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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So now... What could it be Nintendo's surprise for E3??


So now... What could it be Nintendo's surprise for E3??

New console 49 26.78%
F-Zero, Pikmin and others 59 32.24%
Vitality Sensor 16 8.74%
Wii Music 2 7 3.83%
Some japanese localizations 24 13.11%
Nothing deal with it 28 15.30%

I still stand by my prediction that the new home console will at least be mentioned at E3. An announcement of some sort whether its a big reveal or not is another question, however I still think the announcement will be there none the less. As for Wii I expect about 3 titles to be announced that have yet to be officially announced, this could be Pikmin 3, StarFox, F-Zero or it could be another entry in the Wii series which I think is very likely.

Then I'm expecting a bigger unvieling of all the 3DS titles that haven't been released by E3. Alongside another 2 or 3 unnanounced first party titles. Alongside those two or three unnanounced first party titles will be an over whelming wave of new unnannounced 3rd party titles.

I expect 3DS could hit a hundred software titles on the market by the end of the fiscal year in March 2012! So expect lots of games to be shown at E3.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Immortal said:
trestres said:

I don't think JD3 will reach 10 million. Ubisoft is milking the franchise too hard, just like what happened with Guitar Hero/Rockband, you can only milk a franchise so much before it's too late. I'd expect a decline over JD2.

Eh, we'll see... I don't think it's wise to predict a decline when it's showing no signs of it (I still shiver when I look at its January NPD numbers). JD2's been well outpacing JD since it was rather undertracked in US in January despite having several times more saturation. Besides, it takes more than two main titles and a couple of spinoffs for a franchise to be overmilked.

Isn't there only 2 spinoffs?

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

<p>I think it would be smart to do Star Fox Wii or Pikmin Wii as everyone seems to be requesting those.  Also a 3DS XL would be a good move for people that want a bigger screen. (Plus they could put more batteries in it for a longer life.)


But I have a feeling it could be delaying Zelda till the next console. (!)


The way 3D TV is still being standarized and adopted I can see waiting another year or two for a new console.  I belive people will be wanted 3D TV after experience good gaming 3D on the 3DS.  I hope the new standard is at least 120 frames per eye and 1080P or better.</p> <p>The new console could be a super high definition 3D capible Wii and they could call it 'Nintendo Twee.' (3DWii)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

-No new console.

-Fall 3DS games. Expect a lot of titles, concentrating on, say, three Nintendo ones.

Wii releases:

-Localizations if we're lucky

-I think Pikmin sequel is very likely

-dating for SS (errmmm, surprise?)

-maybe a F-Zero or Star Fox Wii, but I think one or the other

-I can only hope Nintendo has another, original, great mass market title up their sleeve, because lacking one of those huge sellers at the end of 2010 sets up for some necessity. They had 2 huge games 2009!

Anyone think a new game from Retro will come up at E3?

Oh, and:

Actual New IP

I can dream, can't I?

Around the Network

Iwata has said there isn't going to be a Wii successor yet. I'm think the Wii successor will release late 2012 for the holiday boost. They will most likely support the 3DS and reveal some new Wii games at E3.

No big surprises at E3 (I predict)but maybe more info on the good stuff we already know about.

Let's not get too fanboy-ish and assume(uses voise of an over excited 10yo):'Gee willickers, we already know about Zelda SS and Mario 3d...So they must have something EVEN MORE EXTRA SUPER-SPECIAL for E3!!!!!' We already know about the good stuff!

I want some damn star fox wii.

Nintendo's not revealing any new console until next year.


I'm hoping it will be F-ZERO 3DS but wouldn't be surprised if it was Wii Music 2.