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Forums - General Discussion - Cultural Questions, What do you wanna know? ask them here

MrBubbles said:
vlad321 said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:

In case anyone wonders what the same costs are in America...In USD (or about 0.7 Euros to the dollar)

1kg of Rice = $1.10 - $1.25 (bought a 20lb bag for $10 a few weeks ago)

1kg of Flour = $0.50 (about $1.25 for 5lbs)

1kg of Sugar = $1.00 (about $2.50 for 5lbs)

1kg of Chicken = Varies by part (legs and thighs are about $2.00 per kg, whereas breasts are about $4.00 per kg and wings can cost up to $5.00 per kg)

1kg of Pork = $3.50 for most pieces. Bacon is more.

1kg of Beef = $5.00 for ground beef, and can vary from $5.00-$20.00 USD depending on cut. A good ribeye steak is about $15.00 per kilogram, but you can get very nice meat for $6.00 per kg.

1kg of Turkey = As low as $1.00 - $1.50/kg. Cheapest meat we have. Some cuts can be expensive like processed cold cuts at $5.00 per kg or turkey bacon at $5.00, but a whole turkey is around $1.00 - $1.50 per kilogram.

1 Liter of Milk = $0.60 (we buy by the gallon, so about 4 liters for $2.49, but can be on sale for lower than $2/gal at some stores)

5kg of potatoes is about $5.00 USD. They are unbelievably cheap, and even cheaper in bulk. I've seen 50lb of potatoes (about 20kg give or take) sell for $10.00.

Carrots = $2.00 per kg

Salad = $2.00 per kg

Wow, most of them are more expensive over here. So weird. People here are poorer than in the US

But the quality of them in the US is absolute crap compared to the ones over in Europe. Sadly a lot of European markets are starting to adopt US mass industry practices.

totally...growing 50000 potatoes rather than a couple dozen completely destroys the quality of them. 

It does when you grow 50000 of anything using all sorts of chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, and other crap. I hate to break it to you, but the ingredients you buy at your local stores are tasteless and terrible. The tomatoes in the US are pathitic and absolutely disgusting, so is non-organix chicken. Don't get me started on the antibiotics they stuff pork with (Denmark has stopped using antibiotics and they are getting superior results in every way) or the way cows are fed and fattened up. It all adds up to the average quality of food in the US being crap because the ingredients are crap.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:

Read my edit, also read the following:

Har, Michael H. History of Libraries in the Western World, Scarecrow Press Incorporate, 1999,


Norwich, John Julius, A Short History of Byzantium, 1997,

Both understand that the Renaissance flourished in Italy because greek scholars and texts left the Byzantine Empire and went to Italy, a bunch to Florence if I remember correctly (which some consider the birth of the Renaissance). Moors had nothing to do with it. I am also very well aware of the arabic numbers and the roman numerals.

It should be noted that there are actually 2 Reneissances. The Reneissance of the 12th century and the Reneissance that started in the 14h Century. The Moors contributed greatly to the 12th century one. Their empire was almost gone by the second Reneissance. They did have contribute to the preserving of Greek knowledge though, as they stole many texts from the Byzantines when they invaded their territories, and even expanded on that knowledge.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:

Oh, did you know that if it weren't for the Moors instead of writing "1, 2, 3...", you'd be writing "I, II, III..."?

I do not know why I remember this, but that numeric system actually was made in India not the ME, although I assume based on your post that the Arabs brought it to Europe. For some reason though, I thought that it was adopted as a result of the Crusades.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

sapphi_snake said:

For people of all nationalities/cultures etc.:

# 1: At what age do people move out of their parents' house where you live?

18 is probably the most common age, it's generally done after finishing high school.

#2: At what age do people loose they virginity (averege)?

At a guess, 17-18.

#3: What's the most popular sport?


#4: What's the msot popular pasttime?


#5: What's the most popular TV show?

Whatever rugby match is currently on =P for an actual TV show, possibly Outrageous Fortune.

sapphi_snake said:
vlad321 said:

Read my edit, also read the following:

Har, Michael H. History of Libraries in the Western World, Scarecrow Press Incorporate, 1999,


Norwich, John Julius, A Short History of Byzantium, 1997,

Both understand that the Renaissance flourished in Italy because greek scholars and texts left the Byzantine Empire and went to Italy, a bunch to Florence if I remember correctly (which some consider the birth of the Renaissance). Moors had nothing to do with it. I am also very well aware of the arabic numbers and the roman numerals.

It should be noted that there are actually 2 Reneissances. The Reneissance of the 12th century and the Reneissance that started in the 14h Century. The Moors contributed greatly to the 12th century one. Their empire was almost gone by the second Reneissance. They did have contribute to the preserving of Greek knowledge though, as they stole many texts from the Byzantines when they invaded their territories, and even expanded on that knowledge.

I am well aware of that, howeer it all still comes down to the fact that the Byzantine Empire preserved the greek knowledge in the first place. The arabic people got their greek knowledge from Byzantium, and I'm happy we agree with that, which they expanded upon. That just further shows my point that the reason culture and knowledge was not completely eliminated during the dark ages was solely because of the Byzantines.

As it stands, the entire West owes its culture, and dominance, solely because of the Byzantines. If the Byzantine EMpire had also fallen like the western part of Rome, then the world would have really been up the shit creek without a paddle.


It was some guy at the end of the 12th or early 13th century that brough over some book.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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Do people in the US really say "Freedom Fries"?

forest-spirit said:

Do people in the US really say "Freedom Fries"?

No. Its really a joke.

There may be a few people that make mention of it with a laugh, but no major chain, brand or food ever changed their names. Maybe a few small joints that did it out of jest, but that was it. Besides, no one ever really calls them French fries here....Just fries.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

sapphi_snake said:

For people of all nationalities/cultures etc.:

# 1: At what age do people move out of their parents' house where you live?

#2: At what age do people loose they virginity (averege)?

#3: What's the most popular sport?

#4: What's the msot popular pasttime?

#5: What's the most popular TV show?

1) Usually after Uni, while at uni you could class it as moving away it's usually after when they get a job and a life that they move. If they didn't go to uni, a bit later still around the same age... 21-22.

2) If people lie, then 16-18, really probably more but that's up to personal preference and need.

3) Football

4) Drinking probably

5) Sadly X-factor.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
sapphi_snake said:

For people of all nationalities/cultures etc.:

# 1: At what age do people move out of their parents' house where you live?

#2: At what age do people loose they virginity (averege)?

#3: What's the most popular sport?

#4: What's the msot popular pasttime?

#5: What's the most popular TV show?

1) Usually after Uni, while at uni you could class it as moving away it's usually after when they get a job and a life that they move. If they didn't go to uni, a bit later still around the same age... 21-22.

2) If people lie, then 16-18, really probably more but that's up to personal preference and need.

3) Football

4) Drinking probably

5) Sadly X-factor.

Meh, over here the most popular TV show is Dancing with the Stars, so I'd say you guys have it better.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:

Meh, over here the most popular TV show is Dancing with the Stars, so I'd say you guys have it better.

What? Here X-Factor is mindless mass drivel of nobodies singing to screaming audiences that the producers can't control.

Strictly Come Dancing (Dacning with Stars) has hot women dressed in very little dancing round a stage.

Hmm, pie.