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Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Former something....