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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guinness Top 50 Video Game Characters Of All Time

Mhh... I knew there was something fishy about that list...

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That's 51 not 50 (#2 should have been 3 since it was the 3rd if you count (even if the other two were tied both were still ranked higher) and 3 4 and 4 5 ect.)



Demonslayersoultaker said:

That's 51 not 50 (#2 should have been 3 since it was the 3rd if you count (even if the other two were tied both were still ranked higher) and 3 4 and 4 5 ect.)

No, he put Cole as #1 in tie as a joke because he's a big INfamous fan...

What is this based on? How is Cole #2 when he's been in just 1 (soon to be 2) game?

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Cole McGrath????????.. Naruto??????????? ha ha haha ha ..WTF..

list was made by a child of three years



dany612 said:

Mario deserves number one spot. But the rest of the list is just laughable. LOL seriously? WOW

While Infamous Cole is great, it doesn't deserve to be tied and much less be higher than Link, Master Chief, and Kratos.


I can live it the Top 5 but I can't deal with the fact that :

A) Lara Croft is above Kratos

B) Captain Price and Soap?! Are they frickin kidding me?!

C) NARUTO?!! NARUTO?!!!!!!

D) Altair over Ezio?!!!


Well that's just me personally...

Lightning is too sexy for this list. Stay with me baby.

Chairman-Mao said:

What is this based on? How is Cole #2 when he's been in just 1 (soon to be 2) game?