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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jack Tretton: Wii fading away; 3DS a babysitting tool.

Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Former something....

Around the Network
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

The same could be said about video games all together? I don't get your point. So does that mean all of Video games is considered childish? Just because we don't show as much enthusiasm towards as product as kids might, doesn't mean the product isn't going to appeal to us?  You do know the mean age for Nintendo gamer is actually high because of the third and fourth main demographic being 30 year olds right? If I remember correctly it is higher compared to Sony or MS. 

Still regardless? How does it mean that I have no self respect, if I play DS? Sorry but you trying to justify this statement might just be as bad as the statement.


Blacksaber said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Every advertisement I've seen has shown Nintendogs & Cats

Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:
psrock said:

You people take this stuff way too seriously. 

Sorry I don't like being insult, regardless if it is CEO, or a typical user. 

If PR talk gets to you, you have bigger issues. 

Sorry but insulting userbase (which might also be part of your userbase) is considered PR? I think you don't know what Public Relations is supposed to accomplish. 

If you feel insulted because someone said something about you carrying a DS on plane then I have no answer for you. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:
psrock said:

You people take this stuff way too seriously. 

Sorry I don't like being insult, regardless if it is CEO, or a typical user. 

If PR talk gets to you, you have bigger issues. 

Sorry but insulting userbase (which might also be part of your userbase) is considered PR? I think you don't know what Public Relations is supposed to accomplish. 

If you feel insulted because someone said something about you carrying a DS on plane then I have no answer for you. 

I would be insulted if anyone said it, will it get to me however doubt it. I just find it funny that you are trying to sort of justify this as a non issue. 


Around the Network
Tridrakious said:
Blacksaber said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Every advertisement I've seen has shown Nintendogs & Cats

I want companies to be fired up and passionate about their product. God damn it isn't bad for the industry, it isn't bad for us as gamers. It means these companies are willing to fight for our attention.

Where is there anything wrong with that?

I won't be getting a 3DS. I broke down and eventually got a DS (lite and then traded that in for the DSi XL) and a Wii. This I won't purchase.

The NGP has amazed me so far. Seeing Metal Gear Solid 4 running on it, along with the Uncharted, Killzone and Resistance games being developed has got me truely excited.

Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:
psrock said:

You people take this stuff way too seriously. 

Sorry I don't like being insult, regardless if it is CEO, or a typical user. 

If PR talk gets to you, you have bigger issues. 

Sorry but insulting userbase (which might also be part of your userbase) is considered PR? I think you don't know what Public Relations is supposed to accomplish. 

If you feel insulted because someone said something about you carrying a DS on plane then I have no answer for you. 

I would be insulted if anyone said it, will it get to me however doubt it. I just find it funny that you are trying to sort of justify this as a non issue. 

I agree with him in some ways, but I don't judge adults with DS's. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Games4Fun said:
Tridrakious said:
Blacksaber said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Every advertisement I've seen has shown Nintendogs & Cats

That was okay, but there was no gameplay.

But that did have Ryu and Chun Li in it. So I guess that's something.

Elsewhere in the interview, Tretton also leveled his sights at the Wii and Xbox 360.

"They're starting to run out of steam now in terms of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond," he insisted.

"I mean, you've gotta be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true accurate motion gaming?"

Sony, on the other hand, is all set, he claimed.

"If you're really going to sustain technology for a decade, you have to be cutting edge when you launch a platform.

"Here we are four years into the Playstation 3, and it's just hitting its stride. We'll enjoy a long downhill roll behind it because the technology that was so cutting edge in 2006 is extremely relevant today and is conspicuously absent in our competition."