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Wow, read more than a few posts and I'm honestly dissapointed with how many people out there won't play a game becuase there's no trophies...that saddens me greatly.  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the skinner box!  

Anyway, I own and have played the first heavenly sword, and found it to be all style, no substance, so I was entirely unimpressed with it.  No game on the normal setting should literally consist of "mash Square and triangle until everything dies" as its main gameplay feature.  IT looked good, I'll give it that, and it sounded good on paper but I found it was really simple, repetitive, and frankly boring.  

That said, this is what I like to consider a perfect example of a game where the sequel could be epic.  they have the right ideas, jsut add some depth and a few tweaks and you have a bona-fide classic.  

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