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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 users are you thinking of switching to a Xbox 360?

Michael-5 said:
Pristine20 said:
Michael-5 said:

Well no, modding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games is different. Those consoles still exist, and Sony doesn't have licences to play 360 games. That's unfair because by moding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games (assuming modding it to even play 360 games is possible), will affect console sales.

If you want to play Halo or Mario Kart, you need to own the respective console.

Moding the PS3 to play old consoles, which are no longer in curculation is different. All moding a PS3 to play Sega Saturn does is save you money. Sega is not loosing money on an un-purchased console, since they no longer produce them, and neither are game sales. In fact this type of modification is legal in USA and Canada.

Either way removing BC was just unfair. the fact that Sony sued GeoHotz for restoring this feature and attemping to surpass privacy laws is even worse. The Code of Conduct sony showed was just plain pathetic.

I never read any article suggesting Geohot was trying to restore BC. Where is this idea coming from?

Sorry ignore that last sentence. However GeoHotz did restore features of the PS3, and was sued for distribution of jailbreaking methods. I believe BC was one of those features, but I'm not sure.

BC is my complaint, and it's one of the features that can be restored with a jailbreak. Just an example I can expand upon, because I'm not sure what other features were restored with GeoHotz.

I have never heard of Geohot's JB being able to restore BC. He was sued for releasing/distributing the root key the ps3 uses to authenticate software from what I hear. That is the company's IP and just cant be released at will.

It's possible someone could've figured out how to create some ps2 emulator for ps3 tx to Geohots release but what came out first was how to play games you didnt buy. I'm also not 100% sure non-BC ps3s can even read ps2 games but they can actually tell when it's a ps2 game so who knows.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Pristine20 said:
Michael-5 said:
Pristine20 said:
Michael-5 said:

Well no, modding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games is different. Those consoles still exist, and Sony doesn't have licences to play 360 games. That's unfair because by moding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games (assuming modding it to even play 360 games is possible), will affect console sales.

If you want to play Halo or Mario Kart, you need to own the respective console.

Moding the PS3 to play old consoles, which are no longer in curculation is different. All moding a PS3 to play Sega Saturn does is save you money. Sega is not loosing money on an un-purchased console, since they no longer produce them, and neither are game sales. In fact this type of modification is legal in USA and Canada.

Either way removing BC was just unfair. the fact that Sony sued GeoHotz for restoring this feature and attemping to surpass privacy laws is even worse. The Code of Conduct sony showed was just plain pathetic.

I never read any article suggesting Geohot was trying to restore BC. Where is this idea coming from?

Sorry ignore that last sentence. However GeoHotz did restore features of the PS3, and was sued for distribution of jailbreaking methods. I believe BC was one of those features, but I'm not sure.

BC is my complaint, and it's one of the features that can be restored with a jailbreak. Just an example I can expand upon, because I'm not sure what other features were restored with GeoHotz.

I have never heard of Geoot's JB being able to restore BC. He was sued for releasing/distributing the root key the ps3 uses to authenticate software from what I hear. That is the company's IP and just cant be released at will.

It's possible someone could've figured out how to create some ps2 emulator for ps3 tx to Geohots release but what came out first was how to play games you didnt buy. I'm also not 100% sure non-BC ps3s can even read ps2 games but they can actually tell when it's a ps2 game so who knows.

They can read ps2 games and there is some emulation in them but without the extra componenets in the ps3 it won't work properly so if someone did unlock the ps2 game lock it'd be like a really horrible emulator, most games would probably be unplayable

Michael-5 said:
irstupid said:
Michael-5 said:
irstupid said:

but i wish sony would have had liek always two models.  ONE has BC, while the other doesn't.  Screw this 60 gb to 180 gb or whatever stuipd hard drive shit.  hard drives anyone can purchase.  removing bc is somethign else entirely

I think what's fair is allowing people access to you're consoles infrastructure (like Adroid devices) so someone else could make a PS2 emulator which runs PS2 disks.

PS3 is completly capable of playing PS2 game disks, and ancient consoles which are no longer in production (Sega Dreamcast). I see nothing wrong with making your PS3 play PS2 games as it was a part of older PS3 hardware, and I see nothing wrong with making it play games for consoles which no longer exist.

I do see something wrong with reducing the capabilities of your console, and then sueing people who figure out how to restore these properties.

well yea, i see nothing wrong with modding consoles that you OWN and playing games that you OWN on them.  hell if someone can mod a ps3 to play 360 games i'm fine with that as well.  they still have to buy the games. 

i was just saying removing bc pissed me off. and i would much rather them if they have 2 versions it be a bc one and a non bc one instead of pathetic hard drive space. 

and yea their SAVINGS, were purely for themselves.  tehy screwed us consumers over.  we used to get something, and now we don't.  same price, less features.

Well no, modding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games is different. Those consoles still exist, and Sony doesn't have licences to play 360 games. That's unfair because by moding a PS3 to play 360 or Wii games (assuming modding it to even play 360 games is possible), will affect console sales.

If you want to play Halo or Mario Kart, you need to own the respective console.

Moding the PS3 to play old consoles, which are no longer in curculation is different. All moding a PS3 to play Sega Saturn does is save you money. Sega is not loosing money on an un-purchased console, since they no longer produce them, and neither are game sales. In fact this type of modification is legal in USA and Canada.

Either way removing BC was just unfair. the fact that Sony sued GeoHotz for restoring this feature and attemping to surpass privacy laws is even worse. The Code of Conduct sony showed was just plain pathetic.

let me ask you this.  if i build something from scratch that can play all three systems is that bad?

consoles are just a means to an end.  THey are a way to play games.  Microsoft and Sony are not making their money on console sales.  They are making it on games and periphiols and so on. 

I bought a wii, a 360, a ps3, and a computer.  If I can manage to take them apart or mod them or whatever and turn it into a ps4, i sure as hell can do that.

Squilliam said:

Yeah but after the average dude has bought Call of Duty and a sports game (NFL for America, Fifa for Europe), they really aren't that fussed what their last game actually turns out to be. Since they're only going to be buying one game they're not likely to notice that theres only two exclusives, do you get where im coming from???!!! If you're talking about the feelings of people who've compromised their lives and sanity by not only playing video games obsessively but arguing about them on the internet I really can't be bothered to hear what they have to say.

@ Others: Gooo Gooo Gaaa  Gaaa

Its funny squilliam after looking at you list of games and platforms owned (especially pc) it would seem you have comproimised your life and sanity in the same way as you accuse other members of doing.

Also where is this magical number of three games you  say because it seems like you just made up a number that seems reasonable to you. You should look at your own clear biases you make on this forum all the time before you accuse other members of having problems.

don't wanna press the issue, but are my posts invisible or something? 

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Runa216 said:

don't wanna press the issue, but are my posts invisible or something? 

no they are not theyre alright too

maybe uploading a profile pic or adding a sig would help


                                                                      Play Me

I'm thinkng about it....if the psn isn't up this week like they said then I might defect. 

chocoloco said:

Its funny squilliam after looking at you list of games and platforms owned (especially pc) it would seem you have comproimised your life and sanity in the same way as you accuse other members of doing.

Also where is this magical number of three games you  say because it seems like you just made up a number that seems reasonable to you. You should look at your own clear biases you make on this forum all the time before you accuse other members of having problems.

I've become more sane in recent times and I have given myself better balance. Anyway 3 is the number because thats the typical number of games bought by a typical console owner on average every year IIRC. It doesn't matter if there are 10 exclusives if you buy only 3 games in a year. All that matters is that the 3 games you buy are great.


Pristine20 said:
qmoney88 said:
Pristine20 said:
qmoney88 said:
Pristine20 said:

The only game I play online is KZ2. Can't play it on 360 so the answer's no.

holy shit you play an ass ton of kz2, 319,000 kills?  thats crazy man.

Yeah lol. Unfortunately, I can't find any other MP FPS thats better than kz2 IMO, not even kz3. Been playing since launch with no end in sight

Thats awesome though, I love your dedication and respect your opinion, personally bad company 2 is my fav but my friends are so close minded its not even funny and I value the ability to game with my friends more than anything else, such an f'd up situation lol.

In my case, half my PSN friends are from kz2 lol. I really dont care as much for playing with friends tho. I'm fine with randoms. None of my real life friends is a KZ2 player. Some dont care for games at all.

Ya i dig that, ill still play other multiplayer shooters with randoms as well as I would miss out on too many great games if I didn't, but I always feel obligated to play with my friends when I can.  Im a big softie, cant help it. 


Runa216 said:

don't wanna press the issue, but are my posts invisible or something? 

Why is this guy shootin blanks?  Weird, must like reading his own username...