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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ship v Sold Wii/PS3/360 - Dec 2013 and post adjustments.

kowenicki said:
Wii Supply seems high too, but with such low numbers perhaps we are in the realms of minimum order levels? Dunno.

Over to Sony for the last set of numbers.

When are they due?

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kowenicki said:
neerdowell said:
Not sure if it's been mentioned already but for what it's worth, personally I think that Microsoft is shipping right where they probably want to be. If anything, I think retailers have probably known about the new models for the PS3 and likely don't want to be stuck clearing them out, so they have intentionally ordered less.

The 360 might be slightly undertracked but not as much as indicated by shipping discrepancies.

Except there is no way retailers would know 6 - 12 months in advance so that doesn't really work for the figures here does it? and secondly the release of the new version is apparently delayed due to too high stock of existing PS3's in the channel. 

and for your last sentence.... how can you possibly know that and what is that statement based on?

*Face palm* Please stop spreading FUD. Sony themselves have said supply has been low for a while due to the Tsunami which disrupted production and the new slim PS3 is not being delayed due to having too higher stock, that was just a baseless rumour.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
neerdowell said:
Not sure if it's been mentioned already but for what it's worth, personally I think that Microsoft is shipping right where they probably want to be. If anything, I think retailers have probably known about the new models for the PS3 and likely don't want to be stuck clearing them out, so they have intentionally ordered less.

The 360 might be slightly undertracked but not as much as indicated by shipping discrepancies.

Except there is no way retailers would know 6 - 12 months in advance so that doesn't really work for the figures here does it? and secondly the release of the new version is apparently delayed due to too high stock of existing PS3's in the channel. 

and for your last sentence.... how can you possibly know that and what is that statement based on?

*Face palm* Please stop spreading FUD. Sony themselves have said supply has been low for a while due to the Tsunami which disrupted production and the new slim PS3 is not being delayed due to having too higher stock, that was just a baseless rumour.

so when is it out then?....  and why is the PS3 the only tech device in short supply because of a Tsunami that took place over a year ago? 

Oh look

Financial Times:

August 1, 2011 10:46 pm

Japan’s tsunami supply chain comeback

After the paralysis of the global supply chain caused by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March, there have been the inevitable calls for a rethink of global, just-in-time supply systems. Some predicted that the disruption would last until the end of the year, if not longer. But just four months on, Japan’s recovery is taking place with remarkable speed, in large part because of the unusual brand of co-operative capitalism that underpins the tight-knit and remarkably resilient Japanese business system.

Figures last Friday revealed that Japan’s industrial production had risen for the third month in a row, with auto manufacturers reviving especially strongly. Mitsubishi Electric also announced better than expected first-quarter profits, and has revised upwards its earnings estimates for this year. Other companies have responded strongly too: Hitachi, much of whose domestic production capacity is located in the area most affected, was almost fully operational by the end of March, while Hitachi Port, crippled by the disasters, reopened on April 3.

When Sony themselves sight that the Tsunami disrupted production in their own financial report then yeah it's a fact it happened, and you'll get the exact PS3 slim release date on the 14th of August at Gamescon.

Kowen is still fighting the good fight I see.

If you look at your own chart, 1.13M in the supply channel isn't unusual at this time of the year for MS. Not to mention there was also the release of Star Wars Kinect, which I'm sure retailers probabaly thought wsas going to be pretty big, what with the custom console bundle and all. I highly doubt VGC is that far off.

I think that the Wii is slightly overtracked, Xbox 360 is dead on, and PS3 is about 200K-300K overtracked.

For the record I think Sony shipped around 1.5-1.6 million consoles (likely 1.5) the last quarter.

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Great job, kowenicki!

Sales dropping so bad, your charts will likely have lots of days of supply for all 3.

kowenicki said:
thismeintiel said:
Kowen is still fighting the good fight I see.

If you look at your own chart, 1.13M in the supply channel isn't unusual at this time of the year for MS. Not to mention there was also the release of Star Wars Kinect, which I'm sure retailers probabaly thought wsas going to be pretty big, what with the custom console bundle and all. I highly doubt VGC is that far off.

I really cant be arsed dealing with this point yet again, Im not the only one to have dealt with it.

Dont bother replying, not remotely interested.

I think I will respond, regardless of your wishes.  I'm kind of a dick that way, lol.

The fact remains that history is not in your favor.  It seems MS prefers to keep ~1M-1.4M in the channels at any given time, so 1.13M is definitely not out of the question and is actually on the lower end of that spectrum.  Then you have the fact that Best Buy and Gamestop have started offering the $99 360 deal, as well.  I'm sure they wanted to make sure they had enough 360s, just in case the deal is a huge hit.  Now, if there were no special deals going on the previous quarter and the NeXbox had already launched, I would get your point.  But since the 360 is still MS's main focus in terms of HW, they are going to make sure they have just as much in the channels as always.

thismeintiel said:
kowenicki said:
thismeintiel said:
Kowen is still fighting the good fight I see.

If you look at your own chart, 1.13M in the supply channel isn't unusual at this time of the year for MS. Not to mention there was also the release of Star Wars Kinect, which I'm sure retailers probabaly thought wsas going to be pretty big, what with the custom console bundle and all. I highly doubt VGC is that far off.

I really cant be arsed dealing with this point yet again, Im not the only one to have dealt with it.

Dont bother replying, not remotely interested.

I think I will respond, regardless of your wishes.  I'm kind of a dick that way, lol.

The fact remains that history is not in your favor.  It seems MS prefers to keep ~1M-1.4M in the channels at any given time, so 1.13M is definitely not out of the question and is actually on the lower end of that spectrum.  Then you have the fact that Best Buy and Gamestop have started offering the $99 360 deal, as well.  I'm sure they wanted to make sure they had enough 360s, just in case the deal is a huge hit.  Now, if there were no special deals going on the previous quarter and the NeXbox had already launched, I would get your point.  But since the 360 is still MS's main focus in terms of HW, they are going to make sure they have just as much in the channels as always.

damn you two have been going on about this since december! move on!

kowenicki said:
Legend11 said:
I think that the Wii is slightly overtracked, Xbox 360 is dead on, and PS3 is about 200K-300K overtracked.

For the record I think Sony shipped around 1.5-1.6 million consoles (likely 1.5) the last quarter.

wii overtracked?  huh?  undertracked if anything, along with the 360.  PS3 looks overtracked here but we shall have to wait for the bang up to date numbers.

you've been saying a while 360 is being undertracked. why havnt vgchartz adjusted x360 numbers then?