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Forums - Sony Discussion - Geohot Pleading with Community for Donations in PS3 Jailbreak Case

luvtospooge said:
voty2000 said:
Wagram said:
voty2000 said:

It's pointless to argue with these people.  They are simply bandwagon folks that suddenly became anti-modding when the PS3 was hacked.  None of these guys care about the Iphone being jail-broken or the Wii or the 360.  They could care less about their rights because it hurts their precious Sony.  Just be glad that their views make no difference in the grand scheme of things, only the courts views matter.  If it were up to them the PS3 would require DNA testing to log in and a Sony representative would come to their house and scan their PS3 before they can turn it on.  They are so blinded that they cannot see the bigger picture, which is basic rights.

Bullshit. I own both of those consoles as well and I will not support pirating or modding of any kind. I'm really starting to hope that Sony does start bricking consoles that are found with pirated software on it.

I don't pirate jack so don't say I do.  I'm simply for consumer rights and can't fathom how people support Sony on this.  I hope Sony bricks consoles with pirated games as well, just not people with modded consoles.  If nothing illegal is on it, Sony should leave it alone. Sony should only go after the piraters, not Geohotz.  He hacked the device and there should be nothing illegal about that and hopefully the courts rule in his favor or else consumers will loose the rights to do what they want with devices they own. 

I'm not simply calling you out with my original statement, but you know as well as I do that most the people in this thread could have cared less about pirating before the PS3 was hacked. 

You seem to be missing the point. I suggest you go back a few pages and read the comments of the pro-Sony posts. Or even read Tsuyui(sorry if I spelled the name wrong)'s post,which in my opinion, concludes the debate.

He hasn't missed the point.

I can assure you he has missed no point, he simply relises the true value of freedom of speech and is fully aware of the hierarchy of weights of importance of various rightmorals etc.

In this case geohot may have facilitated piracy, but his sole intention was not to do so. He even added features in his firmware modifying tools to disable piracy!!!

This isn't about what YOU feel is fair and just, this is about what IS fair and just. Neither you nor I nor the next person decide that. The law states geohotz is untouchable. If he can weather this one through he is guranteed to win, because he did some very important things...


1. He released tools that patch Sony's firmware - not distribute modifiied firmware.

2. He added anti-piracy safeguards to the patches he made.

3. He's never advocated piracy EVER and always spoken against it.


I mean you do realise that one his patches had been applied, his custom firmware wouldn't even allow backup managers to load pirated games, it took a couple of weeks for hackers to patch geohotz' firmware to allow them to run!

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Seriously, Oxfam is in need of your money. Give them it. Give your money to Red Cross or the Disasters Emergency Committee. UK folks, donate to Red Nose appeal.

If you are willing to give some guy who caused this issue on himself, then at least at the same time consider those who didn't.

In this case instance, i have no word on his actions, the legality of it and what people think he deserve but bloddy hell, donating your hard earned money on some thing like this is just illogical and redundent.



Hmm, pie.

Damn fine first post by Tsudai.  Welcome to the boards.  Unfortunately, some will ignore it and continue to scream about "consumer rights."  Of course, they will completely ignore company rights.  Without company rights, they would not be able to protect their interests/products, and many would go out of business.  With that comes the decline of tech advancement (there goes with all the cool little gadgets we are priviledged to have) and millions would lose their jobs, followed by the world economy turning to crap.  And yes, there has to be a balance between both sets of rights.  But we already have a very powerful tool to ensure our consumer rights, our wallet.  We are not forced to buy anything we don't want and corporations don't automatically get money from our wages.    This is something many seem to forget here.

Another thing some seem to forget while spewing consumer rights is that out of the big 3, Sony was the one who gave the consumer the most freedom to begin with.  They gave people the ability to go online without the need for hacking through the PS3's browser.  Sure it's not the greatest around, but it gets the job done.  They also allowed everyone to play games online, free of charge.  Need a larger HDD?  Buy any laptop HDD from whoever you want and it will work.  And most importantly, the PS3 didn't need to be hacked to allow Linux on it.  Sony gave people the choice to install another OS on it, opening up many new additional features that could be done on the PS3, REAL HOMEBREW.  Something I enjoyed messing around on.  Unfortunately some, like Geohot, weren't satisfied and wanted complete control.  Which would have been fine.  Well, if he wasn't the attention seeking whore he is.  He could have kept it to himself, while I continued to enjoy my YDL.  So where were all of you at the beginning of this gen when Nintendo and MS wouldn't allow Linux to be installed on their system first day of purchase?  Or when MS was charging crazy prices for its proprietary HDDs?  I highly doubt it was on here screaming "consumer rights."

buglebum said:

He hasn't missed the point.

I can assure you he has missed no point, he simply relises the true value of freedom of speech and is fully aware of the hierarchy of weights of importance of various rightmorals etc.

In this case geohot may have facilitated piracy, but his sole intention was not to do so. He even added features in his firmware modifying tools to disable piracy!!!

This isn't about what YOU feel is fair and just, this is about what IS fair and just. Neither you nor I nor the next person decide that. The law states geohotz is untouchable. If he can weather this one through he is guranteed to win, because he did some very important things...


1. He released tools that patch Sony's firmware - not distribute modifiied firmware.

2. He added anti-piracy safeguards to the patches he made.

3. He's never advocated piracy EVER and always spoken against it.


I mean you do realise that one his patches had been applied, his custom firmware wouldn't even allow backup managers to load pirated games, it took a couple of weeks for hackers to patch geohotz' firmware to allow them to run!

Wait...didn't you just get done saying he NEVER distributed CFW?  But now you're saying his custom firmware wouldn't load pirated games?  So which is it?

SecondWar said:
Porcupine_I said:

great idea! ask the people for money who are too cheap to buy their games

lol well said


PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

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This thread is hilarious. People donating to a publicity whore, somebody who CLEARLY did something illegal in the fact that he didn't just hack his own console, but distributed copyrighted code used to hack a whole GRID. Yeah. let him keep fighting for freedom, for the windows PC's that we won't be able to use for what we want anymore if Sony wins - a reminder for that meek argument: all PC's since win95, as far as I know, are open for exprimenting out of the box... and all PS's since the PS1 are closed. How the hell does this argument justify anything?

All of you who indeed donated, you could've burned that cash and you'd have the same exact results. All of you who said that they did, and there are indeed a lot in here, you are just sad and should find another hobby.


dahuman said:
huaxiong90 said:
dahuman said:
Xen said:
kowenicki said:
dahuman said:

I'm donating, I didn't jailbreak my PS3 nor do I plan to in the future, the point here is not piracy. He was the one that jail broke the iphone resulting in making my life a ton better and I have never done any piracy on Cydia or the Apple store products. He's giving people an option to explore the hardware, how they want to use it is their own business, that's what being in the US is all about, freedom, yet coporations want to change the rules and the playfield and take our freedom away by limiting the things we can do to something we fucking shelled out a good amount of money for. Too many people are just thinking that this is a piracy stunt and are completely missing the fucking point.

spot on.

Yes and no.

He's gullible in thinking that people will do good with said codes... while exploring the hardware is nice, yeah, the absolute majority uses his discovery to do malicious whatever... I've been following the stuff, and so far, nothing of real helpful use has even begun development.  By nature, people are bad IMO. This is why all this shit is happening instead of anyone getting useful programs.

I can't beleive that he believes that what he has done will have major benefit... he gave the monkey a grenade, pretty much.

 Sony can ban all the fuckers that cheat or pirate, I don't give a rat's ass about that part at all, their fear is that their business model would be crushed by it and they should indeed do something about it, but this is not the fucking answer.

It sure doesn't seem like there is a means of getting rid of them completely now that the door is blown wide open (with the talk of them unbanning themselves and the sort) if Geohot and his team had taken requests from the community as to what homebrew apps they would like instead of just exposing the files for everyone to "use for themselves", I'd have no issue with that.

But to compromise PSN to prove a sympathy from me.

If it was a PC, I could just join a secure lobby, or with a host that I trust. This is different.

Unless you'd like to explain?

a closed and controlled "homebrew" environment? .................................. sigh....

again, the point is not piracy or cheating, you are still missing the big picture. If you've really read all I've typed, then you know that it's not really just about the PS3, PSN, or Sony. It really is much bigger than that. People are getting butt hurt and blinded by a gaming console and can't see beyond that apparently.

I See your point but on this site you will not get a unbiased point of view if it goes against sony.  This is why sony in the end will have to charge for PSN, Security. This is why I choose XBOX live. The extra money means they better fix the problem fast and flawlessly.  By paying for my service with xbox I have every right to b-tch that security should be up to par to deal with hacks such as so.

bannedagain said:

I See your point but on this site you will not get a unbiased point of view if it goes against sony.  This is why sony in the end will have to charge for PSN, Security. This is why I choose XBOX live. The extra money means they better fix the problem fast and flawlessly.  By paying for my service with xbox I have every right to b-tch that security should be up to par to deal with hacks such as so.

Whether PSN becomes a "pay to play only" service like XBL or not won't have any bearing on security.

It's in their best interests regardless of whether they receive "pay to play" fees from all users or not. Unsecured services means unhappy developers when the experience of their games is compromised by exploits. But this happens regardless of whether there are general fees or not.

Case in point, cheating occurs on XBL. Hacks exist on XBL. Aimbots exist on XBL. Like any exploit, they only last as long as it takes to become identified and the users banned, but to say that they simply don't exist "because I'm paying $60 a year for this service" is akin to sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and saying "this is not happening."

Hotz is basically appealing to the hacking community, meaning those who actually discover the exploits rather than those who use them. Big distinction.

While the former is a tighter knit community, the latter is considerably larger and quite unlikely to give the guy a dime for his work. And yes; it was work, as he spent a considerable amount of time and effort to find and distribute the keys to the vault.

And yes, he did distribute them; they were on his site.

Publishing those keys for the general public, including those who simply want something for nothing, probably wasn't the smartest thing to do even if "data simply wants to be free." Try explaining that mindset to the guy who has his bank account and routing number or CC account information cracked from a D-base and then published for anyone to access, relying upon the attitude of "I don't advocate theft, but decide for yourselves what you want to do with this information."

The only real mistake he made was in choosing to be a showboating exhibitionist in regards to his exploits, and freely distributing his findings rather than playing ball with SCE directly in regards to their security. 

The sad thing is, nobody wins in this case but those who use the information to "get something for nothing." Hotz pays a mint in legal fees, win or lose. SCE loses a much larger mint due to the security compromise and lost software sales as well as damage to the security image of their platform.

greenmedic88 said:
bannedagain said:

I See your point but on this site you will not get a unbiased point of view if it goes against sony.  This is why sony in the end will have to charge for PSN, Security. This is why I choose XBOX live. The extra money means they better fix the problem fast and flawlessly.  By paying for my service with xbox I have every right to b-tch that security should be up to par to deal with hacks such as so.

Whether PSN becomes a "pay to play only" service like XBL or not won't have any bearing on security.

It's in their best interests regardless of whether they receive "pay to play" fees from all users or not. Unsecured services means unhappy developers when the experience of their games is compromised by exploits. But this happens regardless of whether there are general fees or not.

Case in point, cheating occurs on XBL. Hacks exist on XBL. Aimbots exist on XBL. Like any exploit, they only last as long as it takes to become identified and the users banned, but to say that they simply don't exist "because I'm paying $60 a year for this service" is akin to sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and saying "this is not happening."

I was saying I have a reason to bitch if it is not taken care of fast. More money means more people on staff to take care of these problems in a timely manner and usually xbox live is good at catching such actions fast.

I never said it doesn't exist. READ THE POST BEFORE YOU GO OFF TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING I NEVER SAID.  So try to understand the post before running off at the mouth about me denying the truth.

SO what I put in bold is pure imagination on you part and putting words in my mouth.

The best interest was stated. If  I buy a product and want to smash it into the wall and take a sh-t on it, I will. Thats the point here. I shouldn't have to be sued because I made a video on how to smash the product and take a sh-t on it.

EDIT: lets add to that and say people now went into stores and followed my formula to smash the product and then cont. to sh-t on the product. It's not my fault that people decided to take things into there own hands and I shouldn't be sued over other actions.

Just like blaming marilyn manson for kids acting out in anger, when really it's usually a house hold problem brewing for years before he even heard the music.