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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 users are you thinking of switching to a Xbox 360?

osamanobama said:
Jazz2K said:

So... really? You act like PS3 games are what everyone wants but dismiss 360 games? It's not like Twisted Metal is one hell of a game, I'd rather have Dance Central 2 over most of the exclusive of the PS3 this ear except for Uncharted 3... see yes I'd rather have a Kinect game, so what? Stop being ridiculous, there are good games on 360 too and the exclusives appeal to each group.

I still think both almost equal each other... the 20 or so PS3 exclusives this year are not that impressive imo... Uncharted 3 will rule them all the rest will go to multiplatforms.

Edit: I was replying to osamanobama

you cant compare the ps3's massive lineup of big budget AAA exclusives

to mush smaller scoped, budget, casual Kinect games. you just cant. (not to mention there is not even a rumor of DC2 this year)

and so far the reviews speak for themselves, as they will continue to do.

you may like the KInect games more, thats fine (even though you havent/wont play most/all of the ps3 games) thats you proagative, but you cant seriously compare and call equal in terms of quality and quantity the ps3 and xbox exclusive titles this years.

and lets not forget im leaving out move only exclusive titles too.

You don't understand, it's not a matter of quantity... so what if there are 20 PS3 exclusives? None of them appeal to a large part of the userbase except for Uncharted. Most of the sales will go in multiplat games.  The same goes for Xbox 360 who cares of how many Kinect games are going to be released if nobody wants them? In the end, depending on your tastes, exclusives mean nothing if you're not interrested in them. As for DC2... I might be wrong but I'm sure I read somewhere Harmonix wanted to release DC2 this holyday... still that game brought way more joy for me and my family than TM ever would, it's all about one's taste.

I don't have a PS3 myself, my roomate does so we share. Demon Soul is still the best PS3 game and to him L4D is the best 360 game... a matter of taste.

I doubt PS3 users would switch just because PSN is down it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't. The games are what's most important... but if you solely play online multiplat games then I would understand.

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lurkerwithnosoul said:
osamanobama said:
Jazz2K said:

So... really? You act like PS3 games are what everyone wants but dismiss 360 games? It's not like Twisted Metal is one hell of a game, I'd rather have Dance Central 2 over most of the exclusive of the PS3 this ear except for Uncharted 3... see yes I'd rather have a Kinect game, so what? Stop being ridiculous, there are good games on 360 too and the exclusives appeal to each group.

I still think both almost equal each other... the 20 or so PS3 exclusives this year are not that impressive imo... Uncharted 3 will rule them all the rest will go to multiplatforms.

Edit: I was replying to osamanobama

you cant compare the ps3's massive lineup of big budget AAA exclusives

to mush smaller scoped, budget, casual Kinect games. you just cant. (not to mention there is not even a rumor of DC2 this year)

and so far the reviews speak for themselves, as they will continue to do.

you may like the KInect games more, thats fine (even though you havent/wont play most/all of the ps3 games) thats you proagative, but you cant seriously compare and call equal in terms of quality and quantity the ps3 and xbox exclusive titles this years.

and lets not forget im leaving out move only exclusive titles too.

What is an AAA exclusive? A game that got over 90 on metacritic? Like GT5 and Killzone 3, right?

And anyway, i really think that most of that so called AAA games are ugly and i wouldn't like them a single bit. I rather play right now Bangai-O on XBLA than have to wait for Twisted Metal. A series that never got my interest on the PS1 or PS2 era. And what about Resistance 3, or KZ3? Hey bud, on the Xbox 360 we have Halo and Gears of War and whatnot (i don't even know lol), do you really want me to turn some kind of jellyfish because i can't play more of the same that i already have on Xbox? Uh really dude.

So, to answer this thread, no, i will not trade my Xbox 360 for a PS...oh crap, almost got fooled by this change of topic.

AAA generally implies the budget of the game. and i like how you are taking jabs at KZ and GT as if 84 is somehow not great scores. its especially great since review stanards have changes drastically since November 2010.

i already said, you may very well like what ever kinect game or xbla game (though you shouldnt say that since you wont play any of the ps3 games to compare). thats your opinion. but Kinect/xbla game line up cannot be compared to the ps3 big budget AAA exclusive, nor the xbox AAA games for that matter.

lastly no one is asking you and trying to pursade you to trade in you beloved xbox for a ps3. no one cares which system you have. its clear you have a preference, and have zero intent on playing anything ps3. thats fine. thats opinion.

whats not opinion is the amount of quality exclusives coming out for each system. and that was my point.

this thread was about will ps3 owners switch. and i said no, not at all, for this very reason.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

The PS3 and the 360 are no longer equal when it comes to libraries.The PS3 passed the 360 in exclusives and accumilated scores of exclusives in 2010. 

Stop narrowing down the PS3's big exclusive list 2011 is still 2011. There are twenty notable exclusives this year not counting E3. The kinect titles are not modest, they are casual. There is nothing that screams modest about Twisted Metal....that game is literally in terms of anticipation on the hot AAA list. Out of those twenty which are split between the "modest", Move titles and AAA, Uncharted 3, KZ3, LBP2, Resistance 3, Twisted Metal, InFamous 2, TLG. The "modest games" are still amazing and so are the Move titles. All twenty of the exclusives (including two more coming at E3) and Tales of Graces being added to the list are going to be amazing.

By the way the Sotc/ico collection is by no means "modest" It is a classic franchise which imho every gamer should play at least once. There are many reasons why they remade it besides to increase demand for The Last Guardian.

Yea, but many of PS3's exclusives never made it outside of Japan. I think on North American and european shores, the total number of exclusives is still slightly more on the 360, but the different really isn't that big. However ontop of that, a 360 timed exclusive is cheaper to buy as it's an older game.

As for fall 2011 - Twisted Metal was originally an arcade game. How can you call this a hot AAA title, but a likely Panzer Dragoon game casual. How old are you, Panzer Dragoon is one of the best franchises in gaming, seeing a new installment is just as big, if not bigger, then a new Twisted Metal.

As for The Last Guardian, that's a 2012 title, it was delayed a long while ago, so get your facts straight. If you want to count this game, then you have to count Cryteks 360 exclusive Project Kingdoms, or Alan Wake 2. Also KZ3 and LBP2 already released. I was only refering to upcoming games because people someone said "PS3 has significanly more games then 360's 2 games coming out" which isn't true.

So for the rest of 2011, PS3 Basically only has Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, and InFamous 2. That's a 3:2 ratio between the more major 9/10 games from PS3 to 360. Microsoft always announces a game late, and there is strong rumor of a Halo: Combat Evolved remake, so after E3 this list could even out.

ICO Collection will be a great game, I only refer to it as modest because it won't be a console seller like Uncharted 3 or Gears 3 will be. This is a game for people who already own a PS3 and missed out on those games on the PS2. It's impact on console sales will be no stronger then Rise of Nightmares exclusive for 360, so if were going to ignore at least 3 quality Kinect games (Steel Batallion, Project Dracon, and Rise of Nightmares among others like Haunt, Michael Phelps, Heavy Fire: Afghanistan, and Codename D), it's fair to ignore games like this and Twisted Metal (which I'll repeat, was originally intended to be a PSN title).

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dsage01 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Michael-5 said:

Kind of. Actually I was just looking at games for fall 2011. For the rest of 2011 PS3 only has 3 big games, Uncharted 2, InFamous 2 and Resistance 3. There are titles like Twisted Metal and ICO Collection also coming out, but if people can ignore 360's pretty cool Kinect Line up (Panzer Dragoon and Steel Batallion are pretty cool, I'm sorry), and Last Templar, why should people no ignore the more modest PS3 games?

For Fall 2011, the 360 and PS3 lineup looks about the same. Gears 3 and Forza 4 are the only 5 million plus blockbuster titles on the 360 lineup, but games like Project Dragon, Rise of Nightmares, and Steel Batallion do populate that list. I already mentioned the PS3 lineup.

After the exclusive lineup, there is a rumored Assassin's Creed 3, Batman: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls V, Dark Souls, Dead Island, Dues Ex, Max Payne, Metal Gear Solid Rising, and a new Call of duty game.

Yes for 2011 PS3 has more games overall, but the fall lineup isn't much different. Also remember, fall 2010 PS3 only had GT5 as an exclusive. Besides there is strong rumors for a Halo Remake, and MS tends to announce games very late into development. It's very likely they announce something this E3 that releases this fall. If that's the case, the exclusive lineup is the same.

So the point is, for upcoming games, switching consoles is meaningless.

If were going to look at games in the past, 360 and PS3 are also about the same. Remember how few games released for the PS3 prior to 2009? Did everyone forget that? So still, switching consoles is meaningless, if it's for the games.

I think a more relevant question for this thread is "PS3 users, are you thinking of switching away from a Sony based console next gen?"

Forza 3 didn't make 2 million without bundles so what are you talking about. It's first month in U.S. was 175k compared to Uncharted 2's 597k. And Uncharted 2 went on to over 4 million.

Before Forza 3 began to be bundled the game was a 3.3 million sales. You're making up information without a source. Forza 3 later jumped to 4.8 million after the holiday season, and with the 15k weekly sales post holiday bundle, and the jump in sales during the release of the Ultimate Edition with Stigs Cars, it's unlikely the bundled added more then 1 million sales.

When I say Forza 4, Gears 3, and Uncharted 3 will be the only 5 million plus selling exclusive, I base it off prior game sales, and trends. Forza 2 sold 4 million units with about half of those sales due to bundles, Forza 3 is on its way to over 5 million sales with only 1 million as part of the bundle, now that Forza has established itself as the best rated racing sim, it's likely Forza 4 will break 5 million without bundles.

As for Gears 3, it's pretty self explanitory with Gears 1 and 2 selling around 6 million, and Uncharted 3 will likely sell at least as well as Uncharted 2, which should break 5 million.

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enrageorange said:

My how sour this thread has become. Lets add fuel to the fire.

Forza 2 was massively bundled. And people will mention in a heartbeat that halo 3, halo 3 odst, fable 2, and forza 3 have been bundled, yet people ignore the fact that littlebigplanet, uncharted 1, and GT5 prologue have all been very heavily bundled for a number of years as well. Infact the only big ps3 exclusive that hasn't gotten heavily bundled over at least one holiday season is gt5 and the ones that have come out this year. 

Most ps3 exclusives are indeed heavily overhyped. It just gets old listening to the ps3 fanboys preach about how many great game are coming out this year, and then they will end up getting one or two of them and the next call of duty for the year. My apologies to those who are actually getting a large chunk of this year's exclusives. For me personally this year has mostly terrible exclusives for both consoles, though thankfully the multiplatforms make up for it.

I have both consoles, but if I only had a ps3, psn being down wouldn't be too big of a problem for me, since I've rarely been playing online on either console lately. My only freaking problem is I bought portal 2 for the ps3 instead of for the pc only so I have the option to play local coop if I have a friend over. Because of the psn issues, I can't connect my psn account to steam, so I can't play on the pc version(prefer mouse/keyboard to the ps3 controller)

LOL! funny thats what I think of 360 exclusives in general.....

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osamanobama said:
Michael-5 said:

1)People critisize 360 for having only 2 games announced this fall (so far), but what does Sony have? Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and InFamous 2? Wow big difference, one late announced game at E3 will even that out, and Halo is strongly rumored.

1) you seem to be forgetting twisted Metal, and all the other (5 plus) games that ALREADY came out this year only for playstation.


2)And what about the Kinect Games? Rise of Nightmares, Heavy Fire, Project Draco, Steel Batallion, and don't forget Seseme Street. I'm not sure about you, but I think a lot of people on this website could improve their grammer. Seseme Street may just be the most difficult game yet (I'm just joking). Seriously though, if Project Dragon becomes the next Panzer Dragoon, how sick would that be? It's being developed by the same people after all. Let's not ignore Kinect shall we

Yes I'm aware the Move has games too, but much much Less. Heros on the Move, Sorcery, and what else?

2) so youre counting no release date, little to no information about it, little to no gameplay shown, Kinect games. but not counting the Move games that fit the same discription. not to mention that kinect only games and move only games shouldnt even come remotely close at all to being spoken in the same breath as the "core" games for ps3 and xbox.


3)BTW How big are those PS3 franchises? InFamous 1 is sub 2 million, Resistance 2 barely crosses 2 million, and Uncharted 2, the only big title, is about 5 million. Combined, these three games sold <10 million units, and their successors will likely sell about 10 million combined. Gears 2 and Forza 3 combine to sell about 11 million, and their successors will sell more. So really is the 360 missing anything? No.

3) InFAMOUS is not a sub 2 million seller. its already at 1.95 million it will be at 2 million by the time infamous 2 releases. at will then surpase it, also inFAMOUS 2 will be much bigger.

resistance 2 sold a lot more than 2 million, it currrently sits at 2.15, and R3 will be bigger.

UC2 is still selling a ton, and will get 5.5 million plus sales life time.


4) P.S. I know I skipped Twisted Metal. If people can ignore even a single Kinect game, why can't I start ignoring a game which was originally planned to be an Arcade title?

because jaffy decided he loved the game, and wanted to make it huge, full fledged game. its also being released in a prime time slot, poised for a large launch. its a big budget title, that is no comparison to kinect titles.

wow is this a joke post, so much bias.

edit: forza is not a 5 million seller. it would barely reach 2 million if it werent for tons and tons of bundles

First of all, Forza 3 sold 3.3 million units according to VGC before the Forza 3/Alan Wake bundle was released. It is extremely biased to ignore that. Also after the bundle ended last fall, Forza 3 was still selling 10-15k weekly off hard copies, and still is. This is about 50% as well as GT5, a game one year newer.

Also before Forza 4 comes out, Forza 3 will have crossed 5 million sales. It currently sits at 4.80 million units, and is selling approximatly 10k weekly. That means that in 20 weeks, so long as it sells this well, it will break 5 million. Sales will likely drop over the slower summer months, but by the time holiday sales boost Forza 3 sales, it will have crossed 5 million.

1) Twisted Metal isn't released yet, and my point was not regarding games already released in 2011. I was strictly refering to upcoming games.

Yes PS3 saw more exclusives then 360 in the first 4 months of 2011, but I'm not adressing that. Total exclusives 360 is still probably higher then PS3, do you not remember how few PS3 exclusives there were prior to 2009?

2) People are not excluding Sorcery when they list upcoming PS3 exclusives, but are excluding every single Kinect exclusive. I am only refering to games with an announced release date.

  • Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - September 30th
  • Project Draco - 2011 for Americas, as said when announced
  • Rise of Nightmares - June 2011
  • Seseme Street - 2011 for Americas (included as a joke)
  • Steel Batallion - 2011 for Americas, as said when announced

Notice how I did not include many other 2011 Kinect titles such as

  • Codename D - 2011 for Americas
  • Michael Phelps - June 6th
  • Wipeout in the Zone - Q3 2011

Nor how I did not include games without confirmed 2011 release dates?

  • Haunt (no release date)
  • Kinectallons (no release date)

So where am I counting games with no release dates? I counted Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, Resistance 3, Gears 3, and Forza 4 as the only major franchise sales. I did not forget the Move games, nor compose any list excluding those games, I just mentioned that many people here are including Move games, and Twisted Metal, but ignoring major Kinect titles, which makes a very unfair and biased comparision.

Besides, did anyone not know that Playstation Move Heros is already out? Why are people including this game in upcoming PS3 games? The only Move exclusive unreleased title is Sorcery. That's 1 game, which has no announced 2011 release date, so why should I include it on any list?

So what arguement are you bringing? There are no currently announced Move exclusives for 2011. There are 8 confirmed Kinect exclusive 360 titles announced. However, you right, not much is known about Codename D or Wipeout, so excluding those games, that's still 6 good exclusive Kinect games. On a strict number comparision, 360 has more exclusives overall.

I mean just add 360: 6 Kinect games 2 blockbuster games = 8 (and this may be 9 if a Halo remake is confirmed)

PS3: 0 Move games 3 blockbuster games ICO Collection Twisted Metal = 5

3) InFAMOUS is not a sub 2 million seller. its already at 1.95 million

This is a contradiction. InFamous 1 IS sub 2 million. Lifetime it will exceed that, but what I said is not wrong in any way. Please stop attacking me on every single PS3 comment I make (but never supporting my MS comments), and then claiming that I am the biased one.

As for Resistance, 2.15 million is not much above 2 million. Now you're just getting picky, and really have no right no call be biased for this.

4) Twisted Metal started off as an Arcade PSN title. None of the 360 exclusives mentioned began as Arcade titles. They always were full fledged games, many releasing in the peak holiday window. I see no difference from the scale of a new Panzer Dragoon Kinect and a Twisted Metal PSN being made into a console game.

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Michael-5 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The PS3 and the 360 are no longer equal when it comes to libraries.The PS3 passed the 360 in exclusives and accumilated scores of exclusives in 2010. 

Stop narrowing down the PS3's big exclusive list 2011 is still 2011. There are twenty notable exclusives this year not counting E3. The kinect titles are not modest, they are casual. There is nothing that screams modest about Twisted Metal....that game is literally in terms of anticipation on the hot AAA list. Out of those twenty which are split between the "modest", Move titles and AAA, Uncharted 3, KZ3, LBP2, Resistance 3, Twisted Metal, InFamous 2, TLG. The "modest games" are still amazing and so are the Move titles. All twenty of the exclusives (including two more coming at E3) and Tales of Graces being added to the list are going to be amazing.

By the way the Sotc/ico collection is by no means "modest" It is a classic franchise which imho every gamer should play at least once. There are many reasons why they remade it besides to increase demand for The Last Guardian.

Yea, but many of PS3's exclusives never made it outside of Japan. I think on North American and european shores, the total number of exclusives is still slightly more on the 360, but the different really isn't that big. However ontop of that, a 360 timed exclusive is cheaper to buy as it's an older game.

As for fall 2011 - Twisted Metal was originally an arcade game. How can you call this a hot AAA title, but a likely Panzer Dragoon game casual. How old are you, Panzer Dragoon is one of the best franchises in gaming, seeing a new installment is just as big, if not bigger, then a new Twisted Metal.

As for The Last Guardian, that's a 2012 title, it was delayed a long while ago, so get your facts straight. If you want to count this game, then you have to count Cryteks 360 exclusive Project Kingdoms, or Alan Wake 2. Also KZ3 and LBP2 already released. I was only refering to upcoming games because people someone said "PS3 has significanly more games then 360's 2 games coming out" which isn't true.

So for the rest of 2011, PS3 Basically only has Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, and InFamous 2. That's a 3:2 ratio between the more major 9/10 games from PS3 to 360. Microsoft always announces a game late, and there is strong rumor of a Halo: Combat Evolved remake, so after E3 this list could even out.

ICO Collection will be a great game, I only refer to it as modest because it won't be a console seller like Uncharted 3 or Gears 3 will be. This is a game for people who already own a PS3 and missed out on those games on the PS2. It's impact on console sales will be no stronger then Rise of Nightmares exclusive for 360, so if were going to ignore at least 3 quality Kinect games (Steel Batallion, Project Dracon, and Rise of Nightmares among others like Haunt, Michael Phelps, Heavy Fire: Afghanistan, and Codename D), it's fair to ignore games like this and Twisted Metal (which I'll repeat, was originally intended to be a PSN title).


basically your line up for 360 to combat ps3 is a bunch of unannounced titles and specualtions?you keep on bringing up that alan wake 2 and halo remake shit wheres your proof? if thats the case lets throw in unannounced games that sony first party are developing shall we? hmm lets see sonybend game,sony santa monica 2 game being developed rumour,starhawk,Quantic new ps3 exclusive,sony cambridge,sony london studio,heavenly sword 2 also keep on putting kinect titles but no PSmove? I doesnt matter either way  even if you dont list em you can still name more than 5 games for ps3 2011 line up unlike for 360 which you need to pull every thing just to match ps3's.

you guys like to throw your "MS announces games late" BULL CRAP when  games like alan wake or conviction was revealed in fukin 2005 or games like fable 2 and gears 2 which was announce year or 2 ago before its released.

Finally to finish this off notice how even if I dont include a bunch of rumored and speculated titles aswell as PSmove crap on ps3 line up it still can match everything 360 got to offer down the line while you need to name unannounced games and kinects just to even it out with ps3.....YUP no big difference there(rolls eye).

Not really thinking about switching to a 360 as I've had a 360 since long before I had a PS3. I am thinking about selling my PS3 (FF13 Lightning edition) though. I don't really use it for much besides F@H and watching Blu-Ray movies. Since I put together my new computer though I was thinking about buying a blu-ray burner for it and using that to watch BD movies instead as well as replacing my crappy dvd burner. (already have my PC connected to my TV). Pretty good pioneer blu-ray burner is only about $100 or so.

Also thinking about selling my PSP as the buyback price is still very high for it here in Japan. The PSP is very popular here for some reason, but I never really play my PSP 3000.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Jazz2K said:
osamanobama said:
Jazz2K said:

So... really? You act like PS3 games are what everyone wants but dismiss 360 games? It's not like Twisted Metal is one hell of a game, I'd rather have Dance Central 2 over most of the exclusive of the PS3 this ear except for Uncharted 3... see yes I'd rather have a Kinect game, so what? Stop being ridiculous, there are good games on 360 too and the exclusives appeal to each group.

I still think both almost equal each other... the 20 or so PS3 exclusives this year are not that impressive imo... Uncharted 3 will rule them all the rest will go to multiplatforms.

Edit: I was replying to osamanobama

you cant compare the ps3's massive lineup of big budget AAA exclusives

to mush smaller scoped, budget, casual Kinect games. you just cant. (not to mention there is not even a rumor of DC2 this year)

and so far the reviews speak for themselves, as they will continue to do.

you may like the KInect games more, thats fine (even though you havent/wont play most/all of the ps3 games) thats you proagative, but you cant seriously compare and call equal in terms of quality and quantity the ps3 and xbox exclusive titles this years.

and lets not forget im leaving out move only exclusive titles too.

You don't understand, it's not a matter of quantity... so what if there are 20 PS3 exclusives? None of them appeal to a large part of the userbase except for Uncharted. Most of the sales will go in multiplat games.  The same goes for Xbox 360 who cares of how many Kinect games are going to be released if nobody wants them? In the end, depending on your tastes, exclusives mean nothing if you're not interrested in them. As for DC2... I might be wrong but I'm sure I read somewhere Harmonix wanted to release DC2 this holyday... still that game brought way more joy for me and my family than TM ever would, it's all about one's taste.

I don't have a PS3 myself, my roomate does so we share. Demon Soul is still the best PS3 game and to him L4D is the best 360 game... a matter of taste.

I doubt PS3 users would switch just because PSN is down it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't. The games are what's most important... but if you solely play online multiplat games then I would understand.

exactly a matter of taste right? so a console with 20 exclusives can appeal to more people right?

out of the ps3 exclusives i'll get 3 or 4, out of the xbox360 exclusives there's nothing i want, it's as simple as that, it's a matter of variety so dont pretend it doesnt help a console to have more exclusives and a wider variety of genres within them.

Michael-5 said:
osamanobama said:
Michael-5 said:


First of all, Forza 3 sold 3.3 million units according to VGC before the Forza 3/Alan Wake bundle was released. It is extremely biased to ignore that. Also after the bundle ended last fall, Forza 3 was still selling 10-15k weekly off hard copies, and still is. This is about 50% as well as GT5, a game one year newer.

Also before Forza 4 comes out, Forza 3 will have crossed 5 million sales. It currently sits at 4.80 million units, and is selling approximatly 10k weekly. That means that in 20 weeks, so long as it sells this well, it will break 5 million. Sales will likely drop over the slower summer months, but by the time holiday sales boost Forza 3 sales, it will have crossed 5 million.

1) Twisted Metal isn't released yet, and my point was not regarding games already released in 2011. I was strictly refering to upcoming games.

Yes PS3 saw more exclusives then 360 in the first 4 months of 2011, but I'm not adressing that. Total exclusives 360 is still probably higher then PS3, do you not remember how few PS3 exclusives there were prior to 2009?

2) People are not excluding Sorcery when they list upcoming PS3 exclusives, but are excluding every single Kinect exclusive. I am only refering to games with an announced release date.

  • Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - September 30th
  • Project Draco - 2011 for Americas, as said when announced
  • Rise of Nightmares - June 2011
  • Seseme Street - 2011 for Americas (included as a joke)
  • Steel Batallion - 2011 for Americas, as said when announced

Notice how I did not include many other 2011 Kinect titles such as

  • Codename D - 2011 for Americas
  • Michael Phelps - June 6th
  • Wipeout in the Zone - Q3 2011

Nor how I did not include games without confirmed 2011 release dates?

  • Haunt (no release date)
  • Kinectallons (no release date)

So where am I counting games with no release dates? I counted Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, Resistance 3, Gears 3, and Forza 4 as the only major franchise sales. I did not forget the Move games, nor compose any list excluding those games, I just mentioned that many people here are including Move games, and Twisted Metal, but ignoring major Kinect titles, which makes a very unfair and biased comparision.

Besides, did anyone not know that Playstation Move Heros is already out? Why are people including this game in upcoming PS3 games? The only Move exclusive unreleased title is Sorcery. That's 1 game, which has no announced 2011 release date, so why should I include it on any list?

So what arguement are you bringing? There are no currently announced Move exclusives for 2011. There are 8 confirmed Kinect exclusive 360 titles announced. However, you right, not much is known about Codename D or Wipeout, so excluding those games, that's still 6 good exclusive Kinect games. On a strict number comparision, 360 has more exclusives overall.

I mean just add 360: 6 Kinect games 2 blockbuster games = 8 (and this may be 9 if a Halo remake is confirmed)

PS3: 0 Move games 3 blockbuster games ICO Collection Twisted Metal = 5

3) InFAMOUS is not a sub 2 million seller. its already at 1.95 million

This is a contradiction. InFamous 1 IS sub 2 million. Lifetime it will exceed that, but what I said is not wrong in any way. Please stop attacking me on every single PS3 comment I make (but never supporting my MS comments), and then claiming that I am the biased one.

As for Resistance, 2.15 million is not much above 2 million. Now you're just getting picky, and really have no right no call be biased for this.

4) Twisted Metal started off as an Arcade PSN title. None of the 360 exclusives mentioned began as Arcade titles. They always were full fledged games, many releasing in the peak holiday window. I see no difference from the scale of a new Panzer Dragoon Kinect and a Twisted Metal PSN being made into a console game.

okay most of you points were addressed already so i will make this (somewhat) brief.

your arguement is very illogical.

your including kinect games that had about one e3 trailer last year, revealing little to nothing about the game. we still dont know anything about the games, other than it will be on rails. going as far as they are confirmed for this year. becasue at e3 2010, they had a vague release date of 2011. several move games had the same thing and for some reason your counting them against titles like R3, Uncharted, Twisted Metal, gears, and forza.

i never counted any move games, dont know why you said i am.

Twisted Metal is not an Arcade game, when sony first contracted them it was planned as so, but both  Sony and eat sleep play. loved the game so much they went all out. making a full fledged game. its a huge game content wise. and apparently they want it to be huge, sales wise as well. the arent releasing it in October for no reason..

Forza reached its sales because its priced was slashed a few days after launch, and was bundled like crazy. my arguement was against you saying gears and forza are bigger than UC2, R3, infamous, saying forza is 5 million seller. then defending that by saying it will eventually reach 5 million. but at the same time calling infamous (while implying the series) was sub 2 miilion. but its will very very soon surpase that. so which is it are we factoring in future sales or not. cant have it both ways.

also, you limiting games to the second part of the year is stupid, you just arbitrarly limiting the ps3 games to make it seem as if xbox has similar amount. well i could just say ps3 has way more games after september. and just look at that time frame, but i would make sense. the ps3 has had already about 5 big exclusives release this year, and you just dont want to count them.

ps: know i did not realize any lack of exclusive prior to 2009. ps3 had a ton

oops, that wasnt brief at all.