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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official GamrConnect 3DS Community Thread

Hephaestos said:
15/70 that's not too bad considering 7/20 were added in the past 20 mind.

Should have everyone up this post.

I got 53 out of 77!!

Around the Network

Keeping this thread stickied is like being the Batman of Vgchartz. Someone has it out for me.



Added everyone... 29/62 ain't that bad

Smeags, when you update the thread, my Mii's name is Nacho, so you can update it in the main list, Thanks!

WiiU/Wii/3DS/DS/Xbox360/PS3/PSP Owner 
3DS FC: 1032-1246-9162  (Nacho)
Nintendo Network ID: Zap786
If you add me, please let me know to add you back

Out of 60 people i added only 31 confirmed. Come on people, it works both ways.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909

RolStoppable said:
My FC: 4940-5524-9113; my name: Roland.
noname2200's FC: 4639-8960-9092.

does everybody get to add you.. or only special people?

Around the Network

Added Rol, Noname and LKJHGFDSA

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

sethnintendo said:
Hey guys.
My FC is 0001-3328-1770 name: Sage

I play Mario Kart but am almost sick of it. I'll probably be getting all the big name games in 2012 so I'll play those online too.

I've sent friend reqs to everyone from the 11th page to my post here. (freebs2, allaboutthegames885, Rick1331, guiduc, d21lewis, Salnax, Christian973, 09tarheel, firelink, radishhead, Soma, Level1Death, fedfed)

Are you getting Animal Crossing?  I am looking forward to hopefully having a few people from VGC to play AC with once it is released.  Also, I was all over the 11th page but you didn't even give me a shout out!!!  I feel so unwanted...

Don't worry- I'll be buying AC when it comes out :)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

RolStoppable said:
Xxain said:
RolStoppable said:
My FC: 4940-5524-9113; my name: Roland.
noname2200's FC: 4639-8960-9092.

 does everybody get to add you.. or only special people?

Everybody can add me, but I am only going to add special people myself. For example, I am not sure about that RainbowYoshi guy.

You better add me.  I check everyday to see if you have added me since I've added you and everyday I've cried myself to sleep.

You guys check out the eshop recently? Under the Zelda section they have Flipnote winners for some Zelda contest. Also, what the hell is Flipnote. Is it an advance for of Swapnote? It looks like it is but I don't see anywhere to get it from the shop.  edit- nvm found out about Flipnote (only on DSi).  Messed up they should allow 3DS to use it too.

hi guys please keep adding me.

3480-3117-6001 name Sasso

i added radishhead-zap-rolstoppable-sage and saintlewis
