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Forums - Sony Discussion - More Heavenly Sword Rumors: Open Sanbox, Multiple Martial Arts Forms

Ultr said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Ultr said:

! !

I lost my "I love Ninja Theory" opinion after Enslaved... Go santa monica studios!

how is Enslaved btw? haven't played it yet

I dont like it at all. Gameplay in general sucks, you have like 3 different attacks...They tell you where to jump with Blinking objects... yes, all objects you can climp to blink, and you cannot die while climbing, so no challange at all

and the game itself looks really unpolished, in cutscenes the animations sometime "jump" from one to another, looks very weird. oh end 3 different enemys through the whole game....

Its just my opinion but, it sucks

ps: If you were my neighbour, I would give it to you for free without a second thought, yeah its that bad ^^

I think your being a bit harsh man. yeah i agree the gameplay could be a lot better, but the other elements that compose the game are very well made imo - writing, direction, acting, all very good imo. it was a good game imo.

i think it deserved to sell about 1 mil copies, the commerical failure has hit NT hard, and its dissapointing to see talented developers take a hit like this.

Edit: it seems likely Santa Monica will in charge of the sequel - however they do not have my full support since i dont think Stigg did a great job on God of War 3. Santa Monica without David Jaffe just isnt the same imo.

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Santa Monica? Nah... I see them working on GOW4 or a new IP as opposed to this.

Sony probably has a smaller dev working on this.

I think Santa Monica would do a way better job then NT at making the sequel. Id love to see it running on the GOW3 engine. 

Could this be one of the things London studios are working on?

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If Sony Santa Monica were to make Heavenly Sword 2 it'll be a first day purchase from me! I'm just glad Ninja Theory won't be involved because IMO they suck... Heavenly Sword was just about OK but Enslaved was awful in almost every way. A203D, I agree with you that Sony Santa Monica isn't the same without David Jaffe... IMO their games have been better without him. I'm a huge GOW fan and God of War III was by far my favourite in the series, the first GOW was great but it was my least favourite in the entire franchise (excluding the mobile game obviously), oh and I hate Jaffe's idea about how he would've ended GOW III with Kratos becoming the grim reaper who kills Gods from different mythologies... that is a horrible idea, thank God for Stig Asmussen!

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i played the demo for this game and didnt really like it.  its not that its a bad game, i cant really say if its good or bad, but the controls just felt awkward to me.  maybe thats cuz im so used to god of war feeling just right.   if i find the first one somewhere really cheap, like 15 bucks, ill get it.

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I've never played the first Heavenly Sword and Probably never will considering there is no trophies for it.

BUT I'm hella excited for them to make a badass sequel.  Its a IP I've always been interested in so Sony make it happen.

Well right now I don't really care whos making it Im more interested if THERE IS a heavenly sword 2 and an sandbox style sounds promising!!!!

Wow, read more than a few posts and I'm honestly dissapointed with how many people out there won't play a game becuase there's no trophies...that saddens me greatly.  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the skinner box!  

Anyway, I own and have played the first heavenly sword, and found it to be all style, no substance, so I was entirely unimpressed with it.  No game on the normal setting should literally consist of "mash Square and triangle until everything dies" as its main gameplay feature.  IT looked good, I'll give it that, and it sounded good on paper but I found it was really simple, repetitive, and frankly boring.  

That said, this is what I like to consider a perfect example of a game where the sequel could be epic.  they have the right ideas, jsut add some depth and a few tweaks and you have a bona-fide classic.  

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Whoever the developer is, I'm sure they'll a better job than Ninja Theory.; NT's combat systems are shallow.