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Badassbab said:

As much as I like MLAA, I could without the slight blur it induces but most of all I could do without the pixel popping and shimmering. KZ3 had loads of it.

There are quasi infinite different analytical anti aliasing algorithms, MLAA being one of them. You can change coefficients, patterns... to obtain different softening and quality. We're watching the first implementations of this techniques, but I'm sure that in the not so distant future we will have much improved quality in this filtering techniques, as they provide a full screen anti aliasing technique cheap in memory bandwidth, the bottleneck in modern computing architectures, and you can improve quality using more processing power, which is what we will have in excess in the future. Other advantage is that being a software solution you can improve these filters within the life of a console or a graphics card, while the traditional AA filters are hardware based, so you can't change them.