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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Morphological Anti-Aliasing refined on Xbox 360- 3x faster than PS3 Cell

Less jaggies are alwasy a good thing.

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mantlepiecek said:

Fable 3 already had frame-rate problems when I played it.

You really think MLAA is going to help it in such a situation?

Either way I am not holding my breath for the 360 to show MLAA. Even if its possible its going to take the GPU strength which will be more valuable as time goes on. Good news is they managed to get it working at 720p.

I wonder why they never used MLAA at 3.7 ms though. Its the same as the PS3 MLAA, could have easily used it in games like DA 2.

The difference is that the PS3 MLAA, offloaded to the Cell SPUs, works in parallel to the GPU, whereas these are GPU times.

At 30fps the GPU has a 33ms time budget per frame. Adding 3.7ms means adding an 11% cost of the total time budget. That's not so little a cost when an engine is already running tight: if that increases cost sends -say- 20% of the frame-rendering over the 33ms threshold you get something like a 24fps, that is a quite noticeable framerate stutter.

Now if they managed to reduce it to 1.3ms with some consistence, that's a much better result of about 4% of the rendering time budget. Unless the engine is already squeezing the GPU times very tightly, it will lead to a much more stable framerate.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

d21lewis said:

*pretends to see difference in the pics*

That is so fucking awesome!!  I totally know what you're talking about!

Yes look at the arms in both pics. Stunning eh?

pitzy272 said:
d21lewis said:

*pretends to see difference in the pics*

That is so fucking awesome!!  I totally know what you're talking about!

Haha dude I was thinking the same thing. I actually laughed bc they seemed so identical. Once I saw Nsanity's msg I looked back at the pics and now I see what they mean. I guess I would have to know what anti-aliasing does in the first place to know what difference to even be looking for haha:/

I saw it right away. Just look at the boobs in the top one, then in the bottom one, and you'll notice that the boobs are less jagged

As much as I like MLAA, I could without the slight blur it induces but most of all I could do without the pixel popping and shimmering. KZ3 had loads of it.

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It's very easy to see the difference with Firefox. Right click both images and press View image. Then use ctrl tab to switch between the two.

The most obvious difference is in the frame of the ship's front glass.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Badassbab said:

As much as I like MLAA, I could without the slight blur it induces but most of all I could do without the pixel popping and shimmering. KZ3 had loads of it.

There are quasi infinite different analytical anti aliasing algorithms, MLAA being one of them. You can change coefficients, patterns... to obtain different softening and quality. We're watching the first implementations of this techniques, but I'm sure that in the not so distant future we will have much improved quality in this filtering techniques, as they provide a full screen anti aliasing technique cheap in memory bandwidth, the bottleneck in modern computing architectures, and you can improve quality using more processing power, which is what we will have in excess in the future. Other advantage is that being a software solution you can improve these filters within the life of a console or a graphics card, while the traditional AA filters are hardware based, so you can't change them.

funny... i don't remember Xbox games as jagged as the first picture.. well, if it can be even smoother as they say it will then that's great news

xS7SxSNIPER said:

That's nice have you guys seen or played Gears of War 3, the game looks amazing.The details of the buildings and water look good but the lighting is were is really shines.

I'm not too fond of the fact that some tech babble that isn't even close to being proven somehow mixes up a game that stands head and shoulders above anything on that platform.

Kratos is getting angry...

bobbert said:
pitzy272 said:
d21lewis said:

*pretends to see difference in the pics*

That is so fucking awesome!!  I totally know what you're talking about!

Haha dude I was thinking the same thing. I actually laughed bc they seemed so identical. Once I saw Nsanity's msg I looked back at the pics and now I see what they mean. I guess I would have to know what anti-aliasing does in the first place to know what difference to even be looking for haha:/

I saw it right away. Just look at the boobs in the top one, then in the bottom one, and you'll notice that the boobs are less jagged

made me laugh