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Forums - General Discussion - Hungary's New Constitution and the Return of Fascism

Slimebeast said:
Rath said:

Germany and the Germans were basically in penance for 50 years. The current generation of German leaders and the vast majority of German people weren't even alive for the Holocaust.

They simply aren't the same country they were back then. Countries really can change that much in just a couple of generations, look at Japan for example.

Well Japan still has the good taste to practically shut up and entirely stay out of all touchy international conflicts.

Germany in principle has that attitude too on international affairs, it still does, it's just that their green/left/commie movement is too strong to be entirely held back from criticizing Israel.

Germany as I said was (and actually still is) basically in penance. Its only the youngest generation in Germany that has any idea of national pride. On the other hand Japan has still to really acknowledge the atrocities they committed during the war, such as the Rape of Nanking.

Plus, Israel deserves criticism. It's illegally occupying land that is internationally recognized not to belong to them - East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

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Rath said:
Slimebeast said:
Rath said:

Germany and the Germans were basically in penance for 50 years. The current generation of German leaders and the vast majority of German people weren't even alive for the Holocaust.

They simply aren't the same country they were back then. Countries really can change that much in just a couple of generations, look at Japan for example.

Well Japan still has the good taste to practically shut up and entirely stay out of all touchy international conflicts.

Germany in principle has that attitude too on international affairs, it still does, it's just that their green/left/commie movement is too strong to be entirely held back from criticizing Israel.

Germany as I said was (and actually still is) basically in penance. Its only the youngest generation in Germany that has any idea of national pride. On the other hand Japan has still to really acknowledge the atrocities they committed during the war, such as the Rape of Nanking.

Plus, Israel deserves criticism. It's illegally occupying land that is internationally recognized not to belong to them - East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

But Israel gets unproportunate amounts if criticism already, that's why Germany should stay out of it.

Germany's extermination of 6 mill Jews made the Israelis the paranoid and anxious people they are now. And there's a whole world policing Israel already. Common curtesy tells Germany to stay silent for another while.

oh the irony

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Slimebeast said:
Rath said:
Slimebeast said:
Rath said:

Germany and the Germans were basically in penance for 50 years. The current generation of German leaders and the vast majority of German people weren't even alive for the Holocaust.

They simply aren't the same country they were back then. Countries really can change that much in just a couple of generations, look at Japan for example.

Well Japan still has the good taste to practically shut up and entirely stay out of all touchy international conflicts.

Germany in principle has that attitude too on international affairs, it still does, it's just that their green/left/commie movement is too strong to be entirely held back from criticizing Israel.

Germany as I said was (and actually still is) basically in penance. Its only the youngest generation in Germany that has any idea of national pride. On the other hand Japan has still to really acknowledge the atrocities they committed during the war, such as the Rape of Nanking.

Plus, Israel deserves criticism. It's illegally occupying land that is internationally recognized not to belong to them - East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

But Israel gets unproportunate amounts if criticism already, that's why Germany should stay out of it.

Germany's extermination of 6 mill Jews made the Israelis the paranoid and anxious people they are now. And there's a whole world policing Israel already. Common curtesy tells Germany to stay silent for another while.

And that is exactly what the younger generations don't want...Why should they not do something because of what happened in the past?

It is not because Lars grandfather was an pedophile that Lars may not work with children.. Because common curtesy says so...

This all reminds me of  Samy Deluxe: Dis wo ich herkomm

Especially this part (got the lyrics in English);

And I see that the past here is not easy
But we can't just keep quiet
Because time runs on
Because the clock ticks further (tick - tack)
And we have no national pride and that all just happened because of Adolf
Yes, nice sh*t, actually this guy was Austrian
I ask myself what this is all about as if I was Herbert Grönemeyer
The nazi regime has destroyed our future
The Old are frustrated that's why the youth has to suffer
And we're fed up with suffering, ready to show (that)
We start from the beginning again, put an end to the old times
Look at it this way:

64 year after the war, 20 after the turnaround
That was shortly after fall of the Berlin Wall
Rad when I think of it!
7 years after the Deutsche Mark, 3 years after the WC
One mounth we were proud for a short time then we have to feel ashamed again
Because they tell us we have started both World Wars
Maybe we can't love ourselves then
But what should we do, should we rather be depressive?


Slimebeast said:
sapphi_snake said:
Slimebeast said:

But who is Germany to criticise? One of the most oppressionist countries in Europe.

Really? Are you sure you can make such a statement?

There's no true freedom of speech in Germany. You can't even question the facts of a certain historical event of the WW2  or you end up in jail. You can't salute a famous German leader and his movement.

Plus they oppose their own people by approving uncontrolled mass immigration against the will of the people.

Plus they have the guts to criticise Israel. Germany of all nations!

Are you talking about Hitler???!!! And are you a holocaust denier?

You must be one of those Swedish nazis I read about in Steig Larsson's novels.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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Lostplanet22 said:

2) Then what EU should do? Except monitoring and following what is going on;..?

3) In the soviet Union the (hungarian) population also could not change the laws still they did it and created an constitution..I am pretty sure if the majority wants it they can change sounds absurd 

4) Well just forget it;. 

2. The EU should work on getting it's Constitution adopted, to keep things like this from happening.

3. A political regime changed back then. They'd have to have a revolution to change this Constitution.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:

2. The EU should work on getting it's Constitution adopted, to keep things like this from happening.

The EU already has a constitution, and has had one since it's inception as the ECSC. All institutions have constitutions, from countries and NGOs to corporations and even soccer organizations.

What you're asking for is for the EU to be able to limit its members from having certain freedoms. The EU was set up as an economic union (a bad one, at that), it already goes far beyond its original jurisdiction, we need less EU, not more.

sapphi_snake said:
Slimebeast said:

But who is Germany to criticise? One of the most oppressionist countries in Europe.

Really? Are you sure you can make such a statement?

Any kind of national socialistic thing is forbbiden by law here. And that includes logos, emblems, greetings, messages, flags books or anything related to National socialism. But I wouldnt call Germany an opressing country, besides that stupid law they have.

SamuelRSmith said:
sapphi_snake said:

2. The EU should work on getting it's Constitution adopted, to keep things like this from happening.

The EU already has a constitution, and has had one since it's inception as the ECSC. All institutions have constitutions, from countries and NGOs to corporations and even soccer organizations.

What you're asking for is for the EU to be able to limit its members from having certain freedoms. The EU was set up as an economic union (a bad one, at that), it already goes far beyond its original jurisdiction, we need less EU, not more.

I wonder what will happen if Spain fails.

Kasz216 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
sapphi_snake said:

2. The EU should work on getting it's Constitution adopted, to keep things like this from happening.

The EU already has a constitution, and has had one since it's inception as the ECSC. All institutions have constitutions, from countries and NGOs to corporations and even soccer organizations.

What you're asking for is for the EU to be able to limit its members from having certain freedoms. The EU was set up as an economic union (a bad one, at that), it already goes far beyond its original jurisdiction, we need less EU, not more.

I wonder what will happen if Spain fails.

Spain failed a long time ago... 20% unemployment, dead construction industry, rising yields on bonds... it's basically a case of politicians putting their fingers in their ears and going "lalalala". If Spain were to "fail" tomorrow, there would be no different in its economic state from today, it's just that the politicians would have finally accepted it... which will be when the yields become intolerable (for the Spanish... the quicker Spain fails, the better, as they won't be piling on more and more debt).

What's going to happen? The same thing that always happens in the EU... when the EU fails, the politicians always argue that it's because there's not enough EU. And so the EU will try to extend its leverage over its member states, particularly the Eurozone. The problem is that, the only reason the Euro exists today is that Germany (and to a lesser extent, France) are anchoring it... but if Germany keeps bailing people it, it, too will be in greater financial ruin.

The left really have been showing their ineptitude since the 2008 collapse. Their answer to broken debts was to create more debt, now that this debt is starting to fail, they turn around and just create even more of the stuff. The debt crisis didn't end with the banks... it just moved onto the Governments, and in this process, the inflationary pressures caused by all this debt have decimated the value of money and moved the wealth from the workers back to Wall Street. It's funny how the left's approach to dealing with the debt ended up harming the people who they're supposedly supposed to be representing. Obviously not their intention... but, that just shows how bad they are with money.