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Forums - General Discussion - Name 5 VGChartz members you would like to meet in person.

Smeags said:

DarthDevidem: It would be fun to run around London, drinking tea and eating Fish and Chips while saying things like "Pip pip cheerio!". We'd also bring our dogs with us and terrorize cats.

We must do all this while wearing POKEMON T-shirts!!! I still have one that might fit me!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Thanks to the guys who wanna meet me, I wanna meet you people too!
I want to meet so many members on here, I 'll go for the biggest cop out ever and say my whole friends list! I don't wanna pick more than 5 cus I know I'll miss out people I wanna meet if I try to name so many!
If you force me down and hold a gun to my dog Jerry's head then I'll pick these five (not in any specific order):
- Carl2291
- Xen
- Wagram
- Smeags
- Boutros
And no this isn't a trap for Smeags to be turned into a SONY fan!

You disappoint me.

You don't know how bad I felt when I realized I'd left you out, I was gonna edit and add in a 6th name! Blame Xen coming back recently and us not having a good ol' wall chat in the last month!!!! lol

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

pacman91 said:

By southeast Alaska I mean Washington...NFL commentators use the term do signify how far nw and away from everyone esle the area is.

Cool, you go to PAX? we could so actually meet up. Though I'm going to be alittle busy playing new games at the booths lol. Do you visit Canada much?

Do you know many cities in BC?

You can try to guess mine.

Hint #1. It starts with the letter A

Hint #2. Its the murder capital of BC

Hint #3.Its the fastest growing city in Canada

Heck google searching would probably give the city away. Whoops oh well its not like I'm afraid of some cyber stalker or anything lol!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


darthdevidem01 said:
Thanks to the guys who wanna meet me, I wanna meet you people too!
I want to meet so many members on here, I 'll go for the biggest cop out ever and say my whole friends list! I don't wanna pick more than 5 cus I know I'll miss out people I wanna meet if I try to name so many!
If you force me down and hold a gun to my dog Jerry's head then I'll pick these five (not in any specific order):
- Carl2291
- Xen
- Wagram
- Smeags
- Boutros
And no this isn't a trap for Smeags to be turned into a SONY fan!

your dog loves me more. that is all.


Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
trashleg said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Thanks to the guys who wanna meet me, I wanna meet you people too!
I want to meet so many members on here, I 'll go for the biggest cop out ever and say my whole friends list! I don't wanna pick more than 5 cus I know I'll miss out people I wanna meet if I try to name so many!
If you force me down and hold a gun to my dog Jerry's head then I'll pick these five (not in any specific order):
- Carl2291
- Xen
- Wagram
- Smeags
- Boutros
And no this isn't a trap for Smeags to be turned into a SONY fan!

your dog loves me more. that is all.


Your 1st in the Top 5 VGChartz members my dog wants to meet

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

I know all of you people are saying other people's names,but really thinking of me. I don't need to name five,just one trashleg. So if I ever win the lottery,you'll marry me right? J/k 

oldschoolfool said:

I know all of you people are saying other people's names,but really thinking of me. I don't need to name five,just one trashleg. So if I ever win the lottery,you'll marry me right? J/k 

I hope that you buy vgchartz pro for all of us if that happens too :)

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

oldschoolfool said:

I know all of you people are saying other people's names,but really thinking of me. I don't need to name five,just one trashleg. So if I ever win the lottery,you'll marry me right? J/k 

once i get through my backlog of husbands-to-be, otherwise NikkoM will be pissed >:3

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

i can't pick 5 cause i'd like to meet all 70,000 of you, but if i had to pick.

1. CGI is just the coolest guy ever

2. M.U.G.E.N

3. Spiffy


5. darth, smeags, or Rol

RolStoppable said:

Since I am very shy, I wouldn't like to meet anyone in person, but let's pretend for a moment that isn't actually the case. Then I would like to meet noname2200, amp316, Khuutra, Smeags and Mr. Khan, because they all know that Nintendo rocks.

you shy! i don't beleive that?