core" model, and the fact that it managed to hold its ground over the PS3, I feel it did about as much right as wrong.

Bronze Disk: Just missed out on the Turd-Green-Halo3-Edition Disk. The first two thirds of 2007 was one of the worst periods for any gaming company over the past 10 years (Sega excluded). The problems with sales were further compounded with some rancid PR moves (if only Sony had to make good on that $1000/console bet...) and a very dry spell for software. Fortunately for Sony, things picked up after August, as the lastest pricing structure seems to be taking hold (though we'll see how well it continues after the holidays, when fewer people are willing to buy big ticket entertainment items). And while most of their exclusive titles failed to set the world on fire as fanboys had hoped, thanks to titles such as Oblivion, Orange Box, CoD4, and Uncharted new PS3 owners are no longer limited to knee-jerk purchases of Resistance. Why not give Sony the Bronze? Simply because it's only looking so good now because it was doing so badly before. It's a bit like BluRay - it really isn't doing very well, but it has that perception because HDDVD isdoing that much worse. And it doesn't help that this turnaround comes at precisely the time when hardware sales normally get a boost. I think we have to be skeptical before deciding that this current cicumstance is in fact, the beginning of a long term trend.

Floppy Disk Award: To the PC, because it's just in another catagory altogether.

leo-j said:
I hate soriku

 lol.  a show of jealousy?  You belong as a Sony fanboy, leo-j.  You know a superhero is only as super as his greatest nemesis is evil.  Your rivalry is hilarious.  and I agree that you guys love each other. haha.


 cdude 1034, my reactions to your topic are as follows:  yep yep yep awwww....pish....awww...yep yep yep..  uh huh.  yeah.  cool.  isn't that nice.  yeah.  aww.

Decent predictions by the way, and i'm interested to see how much Nintendo will actually increase production in light of Wii AND DS demand.  I think Wii is the more crucial market for them to prove themselves right now.

Thanks for the feedback everybody. As you can probably tell, I tried to be a neutral as I possibly could with the write up, but it was incredibly difficult.

As for the predictions, they're just that. I've been historically low in the past, so this is a chance for me to redeem myself with some more extreme predictions.

It's interesting to see the everyone go back and forth for second place between Sony and Microsoft. Almost as interesting, Nintendo is unanimously the company of the year for everyone who's posted.


Currently playing: Civ 6