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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii for 20 million by the end of this year?

2.5 million to go and 2 weeks left, not to metnion EO sales in the first week is up. And the last week of December will have huge drops in sales in everywhere but Japan. I think no. I do think 19 million is plausible though.

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tabsina said:
leo-j said:
I would love to see nintendo make it to 20 million, but the problem is next week sales will drop very low(not because of holidays end, but because they cant make more than 500k next week to ship).

I expect 18.5M for them.

It makes me sad that all those kids that wanted a wii couldnt get one this year.

 So you are saying you think wii will only sell 100-200k WW next week?

No I expect 500k for next week.



Wii is supply const... so, nop, no 20 millions this year...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

I'd like to see it happen, but it wont, as it is (Supply Constrained), but 19 is definetly in reach, as high as 19.5.

Nairu said:
Simple enough, think it's possible? If not, what do you think it will end on and why?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

Merry Christmas.

John Lucas 

Happy Kwanzaa while you're at it.

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot