Heh. Ninja'd on the second part!
noname2200 said:
? You lost me. This all started with a statement you made after quoting linkz and heph, not from a question you asked, so what are you referring to? Additionally, can you please answer the question I posed to everyone, i.e. who would you vote for right now and why? |
Well in that case what I said there fits into observation. What I meant by the underlined is more reffering to when I had my idea develloped. Since that wasn't as clearly an observation or question. I was showing though that even it holds one. Which is why I'm not sure how what I did was that different from what you were saying I could do.
noname2200 said:
? You lost me. This all started with a statement you made after quoting linkz and heph, not from a question you asked, so what are you referring to? Additionally, can you please answer the question I posed to everyone, i.e. who would you vote for right now and why? |
Answer: For the question of "who would you vote for now and why?", if I were not me I would myself being an easy target at this point.
Assumption: Jumping on the bandwagon would be easy, and cause day one to end. The main problem would be "mafia" could use that free lynch to make it easier to pick off active players during the night.
The town would be down two players.
Answer: If I were myself would vote, I would vote for someone who seems to not questioning me too much.
I believe most of the town is or has already interrogated me, so not voting would be illogical at this point.
I would look at players who have not "FoS"ed me too much and seem to be avoiding me.
Also quick "throw away votes" would further suspcion for the player.
19:44:34 | Skeezer | METAL GEAR ONLINE |
19:44:36 | Skeezer | FAILURE |
19:44:51 | ABadClown | You're right! |
19:44:55 | ABadClown | Hur hur hur |
19:45:01 | Skeezer | i meant |
19:45:04 | Skeezer | YOU ARE A FAILKURE |
19:45:08 | Skeezer | FAILURE* |
theprof00 said: Listen, you said 192 posts overnight. @192 posts ago that was 28 hours ago. So maybe it didn't say 192. I don't know. All I know is what you said, and I put it into context. You can SAY that you aren't trying to make it look like anything, but that doesn't make it so. Your words hold absolutely zero weight until you are cleared. chill. i know that. why not have the cop investigate me tonight if you're so concerned? but tbh, even from a completely objective perspective there are more suspicious people out there and i hope the cop picks up on that. i know the craic. What it looked like to me is that you were shouldering the burden on us by saying we talk to much for you to keep up. That's what it looks like PERIOD. I'm sorry if you don't feel that way, but I can't just believe whatever you say. I see the facts and I see discrepancy there. "I made a mistake" does not automatically remove that evidence, just as someone saying, "I'm a townie!" does not make them so. it may have looked like that, and i cant make you trust me, but thats really not how it was. its been a fast game, thats all i said. and people frequently comment that the fast ones can be hard to catch up, especially for those players in "minority" timezones. as far as being calm as a scum trait, it is what it is. Mafia don't have the same suspicions and paranoia that townies do. I caught Hatmoza twice for being calm. or maybe im just calm in general right now? im hopeful that the scum will be found out easy enough so i dont HAVE to defend myself too much, obviously. no-one wants to be the focus of attention. Also, and though I know it's not your fault, Heph's glossing over of your 192 post statement makes me think he's covering for you, but that's an argument for a different time. heph is being nice to me bcos, i believe, of the personal shit and irl he's probs a nice person. believe that or not. this is just a game, no matter how intense it may get. the only conversation i've had with him this game has been largely banter/heph answering my general questions about the game etc. there is not one suspicious bit of conversation there. |
I'm back.
Disclaimer: I had about three hours of sleep last night. Hopefully my thoughts will make sense.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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Final-Fan said:
Honestly, my opinion at this point is that it was more likely one of those "too scummy to actually be scum" situations. But I could be wrong; and I don't know what else I could say to convince you (or anyone, really) that no, your suspicions are totally valid, it's just that his behavior went so far beyond suspicious that surely nobody actually guilty would be so incautious as to say those things. |
Could be, but then the alternative is a wildly illocigal townie. In which case he would be a scum's best friend.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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Hephaestos said: o recall both massons and mafia being told they could talk day one last round... trucks was a masson, he might have liked the idea. Especially as this little advantage could help tweak the game to a 2 mafia other day SK rather than just 3 mafia? Well I did think it was wierd when I read it in the quicktopics but now I wouldn't rule it out... |
They were allowed a single "I'm here" type of post as Day One started. That was it. I see that the way I worded that post looks funny, but if you look at the timestamps, you see that there really wasn't any discusion during the Day.
That is an interesting theory that you think Trucks let them talk during Day One this game, but I think it is highly unlikely.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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two questions leg, and one statement:
a) completely objective perspective there are more suspicious people out there and i hope the cop picks up on that
Who then? You've only mentioned ABC. Additionally, you mentioned earlier that:
"I'm reading all your arguments the best I can, some of them seem redundant and some of them are valid but like I said, we all know (most of us) how to play smart and act dumb."
I'd like to know who you think those people are that you're implying are "playing dumb".
b) im hopeful that the scum will be found out easy enough so i dont HAVE to defend myself too much
So, in the event that scum aren't easy to find, you will have to defend yourself and aren't confident in that? That's what I would gather from you "hoping" that you don't have to defend yourself.
Lastly, and just a comment:
This is my game face. If you are my enemy, I will bring the hammer of justice down on you. I was not getting aggressive with you,(I know you didn't specify, but the implication was noted) I was just spelling out the bottom line. There is absolutely no vehemence, and no emotion involved period.
I do feel for your situation fyi. I was homeless for 2 months 4 years ago when my landlord kicked us out and we were living paycheck to paycheck with no backup plan. I also went to college while holding two jobs during this period. Heph being a nice guy or not does not excuse him from actions, (which he is nice, btw) but even so, as I'm sure you will appreciate, this isn't the let's pity trashleg party. If he is covering for you, whether for sincerity or for personal gain, it's a loose end. You said it's not suspicious. OK. Why don't you tell me just who is suspcious then.
Hephaestos said: Even if you say it won't hurt the days we have, that is wrong. A no lynch is in effect a half day, so if the doc (if there is one) saves someone, then there is indeed an extra day of play sprining from this no lynch. |
Who says a no lynch can only happen on Day One? We can always no lynch later if the doctor saves someone. That would give the cop an extra investigation, or give the town better odds of finding scum with their lynch.
However, if we no lynch now, and the doctor doesn't save anyone, then the town can only mislynch twice before we lose. If we lynch everyday, and the doctor doesn't save anyone, then the town can mislynch three times before we lose.
Of course, this all assumes there is a doctor, which is not gauranteed.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)
theprof00 said:
You're sarcasm isn't helping your situation, Heph. |
proff, you don't lead the town by bullying people, you lead it by bringing forward investigations.
the bully type is, you know, the one asking money for protection, same as you seem to be asking people to fit your criterias to be safe. I would have though that with the appearance of more players of type (the ones that post a lot) you'd have turned more to the cooperative yet carefull side, not the "i'm boss do as I say".
HoS proff, you're trying to impose yourself by being the strong minded one here, you may think it fits your townie playstyle, but you're wrong, you're usually more subtile.