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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Red Dead Redemption

I have really mixed feelings about this game so...

Story: Sometimes great, sometimes bad, starts slow, starts to build up and then takes a complete dive in quality once you reach Mexico, it then starts to recover but the ending is terrible

Gameplay: Shooting is fun, lots of cool little things to do, anything related to farming is absolutely horrible and just not fun to play at all

Sound: Great voice acting all around, decent enough soundtrack no real complaints

Multiplayer: Not bad, didn't really get into it but it was fairly decent

Missions: A lot of filler that was just boring, but some really great and memorable ones too much more so than in GTA IV

Overall: Much better than GTA IV with better missions, MUCH better controls bur still the odd issues (riding the horse wasn't great). The main issue with the game was that it was inconsistent in every way but overall it had enough great moments to make it a very enjoyable experience



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Seriously giving this a 2 or a 3 you must never ever have liked a Rockstar game and was therefore bound to hate it.

The lowest score in this round of threads has been a 4 and then this gets a 2? I don't like people giving away 10s too easily, but this is nuts.


Together with Mass Effect 2 this is absolutely the game of 2010.

I was going to give this a 9.5 because there's only a very slight chance I'll ever want to beat it a second time and I think a perfect game should have some replayability even years after.

I was also a little dissappointed by the amount of content of the Undead Nightmare, probably because I had too high expectations. 

Last thing I want to mention is that getting insta-killed by a mountain lion and losing hours of flower and animal hunting progress sucks.

My score: 10.0

Mexico, eh?  Well, I guess I'll be avoiding this thread until I finish this game.  Don't want any more spoilers.

I'll just leave by saying that the payoff for the "American Appetites" and the "Whatever that storyline where you were asked to find Peter by that old lady wearing white" storylines were fucking awesome.  I hope there's more crazy shit like that in this game.

I can see where it could become repetive (SEE!  I can be objective) and I did the exact same mission twice last night where the guys cattle got stolen by some gang and we had to kill them all to get the cows back--I don't know how that happened--but right now, this game is the one to beat.  I flew off the handle when some publications chose RDR over ME2 last  year.  Right now, I think I see where they're coming from.  Enjoy the thread, guys.

*leaves thread......for now*

snfr said:

On some people's scale 7.0 is still 'good', for other ones a 7.0 means 'mediocre', etc. That's why I don't really complain or even care about review scores or score's of other people.

The rules of the thread demand that the game in question be rated on a scale where a 7 means 'average', though.

yo_john117 said:

2. Scores have to be on a 10 point scale with 7 being average.


A game I've actually played? Yay!

"Next game is Demons Souls"


I'll rate this later. I just got home from work, and I feel like s**t.

Ninpanda said:
snfr said:

On some people's scale 7.0 is still 'good', for other ones a 7.0 means 'mediocre', etc. That's why I don't really complain or even care about review scores or score's of other people.

The rules of the thread demand that the game in question be rated on a scale where a 7 means 'average', though.

yo_john117 said:

2. Scores have to be on a 10 point scale with 7 being average.

I know (and a 7 on my scale is also 'average' to me), but how many people care about the rules and will rate it that way?  Not many probably...

My point is still the same though, not everyone rates games the same way and quality is subjective

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


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So... Red Dead Redemption.

It's about damn time someone made a good big-budget cowboy game. Wait, scratch that. It's not just good, it's great. You're probably getting tired of hearing how wonderful the setting is, but it really is all that.

The random events are awesome. I just R* would've spent a little more time on creating more types of them, instead of shoddy mini-games.

The gameplay mechanics are swell, the voice acting and writing are typical Rockstar-quality, and by God, is it crammed with content.

But who am I kidding. You knew all that shit.

You see, this is why I hate talking about massively acclaimed games like this. You can't say anything that hasn't already been said by someone else. I could spend hours parroting reviewers on what a *generic adjective* experience Red Dead is, but I won't. I'll just finish with this:

I love Red Dead Redemption. It's not the epitome of Rockstar's creations, but then again, flying around San Andreas with a jet pack and beating blameless civilians to death with a sex toy is a gameplay experience that not many games can match.

9.0 (Highest score I've given in these threads)

chocoloco said:


I would get lost in the world doing side missions riding around on my favorite horses.It was also nice to play a game that showcased the American southwest country side that I have lived in my whole life. The aeas that look like Texas covered the vast differences in looks in the different places in Texas. The Rocky Mountains Area looked like Colorado except for lacking in Aspens and Scrub Oak. The great plains looked better than real life and it was so cool that the herd of Buffalo could be wiped out to symbolize the white mans destruction of the Indian and almost the animal it self. I cannot comment on Mexico as I have not been in its countryside only some of the cities.

The characters were funny and the game had a good balance between funny and serious characters.

I loved how the wolves would constantly attack you as  they quickly became my biggest nemisis.

I loved playing pocker and that dice game were you called bluffs on the number of dice that were on the table.

I loved the glitches they were funny especially getting thrown in the air hundreds of feet. Almost as good as the one in GTAIV that throws vehicles.

The story line was good even if I did feel like Marsten was helping ssome characters in Mexico a little to much. Especially the end which I think was suprising a little, well being true to the nature of what happens to most men who live life fighting the laws.

This game deserved every game of the year it got and thepeople giving it such low scores are being preaty unfair considering it offers so much more to do than most games.

Hey yo_john its funny you are bribing us I think that is a first I have seen on the charts.

Haha not bribing! Just offering an incentive for people to give really good reviews

Pretty much a lot of people here could put their reviews in to the user reviews of these games now!

Barozi said:

meh I don't feel like posting my scores anymore.


When I see tons of people giving a game 10s even though it only should be in the 80s and others give highly acclaimed games ridiculous scores of 2 or 3 instead of 6-10, I just don't see why I should waste my time here.

Some of you guys just don't have any talent to judge quality and I guess you are also the people who complain about official reviews. One thing is clear, the fault lies with you and not the reviewers.

I know its frustrating to see a favorite game get punished by some review scores but it is their opinion. I myself don't believe that games with at least obvious quality should get such low ratings but the thing about these meta like ranking threads is the high scores will offset the low score most of the time....most of the time the scores for these threads will average out close to where they should be. I'm almost certain RDR will get above a 9 which is a very good score.

And by not posting your score your letting the game be potentially lower then it would have been had you scored it.

I know its hard sometimes but you just can't let stuff like this get to you too much. It is what it is.

Been almost a year since i played this game, but it did not work for me. Like most of Rockstars games, this one was a real drag. Only rockstar game i've liked is the Vice City games, and only for their atmosphere ( i love the 80s)


- Pretty Uninteresting characters, some really really annoying characters like that gollum like Seth, and some characters i just did not care for (Marston)
- tedious missions (like all Rockstar games). 
- Controlls were slightly better than for GTA IV but still pretty awful, and imprecise.
- Random missions were not fun at all 
- The moral good/bad mechanic was pretty awful
- Multiplayer
- Minigames, i have never understood the point of minigames in games. I find them extremley dull, in this, in other GTAs in Zelda etc etc, i dont understand them.


- West Elizabeth
- Beautiful Landscapes (Especially during the night)

I suggest for anyone that wants Western themed games to check out the 2 Call of Juarez games, they are compared to this game really short (being linear FPSs) but more focused with great controls and fun combat. Besides with not dragging out like Red Dead the story is quite good and will not overstay its welcome.

 As for the Score to this game i give it a 6/10 a below average game.


yo_john117 said:

I'm almost certain RDR will get above a 9 which is a very good score.

I have the score at 181.7/22=8.26 so far.

Not counting the scores of 2 and 3 it is 8.84