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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony profit to rise 'sixfold

"A 67% rise in PS3 shipments to 10 million units"


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wtf does that mean

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't really understand what the article was saying ...

I expect that it was intended to say that shipments of the PS3 would be up 67% (at 10 Million units) in the 2007 fiscal year as compared to the 2006 fiscal year; basically saying that at the end of March 2008 Sony would have shipped 16 Million consoles.

Edit: It should also be noted that Sony's profits have been amazingly low in the past couple of years because of R&D costs for the PSP and PS3, as well as lower performance in other sectors. In other words, for a company as large as Sony they do not have very good profit margins. With their electronics division finally in the Red,  no R&D costs in their games division as well as strong movies this summer it should be easy for them to drastically increase profits.

another great non-contributing post of the mindless Hus =)

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


HappySqurriel said:

Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't really understand what the article was saying ...

I expect that it was intended to say that shipments of the PS3 would be up 67% (at 10 Million units) in the 2007 fiscal year as compared to the 2006 fiscal year; basically saying that at the end of March 2008 Sony would have shipped 16 Million consoles.

 That is what I thought, but if there is a 67% increase that would mean their predictions for this year were something like 5 or 6million more produced till the end of 2007. They were aiming at I thought 16million before that. So a 67% increase would put it to like... 23million? The nubmers arent fitting in my puzzle.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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I say good for Sony, looks like the company as a whole was quite successful. I'm still not sold on Sony long but give them credit when credit is due. I still have my money on Nintendo long. I just wish there were some bad Nintendo news to provide another opportunity to acquire.

The article is basically saying they expect Sony's profits to rise 'sixfold' due to:

- increased demand in its liquid crystal display (LCD) televisions

- better semi-conductor production yields and cost-cutting

- expected strong sales of the Playstation 3 --> "A 67% rise in PS3 shipments to 10 million units" by the end of fiscal 2007



Neos said:
another great non-contributing post of the mindless Hus =)

 ohh poor poor kiddy bot.



It's not too hard to increase shipment percentage figures when your product isn't selling great . Sony and their "shipments." XD

It's rather sad to see how much spin is needed for them to get any decent PR right now. But they have done it to themselves.

At least they might be prepared for the holiday season. Now to see if they will get out of their rut...

 That reminds me of what Mark Twain once said: "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth." 


"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

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DoesWhatNintenDont said:

It's not too hard to increase shipment percentage figures when your product isn't selling great . Sony and their "shipments." XD

 I'm not sure I follow what you're saying here?


 On another note, 10 million units shipped by March 2008 seems like a reasonable estimate.