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So... Red Dead Redemption.

It's about damn time someone made a good big-budget cowboy game. Wait, scratch that. It's not just good, it's great. You're probably getting tired of hearing how wonderful the setting is, but it really is all that.

The random events are awesome. I just R* would've spent a little more time on creating more types of them, instead of shoddy mini-games.

The gameplay mechanics are swell, the voice acting and writing are typical Rockstar-quality, and by God, is it crammed with content.

But who am I kidding. You knew all that shit.

You see, this is why I hate talking about massively acclaimed games like this. You can't say anything that hasn't already been said by someone else. I could spend hours parroting reviewers on what a *generic adjective* experience Red Dead is, but I won't. I'll just finish with this:

I love Red Dead Redemption. It's not the epitome of Rockstar's creations, but then again, flying around San Andreas with a jet pack and beating blameless civilians to death with a sex toy is a gameplay experience that not many games can match.

9.0 (Highest score I've given in these threads)