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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jack Tretton: Wii fading away; 3DS a babysitting tool.

Gnizmo said:
zgamer5 said:

when it comes to the wii i do agree that its old tech, but come on dont say that.

oh and the ds has pokemon. take that!

The PS3 and 360 are old tech as well. Its been what 4ish years since the release of the latest console platform? That is ridiculously long in terms of computer technology (console tech is a subset of that). If people are looking for the cutting edge in tech you should never turn to devices that have a lifespan over a couple years long.

ok then old old tech.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

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Gnizmo said:
Khuutra said:

So did

Did he just shit on every 20 who owns a PSP and intends to buy an NGP, or am I imagining what I just read

I think he did. It always amazes me how people work so hard to separe as if they are viewed differently by the public at large. Anyone who really thinks only X plays console Y should probably spend less time reading random message boards.

I'd think he would like to discourage that brand of thinking especially in that that sounds like a line the smartphone people would say about portable gaming altogether. He might want to avoid conjuring that image in people's heads

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Guess nobody told Jack that his PS3 is fading away as well.

kitler53 said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

seconded -- uncalled for and dumb.

third -- uncalled for, dumb, and missing in substantial facts.

GameBoy experience? Have the last six years passed this man by?

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Asriel said:

GameBoy experience? Have the last six years passed this man by?

Also the fact he said DS is trailing the PSP in 2006, now DS is way ahead, I'de only take this guy's comments with a pinch of Sodium Chloride.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

SONY PR at it's best as usual.

RolStoppable said:

That must be a slap in the face for gaming journalists.

I completely agree with this.


Also, he is acting very unprofessional.

You don't know Jack!



