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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Amazing VR with the Wii.

Nintendo may just offer that guy a job... if they dude is smart he would patent that : ).

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

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I'd donate money to pay Johnny Chung Lee's salary just to see him develop stuff for Nintendo, then listen to Perrin Kaplan try to explain it.

Ah. Good times. Good times.

wow, that was amazing. this is exactly the kind of innovation i want to see. screw that 1080p crap, i want wii-vision.

I'm impressed but wwwhhhyyyyyy

Dryden said:
weezy said:
@ leo LOL the objects jump out at you and the tv looks like a portal into another world.

I dont think PSEye can do that.

No, but the GunCon 3 can! :p

Because it copies the Wii. Brilliant!!!

That guy is so damn amazing, how does he come up with this stuff? If I was a girl I would totally not pay any attention to him.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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JMan said:
Entroper said:
I knew exactly what it was going to do, but I still just about fell off my chair when the targets started moving around. That's WAY too effing cool.



I was thinking, "Oh, you again, oh you're going to have it reflect off your head somehow. This is going to be stupid" But when I saw the targets moving... O_O WOW!

No, I didn't think it was going to be stupid.  I knew it was going to be cool.  But that still didn't prepare me for actually seeing it in action.  :)


Leo... just... nevermind.  Your post speaks for itself. 

kitler53 said:
wow, that was amazing. this is exactly the kind of innovation i want to see. screw that 1080p crap, i want wii-vision.

this will take graphics to the true next level.


8 words....




I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



mancandy said:
Dryden said:
weezy said:
@ leo LOL the objects jump out at you and the tv looks like a portal into another world.

I dont think PSEye can do that.

No, but the GunCon 3 can! :p

Because it copies the Wii. Brilliant!!!

That guy is so damn amazing, how does he come up with this stuff? If I was a girl I would totally not pay any attention to him.

@ Mancandy

LOL what?

I think somebody's in love...





I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



That is so awesome. I WANT ME SOME WII-GLASSES!

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
Wii 38,000,000
DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000

.... (gasps)..........

I am crying from the beauty....