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Forums - Gaming Discussion - George Hotz Runs Away to South America; Lies About Having PSN Account

kitler53 said:
Grimes said:
kitler53 said:

wtf are you even arguing with me for?

i was mislead by an article written to be intentionally misleading.  but the fact is, the article is plausible.  when damnyouall comes in and calls out everyone is this thread "of low intelligence" for buying in to a plausible article (even for just a moment) i'm going to call him out for what he is, a dickwad.

It's not plausible because there is no evidence of criminal prosecution. Even if there was, which is unlikely in the first place, its doubtful that the penalties would be very severe. In a worst case scenario where he was guilty of everything, he would probably only spend a couple months in a low security facility or be on probation. Certainly not worth being a fugtive forever.

i looked up the potential concequences of the crimes this article alleges george to have committed and it could be upwards of 10 years in prision.

but hey, walk me though your thought process so i can fully understand why this is sooo no plausible.

1. crime is commiteed

2. details surrounding crime surface

3. ??

4. get arrested

5. ??

if you were going to flee when woud you do it?  step 3 or step 5??  i guess i was under the assumption that step 3 was the appropriate timing to flee but please feel free to correct me on when it would be plausible for someone to want to flee a crime as my low intelligence can't possibly comprehend this situation.

...and again, this is all hypothetical BS at this point since the entire article is BS itself.

There are so many ifs and buts before he would go to trial and so many way head could plead, I can't see in any way would it ever be worth fleeing for such a petty crime.

If he was totally guilty of everything, that's a big IF, he could easily make a deal with the prosecuter and probably get off with probation or minimal time. I can't see any circumstance where he would do hard time unless of course he fled to another country, then the prosecuter would drop on him like a ton of bricks.

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

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NotStan said:

Amusing how many people jumped the gun on this.

I hear Obama converted to Islam..

Brb attaching a PDF.

depending on how the economy is, number of ppl who believe this will increase :P Thank you FOX news

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Grimes said:

AFAIK, he's not facing criminal prosecution, so fleeing doesn't do anything and there are no restrictions on travel.

He's being sued, not prosecuted. Fleeing is pointless.

This.  Leaving the country and missing the court date just means you typically lose and the prosecuter typically gets anything they want, so leaving just means Sony wins without fail, staying means you can win, lower the amount you have to pay, etc.  

You don't go to jail for breaking a terms of service agreement -_- Sony doesn't make laws

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Maybe he went on a picnic?

chapset said:

this made me lol

This is just too funny!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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it's on gamespot now too.

Playstation All-Stars is one of the best games I've played this gen, and is the most fun I've had in a game this gen.

Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.


And lol @ that Kaz gif. I can't stop laughing, this is one of the greats.

hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Spring break is certainly a possibility given the timing.  But if he cannot afford to finance his legal fees in which he was forced to beg for donations, can he afford to take vacation in South America?  Just making an observation.

noname2200 said:
buglebum said:



someone show me a brick wall I need to kill myself in honour of you cretins.

1) Calm down.

2) Understand that kitler has already settled in his mind that the DMCA has been violated, that the district attorney is going to have the time and inclination to prosecute, that the prosecution will be successful, and that the punishment will be severe enough to warrant abandoning his life and fleeing to South America.  So it's not so much stupidity as just ignorance.  That calls for correction, not insults.

Have we even settled on which district attorney would actually have the right to prosecute, based on Sony's tomfoolery?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.