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Forums - General Discussion - Church forced girl, 15, to apologize for pregnancy by rape


The year was 1997, and 15-year-old Cristina Anderson was babysitting for 39-year-old Ernest Willis, a fellow parishioner at the Trinity Baptist Church in Concord, New Hampshire. Unfortunately, according to police, Willis was a degenerate who liked to rape little girls...

Christina says Rev. Charles Phelps made her apologize before the entire congregation for getting pregnant, then shipped her off to Colorado
Christina ended up pregnant by her assailant. But instead of turning Willis in -- or tuning him up behind the parish hall, as St. Peter would have wished -- Pastor Charles Phelps had a better way to deal with the girl's rape.

Detectives say he forced Christina to stand before the congregation and apologize for the sin of getting raped. According to some parishioners, Willis (pictured top) offered to send her out of state to get an abortion. He also offered to punch her in the stomach really hard in hopes of inducing a miscarriage, thus saving himself a Planned Parenthood bill.

But it seems Phelps decided that neither of those options were very Biblical. So, apparently with her mother's consent, Christina was shipped off to Colorado to have her baby.

Police initially investigated her case, but say the probe when cold when neither Phelps nor mom would tell them where Christina was.

Fourteen years later, the case was reopened when friends found her through social network sites. She's now 29, married and living in Arizona.

Willis now admits he had sex with Christina, but says it was consensual. Pastor Phelps claims he reported the assault to the cops back in 1997, but they weren't interested in pursuing the case, which pretty much sounds like bullshit.

There's no word on the role Christine Leaf, Christina's mom, played in the affair. But they'll all have a chance to unveil their douchebaggery this week, when jury selection for Willis' trial begins.

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It's like saying I'm sorry I ovulate.



I'm sorry god I just jizzed and oh crap tons of wasted sperm. I repent.

Of course the church would have been upset if condoms were used - I mean, using condoms does make HIV/AIDS  epidemic worse...that's a fact that is well documented by the church.

That's one messed up story,next to murder there's nothing lower as a human being,then raping a kid and it's really nothing to joke about in my opinion. I hope that guy get's what he deserves in the end.

Barbarism. We'll never have progress on problems of sexual abuse until people like this go away

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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One of the many reasons I find church dumb.

Christians are such nice people.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Machina said:

Sick. Sounds like a whole congregation witnessed that and not a single one of them did anything about it. So many fucked up people in the world.

I'm not sure - from reading it i thought that the girl didnt say anything about him and the rapist told the congregation that she was pregnant, without mentioning he was the father.

i really dont get this tbh, how could the mum send her off - unless she had no idea that the pastor was responsible. and probabily at the time no one believed her.

"which pretty much sounds like bullshit."

Is it me, or is that kind of language really out of place (not just the swearing, but just the general nature of the sentence "pretty much"??)

so because of facebook old stuff gets digged up?

*makes somes changes to his facebook settings*

ehm.. cool! good for facebook!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)