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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Project Cafe: will be the PS2 of its generation!

This information supposedly comes from a close 3rd party contact...

“Nintendo’s new machine is powerful and though I hate to bash, it won’t be another Dreamcast. This will be the PS2 of its generation.”

If this is true, it would speak well of Project Cafe's power. The Dreamcast was considered a half-step in power, but the PS2 was a full generation leap.




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I dont think we will ever have a "PS2" again so Before We jump outrageous conclusions:

Lets wait for a reveal: Rumors are lookin overboardish
Lets wait for developer response
Lets wait for Consumer response

Xxain said:
I dont think we will ever have a "PS2" again so Before We jump outrageous conclusions:

Lets wait for a reveal: Rumors are lookin overboardish
Lets wait for developer response
Lets wait for Consumer response

I think they are referring to it's power and availability of third party games more so than 'sales' and its extensive library.



dany612 said:
Xxain said:
I dont think we will ever have a "PS2" again so Before We jump outrageous conclusions:

Lets wait for a reveal: Rumors are lookin overboardish
Lets wait for developer response
Lets wait for Consumer response

I think they are referring to it's power and availability of third party games more so than 'sales' and its extensive library.

If the next nintendo console has competitive online and 3rd party support then who knows it may be a huge success


In terms of sales, I doubt it. The markets are too split now for a single console to completely annihilate the others in sales. In terms of third party games, it's plausible, but once the PS4/720 come out, most games will either be multi-plat between the three or the support will shift entirely to the PS4/720.

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It won't be, nor in hardware power or in sales.

I should let you all know, I know someone who is high up at Activision and he says that the controller will cost up to $100, and the console is likely going to be another Gamecube-like effort from Nintendo.


dany612 said:
Xxain said:
I dont think we will ever have a "PS2" again so Before We jump outrageous conclusions:

Lets wait for a reveal: Rumors are lookin overboardish
Lets wait for developer response
Lets wait for Consumer response

I think they are referring to it's power and availability of third party games more so than 'sales' and its extensive library.

Oh I wasnt refering to Sales: In order for Cafe to be a PS2 it would mean it getting everything and SONY and MS getting nothing... Not gonna happen You dont even if Cafe will get 3rd party support like PS2 did to even begin with if the rumors are true Nintendo console doest like mainstream console but more current HD system

hmm.. a nearly 3 way tie, like the last years of this generation, looks more likely to me right now than any "PS2"-like domination, but lets see what each company brings to the table

In order to have another PS2 (in sales) we will need a lot of the 3rd party exclusives games for the console, what I don't believe will happen in the next gen. However, Nintendo is the only company that have enough 1st party games to win a generation even without 3rd party support (mostly multipart games), so if Nintendo repeat the Wii line-up in next console but manage to get a better 3rd party support, I'm sure we can see Project Cafe selling more than 120 million unities in 5 years.