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Forums - General Discussion - Cultural Questions, What do you wanna know? ask them here

This thread is a great ideea. I'll think of a question and answer later. Anyone who wants to know anything about Romanian culture can ask.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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chocoloco said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:

For the Americans, do you really think we're posh?

No I just think the ladies have sexy accents, but not as good as most other European accents.

Do people really think all Americans are fat and love war?

If you add in rude, and arrogant to that, yes, that does seem to be the typical view of Americans in Britain... at least, the parts from whence I hail.

really great topic. if anyone wants to ask something about italy, feel free to do so :)


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mrstickball said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:

Apparently they can dissolve Parliament at anytime they want and can decide when to declare war.

For the Americans, do you really think we're posh?

Yes, we still think your somewhat posh, although a lot of TV has a way of getting rid of that. I'd say it has to do with the more regal accents that Brits have.


For any British or French person: Do you still hate the other country? If so, stay awesome.

I'm British and I absolutely love France and the French. 

vlad321 said:

I have been wondering about something for a bit now, maybe it can be explained, because it is most definitely culture.

I have lived in the US for about 13 years now, and at first I thought the stereotypical, golf culture, etc. type of Americans were just pure idiots. Then I realized they aren't any more idiotic than elsewhere. So I decided they were just uneducated. But that is also false, they go through high school, some through college, and while the education system is utter crap, the middle and upper classes are very much educated.

Most recently I came to the answer I wanted to, and realized that they are just ignorant. Not stupid, or uneducated, but ignorant. Furthermore, they WANT to be ignorant of what happens in the world. The US is the only country where "ignorance is bliss" has been used for anything other than an insult that I have heard. Why is that?  Culturally, what drives the middle and upper class, golf culture, of the US to embrace ignorance?

Almost all reasons that lead to the hatred of America abroad seem to originate from this, so I am just wondering where it comes from.

Edit: I am not generalizing to all Aemricans, just a huge chunk. There are plenty of worldly americans out there and I have as much fun socializing with them as anyone from Europe. People here should know who I am talking about. I'm talking about the type that went to or send their kids to finishing schools and private schools. The type that hovers over their children and tries to make play sets safer by removing everything, because god forbid their child falls down and scrapes a knee. Whether you like it or not, those types of people are basically the majority, then again maybe CA, CT, and the south haven't given me a big enough sample size to base this opinion on, but in those 3 areas by far the majority fall in the label of ignorant.

Isolationism runs deep in the American psyche: we don't care about other countries' affairs or problems and we don't want to care. Now you are correct in that that does not dictate all Americans' views, but there was a reason why we took so long getting into either World War.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
sapphi_snake said:

This thread is a great ideea. I'll think of a question and answer later. Anyone who wants to know anything about Romanian culture can ask.

Why aren't you guys awesome like us??

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

sapphi_snake said:

This thread is a great ideea. I'll think of a question and answer later. Anyone who wants to know anything about Romanian culture can ask.

y do u all like to bite people and drink their blood?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

I'm also avaliable, to anyone wanting to know more about Brazil as a whole.






goforgold said:

got any cutrural questions you want to know, well here's the place to ask them.

don't all go at once,

I'll start.

for all the English, or British chaps here, what does the king and/or queen actually do?

the queen is the head of state,its pretty simple really and foreign leaders and their partners like to come and have tea with her it must be very posh


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highwaystar101 said:
mrstickball said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:

Apparently they can dissolve Parliament at anytime they want and can decide when to declare war.

For the Americans, do you really think we're posh?

Yes, we still think your somewhat posh, although a lot of TV has a way of getting rid of that. I'd say it has to do with the more regal accents that Brits have.


For any British or French person: Do you still hate the other country? If so, stay awesome.

I'm British and I absolutely love France and the French.

Yeah, but... Birmingham? Not proper British.