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AOvechkin08 said:

There isn't a single series on the 360 that interests me, and IMO the only game that I would ever buy an Xbox for would be this masterpiece:


It's available on the PS3 too but Scamco is a racist douche and doesn't believe in localization.

Great game would have sold a lot better if it would have been more widely available in stores.  Bought my copy at Amazon for under $20. 

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Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia...if only the PS3 version would get localized over here. =(

Gears of War

However, there are too many great franchises. Halo, Forza, Mass effect, Conker, Jade Empire, Shenmue, Lost Odyssey, multiconsole games, and piles of RPG's.

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I would have liked Left 4 Dead to be on the PS3. Its truly the type of game that's missing on the PS3 imo.

And it might come true as well.

As for an exclusive, I would say Fable 2 but I like it on the 360 so it doesn't really matter either way.

Fable. Alan Wake a close 2nd.

I would have preferred the thread be called non-Xbox owners. I'm not a non-fan. I just have a policy of only owning one console per generation. It's hard enough getting to play all the great games on one system, I don't need a second system on which I can't play a whole bunch of other great games.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Tales of Vesperia followed by Lost Oddossey 

Gears Of War Series

TPS is my 2nd favourite genre but but there are very low number of good ones on PS3 and 90% of them have the word Uncharted in them.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Alan Wake


Simple Gears of wars and Fable

Definitely gears in local Coop.

though yeah some arcade games are pretty good too and not appearing on PC (Shadow Complex, explosion man...)