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Which is funny ya know cause its called Pro Evolution Soccer, not football, meaning the name is more directed at Americans than anyone. Weird eh.

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Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and Okami are the games that I will be buying. Its amusing that some people say that games like Red Steel 2 or Disaster: Day of Crisis will suck but there hasn't been any gameplay footage of these games but when a game like Alan Wake appears for the Xbox...sweet Jesus its the greatest game ever even though there hasn't been any gameplay footage shown. Bias.

FightingIllini said:
Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and Okami are the games that I will be buying. Its amusing that some people say that games like Red Steel 2 or Disaster: Day of Crisis will suck but there hasn't been any gameplay footage of these games but when a game like Alan Wake appears for the Xbox...sweet Jesus its the greatest game ever even though there hasn't been any gameplay footage shown. Bias.

Well, I think it is understandable to be skeptical about Red Steel 2 because Red Steel was not a great game and suffered heavily from Ubisoft's typical lack of polish ...

Disaster: Day of Crisis has me interested mostly because the business deal surrounding it reminds me of when Nintendo bought Retro; historically Nintendo has been amazingly careful about the developers that it buys, and because of that most of their game developers produce enjoyable games.

well the series started as international superstar soccer
and had a name change sometime during the 90's
konami probably didn't change it into pro evolution football to at least keep something of the former name in the new title, eventhough they of course knew by then that the americans weren't playing it


so it's really strange
in japan they call it football
in every country of the world where the game is popular they call it football
but somehow konami decided to call their game international superstar soccer and change that into pro evolution soccer.. lol


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Bully – possibly
Smash bros brawl, -- DAY 1
Mario Kart – DAY 1
Wii Fit – DAY 1
Disaster Day of crisis—doubtful
Tales of Symphonia 2 – probably
Monster Lab -- doubtful,
Dragon quest swords – probably (anyone got any good info on this),
No more heroes -- doubful
FF CC (young king) WiiWare -- possibly
RedSteel 2 – possibly ,
Final fantasy CC:CB -- possibly ,
Samba de amigo – probably (have the DC version),
Animal crossing – probably ,
King's story – don’t know (what is this),
Worms – possibly (if it is actually good),
Mushroom men, -- don’t know (what is this),
Wii Music -- DAY 1 (iff it exists),
Monster hunter 3 – probably not,
We love golf – DAY 1
Oboro Muramasa – don’t know (what is this),
Fatal frame 4 -- no,
Chocobo's dungeon (hopefully it will come to NA) – probably
Okami – DAY 1,
A new beginning -- don’t know (what is this),
Endless ocean – probably ,
Mario Baseball – DAY 1,
Wii MotorSports – DAY 1,
Harvest Moon – probably
Kirby Wii – DAY 1 (iff it exists),
de Blob -- don’t know (what is this),
Spore – DAY 1
Blocks – possibly ,
Fragile -- don’t know (what is this),,
House of dead 2&3 – probably
Baroque – probably not
Ghostbusters – possibly
Star wars force unleashed – possibly
Rygar – probably not
Civilization revolution – probably

That’s 9 DAY 1 titles and 9 probably titles.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


2008 will be a great year for the Wii, there's a huge bunch of titles coming we don't even know about yet from Nintendo and even many 3rd parties. I don't know why a few on here have said the PS3/360 have marginally better games coming out, the only one I was really looking forward to was Fable 2, oh and RE5.

But with the 360 and PS3's recent track record of incredible game hype and hardly any payoff (look at Lair, Heavenly Sword, Halo 3 etc) I am not too bothered about what games the HD systems have coming out, but I do think the Wii will have an even better year than its first, with many 3rd party developers really focussing on the Wii now it's the clear generation leader.

Remember, the reason most 3rd party games were disappointing on the Wii (well all systems really, but mainly the Wii) was that when many of them began development the Wii seemed nothing more than a fad that wouldn't last two minutes. Now there's no question of its longevity and continued success, I think we'll see a dramatic upswing in their support and overall quality of product as the year progresses.

Year one for the Wii produced some true gems: Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Guitar Hero 3, Zack & Wiki, RE4, Wii Sports, Mario Strikers Charged and a handful of other great games such as WarioWare, Super Monkey Ball, Trauma Centre, Mario & Sonic and more. 2008 should be awesome.

I do kind of chuckle at the mentality that every game we don't know much about is automatically a AAA title. Too human AAA! Alan Wake AAA! King's Story AAA!!

Alot of AAA titles will probably end up in the 7-8 range (sometimes worse). We know that from history. Lair, Heavenly sword, NiGHTS, ect ect. You can't really just make a list of games for each system and say "This one has the strongest line up fo' sho'! So suck it wii/360/PS3 owners!" Because honestly outside of a few titles that ARE guaranteed to be good (Brawl, MGS4, Fable 2) it's all just speculation, unfounded opinion and conjecture. And each of the 3 systems definately has a few games coming out next year that are certain to be good.

So at the end of 08 maybe we'll know who had the strongest line up (delays will also factor in, and be known by then), but right now alot of it is just assigning games we know almost nothing about high praise, and AAA status. Games that aren't out yet are always better than the ones that are out, or so the saying goes.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

@Zucas, I've read your post you linked to. Excellent read. Please post it on VGC somewhere (preferably the news section if a mod agrees).

The_vagabond7 said:
I do kind of chuckle at the mentality that every game we don't know much about is automatically a AAA title. Too human AAA! Alan Wake AAA! King's Story AAA!!

Alot of AAA titles will probably end up in the 7-8 range (sometimes worse). We know that from history. Lair, Heavenly sword, NiGHTS, ect ect. You can't really just make a list of games for each system and say "This one has the strongest line up fo' sho'! So suck it wii/360/PS3 owners!"

 how can you lump Lair and HS into the same category? One averages 5.3/10, one averages 8/10 from Critics