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chocoloco said:


I would get lost in the world doing side missions riding around on my favorite horses.It was also nice to play a game that showcased the American southwest country side that I have lived in my whole life. The aeas that look like Texas covered the vast differences in looks in the different places in Texas. The Rocky Mountains Area looked like Colorado except for lacking in Aspens and Scrub Oak. The great plains looked better than real life and it was so cool that the herd of Buffalo could be wiped out to symbolize the white mans destruction of the Indian and almost the animal it self. I cannot comment on Mexico as I have not been in its countryside only some of the cities.

The characters were funny and the game had a good balance between funny and serious characters.

I loved how the wolves would constantly attack you as  they quickly became my biggest nemisis.

I loved playing pocker and that dice game were you called bluffs on the number of dice that were on the table.

I loved the glitches they were funny especially getting thrown in the air hundreds of feet. Almost as good as the one in GTAIV that throws vehicles.

The story line was good even if I did feel like Marsten was helping ssome characters in Mexico a little to much. Especially the end which I think was suprising a little, well being true to the nature of what happens to most men who live life fighting the laws.

This game deserved every game of the year it got and thepeople giving it such low scores are being preaty unfair considering it offers so much more to do than most games.

Hey yo_john its funny you are bribing us I think that is a first I have seen on the charts.

Haha not bribing! Just offering an incentive for people to give really good reviews

Pretty much a lot of people here could put their reviews in to the user reviews of these games now!