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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official GamrConnect 3DS Community Thread

k fedfed, when I get home I'll add ya.

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I'll add you guys sometime. Make sure to send me a PM.

NintendoPie said:
I'll add you guys sometime. Make sure to send me a PM.

Going to add you right now if I haven't already.  Mine is in the OP.

Hey Smeags, can you make an official or semi official Luigi's Mansion 2 thread? I was just thinking about it and I believe this game is really going to deliver for quality hand held experience and make good use of the 3D effects. I would but I would probably suck at it and I gotta save all my strength and dedication to a possible Animal Crossing thread but that game looks like it isn't coming out anytime soon. I don't even think they have a release date for it yet do they?

sethnintendo said:
Hey smeags can you make an official or semi official Luigi's Mansion 2 thread? I was just thinking about it and I believe this game is really going to deliver for quality hand held experience and make good use of the 3D effects. I would but I would probably suck at it and I gotta save all my strength and dedication to a possible Animal Crossing thread but that game looks like it isn't coming out anytime soon. I don't even think they have a release date for it yet do they?

The don't have a release date for LM2 neither. Hopefully they both come out this year. :D

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Smeags said:
What more would you guys like me to add to the OP?

I was thinking maybe upcoming games on a monthly basis (example: since we're now in February I'd post the games releasing in February.) and worldwide sales per month. Buy if you guys have any ideas feel free to let them be known.this is the community thread after all!

Add a concrete schedule for events.  G-Cyber (Cyberninja) wanted everyone to play Mario Kart at 8pm GMT.  I had no idea what time that was.  I was sitting around doing the calculations one day and said to myself, "Holy shit!  That's right now!!".  Add the Mario Kart tourney days and the time in multiple time zones.

As time passes, we'll be able to include communites for Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and more.

Yea, I did the conversion once and I don't want to do it again. If they had the time zone conversion on the Mario calculator then I could do it. Actually, it takes about 10 secs to do it through Google...

sethnintendo said:
Yea, I did the conversion once and I don't want to do it again. If they had the time zone conversion on the Mario calculator then I could do it. Actually, it takes about 10 secs to do it through Google...

That's ten seconds away from VGChartz and that's ten seconds too many.

There's a few people who I added, like, ages ago, but still haven't added me to their 3DS lists. I'm thinking about deleting them. D:
Bytheby, is there a limit to how many friends you can register?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
There's a few people who I added, like, ages ago, but still haven't added me to their 3DS lists. I'm thinking about deleting them. D:
Bytheby, is there a limit to how many friends you can register?

Pretty sure the number in 100.  I read it in an article talking about the limitations of Swapnote.  Basically, the author wanted to be able to upload it to YouTube or something like which Flipnote (available only on DSi) was able to do something like that.  Anyways, to make a long answer short.... 100