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Forums - General Discussion - Name 5 VGChartz members you would like to meet in person.

CGI-Quality said:

Smeags - Yeah, this guy is awesome!

Darthdevidem01 - Need I say anything else.

Carl2291 - Stop banning him!!!!!!!!!!

Euphoria14 - Just comes off as a great dude!

Seece - Once my biggest rival, I would love to see what makes this guy click!

i must be # 6

Around the Network

Well i would probably want to meet everyone on here, even if there hardcore fanboys.... I love talking about video games to friends while chilling 

I'm glad this list stopped at a top 5, otherwise it would have been kinda embarrassing to see every list with "6. SuperChunk".

My five are Lolita, trashleg, [any other 3 girls that are on this site].

why? so I can introduce them to my wife to prove once and for all that girls can and do play games!

RolStoppable said:
CGI-Quality said:
RolStoppable said:

You should be, you were named in the same post as I.

Looking at the spots, seems you were considered as nearly an after thought.

I am the #1 Nintendo guy on that list.

Also the #1 Austrian. Not bad!

In no particular order: Smeags, Rol, and the KKK: Kasz, Kamal, and Khuutra

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network

ooh. i also want to meet Kantor. just because he won't tell me anything about himself.

so it would probably be a meeting with like a solid window between us. you know, for security

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

People would be afraid to meet me.

I don't really every say or do anything on this site so I only have two people:


He always produces great arguments and never resorts to fits of stupidy/rage. He genuinely seems like a clever guy and it'd be interesting just to see what he's like in real life.


Again always comes up with great,rational arguments and it's just great to see his response or view on something.

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


In no particular order.



a bad clown




There are more but those are just the one's off the top of my head.

trasharmdsister12 said:
yo_john117 said:

In no particular order.



a bad clown




There are more but those are just the one's off the top of my head.

Yay! Look ma I'm doing it! I'm making a name for myself! And I'm doing it without boobs! 

yo_john's muther- The most hardcore:)

Anybody who likes to drink beers/ liqour ,or just be merry and play coop games.

ioi and twesterm