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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Crysis 2 review thread

Aldro said:
Aldro said:

Gamereactors editor never said that in the Swedish review and thats a poor translation. He also claimed that Uncharted 2 was better looking, I HAVE THE SOURCES, WHY WONT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT?! Do you really think sitting in your own shell and ignoring facts is the way to get respect?

IGN based on the 360 review, Sure.

Gametrailers, no. Even gave KZ3 a higher score I believe. "Arent far behind ". I assume KZ3 and Uncharted 2 are miles behind? GTFO!

Josytiq, FPS DUDE FPS NOT CONSOLE GRAPHICS OVERALL! "FPS built around a plot of an alien invasion, give or take a few, it's also the most beautiful" FPS FPS FPS!!

Strategy Informer - One.. One of the most polished, but ill let you have it.

Eurogamer ..matching Uncharted 2 doesnt mean its better. Although Uncharted 3 is coming >:D, so ill let you have it!


EDIT: I see you added some, lets go again!
Cynamite - Okay.
1up - as its predecessor. On What? Crysis 1 on low wasn't exactly godlike kid.
Spazio - Ok
360 achievements - Bullshit. Who says console games had reached a plateu doesnt mean the game rapes everything.
MS Xbox World - .....?New kid -> Great graphically game is here! How is that the best? Really man what the fuck?

Gonna quote myself here, Based on what I said, these are the following sites who really claim it to be the best console graphics to date:
IGN 360 Review

..I'd give it to 3, possibly PERHAPS Eurogamer and Strategy Informer.

So thats about 5.. out of 26 reviews. Which makes it a percentage of ...19%


Eurogamer has given the edge to Uncharted 2. Its next to Uncharted 2 in level of detail which pretty much means Uncharted 2 is better even now.

I don't see how someone can interpret it any other way?

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CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

I'm quoting what Gamereactor has on their actual Review. Now if it's wrong, tell this guy to get them to change their review.

Also as I said you could argue Gametrailers. But the pure fact they compare it to Crysis 1 ( head and shoulders over any console game before Crysis 2 ) says it all. ALL.

Funny enough, all the others in my sig you cant disagree with. Because they are blatant.

Alright, it's time to test this -

VideoGamer -

"Compared to the brown hues and olive khakis sweeping the industry, Crysis 2 shows just how much variety you can put into total destruction. It might come up slightly short compared to Killzone 3 in raw mettle, with an occasionally inconsistent framerate on our PS3 version, but the game is leagues ahead in terms of artistic accomplishment. From the starting tits-up insertion of player character Alcatraz into the city, the game doesn't hesitate to take you on a whistle-stop tour of colours and landmarks as you strut around highlights including FDR Drive, Times Square and Grand Central Station. When the proceedings eventually culminate in one last, final, and glorious piece of technical showboating at Central Park you get the distinct impression Crytek is just showing off".

1UP -

 But it is a world whose intricacy and realism will cause you to stop and stare long after the first drop of the jaw. The sway of tree-tops; the spray of a decorative fountain; the flames erupting from a burst gas pipe: incidental details that grab your attention for their quiet, shocking realism. Who knows how Crytek managed to squeeze Cry Engine 3 onto the consoles while maintaining such extraordinary level of detail? But this world sits next to Uncharted 2's as the most detailed and well-expressed yet seen on our TVs.


StrategyInformer -

Crysis 2 is bloody gorgeous, and by far one of the most polished games we've ever played. Watching the cityscape come crashing down around you in all its HD glory is quite the sight, especially in some of the more open areas midway through the main campaign. Whether you've diving across rooftops or making your way into the heart of an alien hive, it's all jaw-dropping throughout.

Joystiq -

I already had a pretty good idea of what I'd find under the eye candy coating. I'd played the original (on Medium Detail, for what it's worth) and thought it was a pretty good sci-fi FPS delivery system for some really fantastic graphics.

I came for the pretty graphics, was happy with the solid shooter underneath them and am pretty much beside myself with how unexpectedly good the online play is.

360Achievements -

"Fast-forward four years to the sequel and Crytek is looking to remedy that, by taking the action to the mean streets of New York and by acquiring the services of the award-winning sci-fi writer, Richard Morgan. Now, instead of the sequel being Britney Spears the glory years circa 2008-2010, it’s now become the Audrey Hepburn, circa 1961,  of video games, as in that it’s gorgeous, sophisticated and full of spunk".

SpazioGames (They DID say it) -

"Although not the leap forward since the transition from first to second incarnation, the CryEngine 3 is able to tickle your eyes with the most beautiful landscapes seen before in a FPS, now becoming the new benchmark for the genre. Crysis 2 will surprise you with an unmatched level of detail that emphasizes attention in a variety of predicaments and an attention to detail are truly commendable, and more in breathtaking views and indoor dense passages of polygonal elements".

MSXbox World -


Crysis may have been the benchmark game on PC but for console owners there might be a new kid on the block as Crysis 2 really is a sight to behold. The more open environments offering multiple paths contain much more than the corridor shooters synonymous with the genre and it's staggering how much Crytek has managed to squeeze in. Aside from some mixed textures which range from highly beautiful woefully basic (especially the NPC character models), you'll find some impressive lighting which does a good job of recreating multiple light sources within confined and open playing spaces. The effects are often subtle, and add a flashy layer to an already impressive look. Shadows, dance around surfaces in real time, and there's some excellent light bloom when the sun beams down on you - it's a shame that not all light sources offer dynamic shadows, but if you're after making things dark then at least you're able to shoot out some lights.

The water effects are also of a high standard when looking at larger bodies of water, with realistic movement and light reflection, however there are some lesser effects used to covey wetness that are not as impressive in comparison. Crysis 2 features some great use of physics where kicking or throwing inanimate objects is a choice one can make but also means there's a decent level of reaction to things like explosions. This interactive element whilst pointless in some cases and should have been a more proactive part of the gameplay does offer a greater level of immersion into the game world, adding another slice of detail to canvas. If you want to throw empty pizza boxes or pot plants at enemies... well you can. (did NOT say that) -

Large outdoor areas and massive opportunities are alternated with tight, linear parts, where the story gets lots of space, while an informative narration keeps me determined in the hand. It is a natural development of Crytek's concept. A welcoming, beautiful, detailed game world reveals itself layer by layer, and narrows the place to be narrowed down. This is a story with more focus, resulting in a tighter game experience from the more determined director. Crysis 2 , select the secure over the uncertain. Fortunately, it is secure as much fun as his predecessor at times overwhelming openness.



Only SpazioGames & IGN (in your sig) said that. I didn't find Cynamite's, but I'll add it later when I do. So basically, you are flat out lying in most cases selnor. Plain and simple.

Visually, Cyrsis 2 still manages to show improvement as well. The setting shifts to the urban jungle of an abandoned New York City. A viral outbreak and alien invasion have turned the island of Manhattan into a crippled warzone, with trees that sway in the breeze and far off buildings that crumble during earthquakes. Switching locations does have its downside, though -- the environments aren't quite as destructible as the locations in the original game.

Still, it's hard not be impressed by the visual detail, and most of the settings are based off of actual locations in downtown Manhattan. You'll cruise along familiar areas like the FDR Drive, or stomp around the financial district and other tourist hot-spots battling your pursuers. Taking place on an island jungle made the original Crysis the console equivalent of the movie Predator. The sequel's change of setting follows Predator's example, but Crysis 2 never follows the downward spiral of Predator 2, even if the impressive A.I. occasionally goes brain dead.

Eurogamer -

Have you purposefully left out the comments Ive pasted?????

selnor said:
Aldro said:

Gamereactors editor never said that in the Swedish review and thats a poor translation. He also claimed that Uncharted 2 was better looking, I HAVE THE SOURCES, WHY WONT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT?! Do you really think sitting in your own shell and ignoring facts is the way to get respect?

IGN based on the 360 review, Sure.

Gametrailers, no. Even gave KZ3 a higher score I believe. "Arent far behind ". I assume KZ3 and Uncharted 2 are miles behind? GTFO!

Josytiq, FPS DUDE FPS NOT CONSOLE GRAPHICS OVERALL! "FPS built around a plot of an alien invasion, give or take a few, it's also the most beautiful" FPS FPS FPS!!

Strategy Informer - One.. One of the most polished, but ill let you have it.

Eurogamer ..matching Uncharted 2 doesnt mean its better. Although Uncharted 3 is coming >:D, so ill let you have it!


EDIT: I see you added some, lets go again!
Cynamite - Okay.
1up - as its predecessor. On What? Crysis 1 on low wasn't exactly godlike kid.
Spazio - Ok
360 achievements - Bullshit. Who says console games had reached a plateu doesnt mean the game rapes everything.
MS Xbox World - .....?New kid -> Great graphically game is here! How is that the best? Really man what the fuck?

Youve dont nothing but say 1up compared it to Crysis 1 on low. LOL.

twisting 360 achievements words. dismissing MSXbox World and obviuosly dismissing that Joystiq considered Killzone 3 the king prior. And concerning Gamereactor you should contact the UK side of the website. They F**Ked up there own translation. LOL.


Joystiq doesn't think KZ3 to be the best looking game, they just called it simply stunning. And crysis 2 seems to have better graphics.

Not that much of a console king.

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

Have you purposefully left out the comments Ive pasted?????

You've spun a lot of it. I posted direct quotes, and like I said, they don't reflect what you're doing.

aaand thats all she wrote!

Im outta here! Feel free to check out my 30! websites. Simply paste the name in google followed by Crysis 2 review, read around and see it for yourself! :) Catch you when Gears 3 releases Selnor <3

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

Have you purposefully left out the comments Ive pasted?????

You've spun a lot of it. I posted direct quotes, and like I said, they don't reflect what you're doing.

I changed my sig for better wording, as I dont want to upset 80% of the VGC community.

However. Is it just me or did I not post what you posted in the OP practically?

Also is it just me or does posting it all make it seem even more impressive as a console engine?

And I didnt leave it out. I posted quickly, and included the punch lines only.

Around the Network

selnor said:

I changed my sig for better wording, as I dont want to upset 80% of the VGC community.

Your sig is still wrong.

CGI-Quality said:
Hyruken said:

"But it is a world whose intricacy and realism will cause you to stop and stare long after the first drop of the jaw. The sway of tree-tops; the spray of a decorative fountain; the flames erupting from a burst gas pipe: incidental details that grab your attention for their quiet, shocking realism. Who knows how Crytek managed to squeeze Cry Engine 3 onto the consoles while maintaining such extraordinary level of detail? But this world sits next to Uncharted 2's as the most detailed and well-expressed yet seen on our TVs"


That was from Eurogamer from the 360 version.

So on contrary to what CGI is saying there does appear to be quite a few places now saying the 360 version holds up against the top gfx games on PS3 i.e UC2 and KZ3.

At the end of the day those things are just opinions though. Who cares if one has better gfx then another? It seems so many of these reviews are talking about the gfx rather then the gameplay and for me that isn't a good thing.

How's it contrary to what I'm saying? You obviously haven't been reading what I've been saying.

From what i have seen your basically trying to down play what some reviewers are saying. I.e Crysis 2 has better/on par gfx with KZ3/UC2 etc..

Your argument is to imply that because some of these reviewers don't mention it then it can't be true. If it was as good as some say then why isn't it mentioned in every review right?

The point is it does not need to be mentioned in every review. By not having it in them is not confirmation that it isn't as good as those games gfx wise.

Since i posted that you have posted quotes from other reviews proving my point as what you quote is from the "it isn't as good as KZ3 etc" opinion.

But the problem with those quotes are who are those guys? While it's nice to view their opinions in terms of credibility i would take someone like Eurogamer (Digital Foundary) word over some guy from bitgamer who also said i quote "Most of what wounds the game on the graphical front, however, is a simple lack of AA combined with a lot of low-res textures. Even at its absolute worst it would be unfair and melodramatic to claim that Crysis 2 looks bad, but it’s also impossible to hold it up as a pinnacle. It looks OK"..... Low res textures and looks ok....i mean come on....  then he says " it ends up looking merely middle of the road on consoles"...... so it is just average graphics now, ones that majority of console games have? I mean seriously?

Point being half the guys talking about the gfx from these random sites don't even know what they are talking about.

People like Eurogamer will do huge tests on this game and they have already to a degree. I take that opinion more seriously then some random guy saying it is "middle of the road" graphics on consoles...

Playr 8/10 - 9/10 -


Sorry I'm with Selnor. He can't say what he has to say against the 80% plus Ps3 lovers on this site. Crysis 2 > KZ3/Uncharted 2.


Love Omac.



So far 5/31 reviewers claim it to be the console king.

That is 16% of all the reviews we have gathered so far.

The previous game to score a very high percentage was Killzone 3 in which.. the majority reviews praised its graphics to be the next bar for this generation. However it appears that most sites appear to still fancy Uncharted 2 as the king with Killzone 3 on a close second.

I believe we'll all be back to see how things turn out with Gears 3 and Uncharted 3. For now lets leave this topic to the trackers of the reviews and avoid any unneceserily flame bait caused by certain ignorant persons like myself and Selnor.