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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY: PS3 over 50m units sold and 8m MOVE units sold.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
kitler53 said:
hudsoniscool said:

i know this is a ps3 thread but with ps3 at 50 million(great milestone) 360 is probably at a liitle over 53 million right now. does anyone know if ps3 has gained on the 360 since last official numbers. damn its taken 5 years for ps3 to gain 3 million by that it could take another 5 until they are even.

  i think the averge move owner has about 2 moves so that would put the unique users at about 4 million, which i think is decent.

you're forgetting the average ps3 owner has no friends and plays with himself.

8 million shipped means 8 million unique users!

Not true. PSN may not be as "In" as XBox Live, but it definitely does offer a competitive free service. In truth, when you have exclusives with genre defining characters, who needs to talk to friends for multiplats? I barely talk to my friends on the PS3's because I'm busy playing exclusives. I play on my 360 with nothing but multiplats and my friends are always on it doing the same. Rarely do I ever see a friend playing an exclusive title.

I think he was being sarcastic.


Anyhow, the NGP and PS4 will be the first consoles to launch under Kaz Hirai (or is he being promoted?) rather than Ken Kutaragi.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out.  Kaz Hirai did save the Playstation brand this generation, and I think something needs to be said about that.  He had a lot on his shoulders when he had to take over the sinking ship from Ken Kutaragi.  I'm not sure how anyone could have done it any better.


Next generation, two things need to happen for Sony.  They need to figure out how not to have such a huge R&D and losses at the beginning.  Also, the need to figure out how to recover their brand image in America.  America is still where their brand image is largely tainted.  There is still alot of resident hate in America toward the Playstation brand and lots of loyalty to the Xbox brand.  In order for Sony to get the American support again, they are going to have to tear people away from Xbox Live.  Single player exclusives don't sell to the American crowd anymore.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Around the Network
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

Actually sorry to point the obvious, but unless your saying that millions of people are spending money on Move and bought no games for it in 6 months, then it's simple to see that Move is actually in ( high probabilty ) no more than 4 million homes. 

The SW sales are so astronomically low, that noone can say with a straight face Move userbase is anywhere near 8 million.

kowenicki said:

Its good to see that the HD machines ended up being the number one choice, to think some flirted with the idea that the Wii could achive 50% market share by gen end.

The Wii itself is what flirted with 50% market share, it reached 49% at one point. It was running on around 60% market share per annum in its early years. It's just a pity Nintendo couldn't output enough games to support it on it's own in the end.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

selnor said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

Actually sorry to point the obvious, but unless your saying that millions of people are spending money on Move and bought no games for it in 6 months, then it's simple to see that Move is actually in ( high probabilty ) no more than 4 million homes. 

The SW sales are so astronomically low, that noone can say with a straight face Move userbase is anywhere near 8 million.

based on gaming sells alone, there's probably 1 million move userbase, to be fair. But I never said the userbase of Move is 8 million, I simply said don't know the userbase. But, i know Sony sold 8 million of those babies in 6 months. 

What's fascinating is its MS fans arguing about userbase, none of you have a problem with ioi putting 50 million 360 in front page when it's very obvious the userbase is closer to 35-40 million. But I really don't care because 50 million people bought it. That also goes to the PS2, PS3 as well. The Wii might be the only console with a closer userbase to its sales total. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

A good point for Move would be that we have no idea how much SW they're moving at all, due to all the Move compatible games that were released before Move.

Games like RE5 and Heavy Rain for example...

And then you have KZ3/LBP2 out recently...

And then you have PS3 SW being undertracked by like 70 Million...

So erm... Yeah


Around the Network
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

Of course you are, it only takes common sense. But let's pretend all 8 million are sold and they sold to 1 person each, makes it sound more successful.


psrock said:
selnor said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

Actually sorry to point the obvious, but unless your saying that millions of people are spending money on Move and bought no games for it in 6 months, then it's simple to see that Move is actually in ( high probabilty ) no more than 4 million homes. 

The SW sales are so astronomically low, that noone can say with a straight face Move userbase is anywhere near 8 million.

based on gaming sells alone, there's probably 1 million move userbase, to be fair. But I never said the userbase of Move is 8 million, I simply said don't know the userbase. But, i know Sony sold 8 million of those babies in 6 months. 

What's fascinating is its MS fans arguing about userbase, none of you have a problem with ioi putting 50 million 360 in front page when it's very obvious the userbase is closer to 35-40 million. But I really don't care because 50 million people bought it. That also goes to the PS2, PS3 as well. The Wii might be the only console with a closer userbase to its sales total. 

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.


Seece said:
psrock said:
selnor said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Then you need to get a perspective on things.

Only if I care like you do.

Care about what exactly? such a chip on your shoulder as per usual.

When it comes to these products knowing userbase is not possible, your 4/5 million sold mostly  through guessing if one person bought 2 move. Do we know how many people have more than one move? no. So I am going to put things into perspective based on nothing but guess work. 

So, I am going soly on what I know for sure, the amount sold. And to me, it's a huge success. 

Actually sorry to point the obvious, but unless your saying that millions of people are spending money on Move and bought no games for it in 6 months, then it's simple to see that Move is actually in ( high probabilty ) no more than 4 million homes. 

The SW sales are so astronomically low, that noone can say with a straight face Move userbase is anywhere near 8 million.

based on gaming sells alone, there's probably 1 million move userbase, to be fair. But I never said the userbase of Move is 8 million, I simply said don't know the userbase. But, i know Sony sold 8 million of those babies in 6 months. 

What's fascinating is its MS fans arguing about userbase, none of you have a problem with ioi putting 50 million 360 in front page when it's very obvious the userbase is closer to 35-40 million. But I really don't care because 50 million people bought it. That also goes to the PS2, PS3 as well. The Wii might be the only console with a closer userbase to its sales total. 

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.

How many consumers have bought 2,3, 4 360's, how many consumers have had the 360's replaced by MS, how many have ugraded to the new slim version. You see, the same way you can put equation into Move, we can do the same for other consoles. The simple fact is, you don't know  the actual userbase of Move. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.

How many consumers have bought 2,3, 4 360's, how many consumers have had the 360's replaced by MS, how many have ugraded to the new slim version. You see, the same way you can put equation into Move, we can do the same for other consoles. The simple fact is, you don't know  the actual userbase of Move. 

Very thin veiled excuses psrock.

Ioi seems to be tracking Move very well, he correctly predicted 7/8 mill shipped around March 1st, he estimates about a 4/5 mill userbase. So I'm going with that. after it's better than "oh, we just don't know"


Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.

How many consumers have bought 2,3, 4 360's, how many consumers have had the 360's replaced by MS, how many have ugraded to the new slim version. You see, the same way you can put equation into Move, we can do the same for other consoles. The simple fact is, you don't know  the actual userbase of Move. 

Very thin veiled excuses psrock.

Ioi seems to be tracking Move very well, he correctly predicted 7/8 mill shipped around March 1st, he estimates about a 4/5 mill userbase. So I'm going with that. after it's better than "oh, we just don't know"

But he himself have said it's pure speculation though. But you seems to stick to it like glue. And there were many people in that article who though ioi numbers were too high and believed Sony hadnt even sold out their first shipment. Let me go check how much you guys agreed with ioi back then. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)