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Forums - General Discussion - Should People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands (partocular case)


Should People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands (partocular case)

Yes 48 57.83%
No 32 38.55%
pizzahut451 said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

1) Er, go back to the link you posted for Outdated.


"No longer valid or fasionable"


Outdated = Not Fasionable

Fasionable = Popular

Not Fasionable = Unpopular.

Outdated = Unpopular.

Have you never heard of someones clothes being called outated?

2) Christianity came from Judiasm... and I'm actually not wrong.  Some Christianity spread through force, but not the actual majority of the spreading of the religion.

I mean, do you know what facilitated Christanity to be such a big religion?  It's taking over of an empire that had conquered it.

1. You're both right and wrong. It depends how you use the term "outdated". Words can have several meanings.

In the case of "outdated", it can refer to an objective emasurable quality, or a subjective quality.

For example the fact that the Pentium III processor is outdated compared to the Core i& pricessor is an objective fact that can be determined by comparing their features, capabilities etc. (here we have the objective meaning of "outdated")

Another example: The fact that disco music is considered outdated by today's standard isn't something that can be measured objectively. It's outdated because people no longer like it, its no longer popular, stylish etc. (here we have the subjective meaning of "outdated").

Now, if you mean that a religion's quality of being "outdated" or not depends on people's subjective opinions, then I agree with you. But you surely know that a Bible thumper like pizzahut451 would never devalue his religion by admittign that it's whole validity is dependent on people's whims. He obviously was using the word "outdated" with it's objective meaning, in other words saying that his religion is objectively better than other religions, which I'm sure you can agree is a wrong ideea.

2. Christianity may have come from Judaism, but it doesn't change the fact that they're very different. Judaism is a religion that is strongly tied to a particular ethnicity, and that's why it managed to survive. Christianity on the other hand is an inclusive religion. It's much easier to convert to it, and the ties between it's members and the religion aren't as strong as in the case of Judaism (where the religion is a huge part of their ethnic identity).

When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire it was no more popular than Scientology is today in the US. It only became popular because the emperor favored it, and people wanted to be in his good graces. Eventually all other religions were deemed illegal. Going back to point 1, Christianity became the "fad" everyone wanted to be part of. And you can't deny that there was pressure to convert (many population converted because their rulers converted), and that the consiquences of not converting were dramatic. And don't get me started on the European colonies, especially the Americas.

If the European states hadn't maintained their power all these centureis, you can be sure that Christianity would've disappeared a long time ago.

1) Actually, I would disagree... most pagan religion's main focus of belief was in fact "My god could beat up your god."   It didn't take much conversion.   You won?  Most of those people adopted your religion.  Judiasm was the first of the "New Religions" whose belief was built more on... well belief.

2)  Judaism is not ethnically tied to anything.  Jewish people are Arabs.  Also, at the time it surivived the Assyrians, the Torah wasn't even completeted!  It's actually events we first learned IN the Torah, and was later historicaly proven.  Which is another point towards the Abrhamic religions by the way.  They appear to be historically accurate.   Few people know this, but the house of Paul... one of Jesus' disciples is something you can visit in Israel.

As for Christianity... well you couldn't be more wrong.   Hell, you brought out my point for me, but actually ignored the salient point of it.   Roman Emperorers converted to Christianity... when it was very unpopular.  (Though it was well more popular then Scientology.)   Christianity conquered and empire that was trying to wipe it out... without using force.


If you think it would of been wiped out you should look up the Kakure Kirishitan.

Yes, that is pretty amazing, isn't it :)

As amazing as people copying "the Rachel" from Jennifer Aniston.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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scottie said:

The OP is raising two, very different questions.


1) Do you support civilians meting out justice


2) Do you think the point of jail should be rehabilitation, prevention (scaring people away from committing crimes) or revenge/justice depending on your perspective.


 1) In cases that are not really serious enough to warrant police consideration, it can be a good idea. A shop owner may get better results talking to a young thief's parents rather than calling the police. But for serious cases of violence? The sorts of people who are liking to do what you are suggesting will be looking for revenge.


2) Rehabilitation, every time. Prevention is stupid - the majority of crimes are committed because the person either needs money to support themselves and their family, or because they do not think about the consequences of their actions. Rehab is obviously the best because it reduces the amount of crime in the long term. What you describe as justice, shows that your morality is so radically different to mine that I doubt we'll be able to have any meaningful conversation, in all likelihood. Murder is not a suitable response to murder. If the government makes the claim that Person A murdering person b is fine because person b murdered person c, you have a preposterous legal system that cannot rationally be defended

In the ase of murderers, why do you think they should recieve rehabilitation? I can understand rehabilitation in other cases, but do you really think murderers can be rehabilitated, and do you think they deserve rehabilitation? I think that's like spitting in the face of their victims.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

1) Er, go back to the link you posted for Outdated.


"No longer valid or fasionable"


Outdated = Not Fasionable

Fasionable = Popular

Not Fasionable = Unpopular.

Outdated = Unpopular.

Have you never heard of someones clothes being called outated?

2) Christianity came from Judiasm... and I'm actually not wrong.  Some Christianity spread through force, but not the actual majority of the spreading of the religion.

I mean, do you know what facilitated Christanity to be such a big religion?  It's taking over of an empire that had conquered it.

1. You're both right and wrong. It depends how you use the term "outdated". Words can have several meanings.

In the case of "outdated", it can refer to an objective emasurable quality, or a subjective quality.

For example the fact that the Pentium III processor is outdated compared to the Core i& pricessor is an objective fact that can be determined by comparing their features, capabilities etc. (here we have the objective meaning of "outdated")

Another example: The fact that disco music is considered outdated by today's standard isn't something that can be measured objectively. It's outdated because people no longer like it, its no longer popular, stylish etc. (here we have the subjective meaning of "outdated").

Now, if you mean that a religion's quality of being "outdated" or not depends on people's subjective opinions, then I agree with you. But you surely know that a Bible thumper like pizzahut451 would never devalue his religion by admittign that it's whole validity is dependent on people's whims. He obviously was using the word "outdated" with it's objective meaning, in other words saying that his religion is objectively better than other religions, which I'm sure you can agree is a wrong ideea.

2. Christianity may have come from Judaism, but it doesn't change the fact that they're very different. Judaism is a religion that is strongly tied to a particular ethnicity, and that's why it managed to survive. Christianity on the other hand is an inclusive religion. It's much easier to convert to it, and the ties between it's members and the religion aren't as strong as in the case of Judaism (where the religion is a huge part of their ethnic identity).

When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire it was no more popular than Scientology is today in the US. It only became popular because the emperor favored it, and people wanted to be in his good graces. Eventually all other religions were deemed illegal. Going back to point 1, Christianity became the "fad" everyone wanted to be part of. And you can't deny that there was pressure to convert (many population converted because their rulers converted), and that the consiquences of not converting were dramatic. And don't get me started on the European colonies, especially the Americas.

If the European states hadn't maintained their power all these centureis, you can be sure that Christianity would've disappeared a long time ago.

1) Actually, I would disagree... most pagan religion's main focus of belief was in fact "My god could beat up your god."   It didn't take much conversion.   You won?  Most of those people adopted your religion.  Judiasm was the first of the "New Religions" whose belief was built more on... well belief.

2)  Judaism is not ethnically tied to anything.  Jewish people are Arabs.  Also, at the time it surivived the Assyrians, the Torah wasn't even completeted!  It's actually events we first learned IN the Torah, and was later historicaly proven.  Which is another point towards the Abrhamic religions by the way.  They appear to be historically accurate.   Few people know this, but the house of Paul... one of Jesus' disciples is something you can visit in Israel.

As for Christianity... well you couldn't be more wrong.   Hell, you brought out my point for me, but actually ignored the salient point of it.   Roman Emperorers converted to Christianity... when it was very unpopular.  (Though it was well more popular then Scientology.)   Christianity conquered and empire that was trying to wipe it out... without using force.


If you think it would of been wiped out you should look up the Kakure Kirishitan.

Yes, that is pretty amazing, isn't it :)

As amazing as people copying "the Rachel" from Jennifer Aniston.

Huh? The fact that christianity conquered the empire that tried to destory it and without using violence is pretty amazing. Just shows how strong and awesome our religion is :D

pizzahut451 said:

Huh? The fact that christianity conquered the empire that tried to destory it and without using violence is pretty amazing. Just shows how strong and awesome our religion is :D

What I'm saying is that your religion spread like a fad. It's no different than how people try to imitate celebrities these days. The way it spread brings no merit whatsoever to the religion itself, but rather to the people who spread it (any religion the Emperor wold've given special favor to would've ended up the same). Your religion wasn't strong, the Emeperor was strong. The king's who forced all their subjects to convert were strong. Not the religion itself.

And violence was used, both in Rome and in other parts of Europe. When you make a religion the mandatory religion there are always gonna be people who oppose it, and there were many. Not to mention the vilenced between Christians for the supremacy of a certain doctrine (the Inquisition, heretics etc.). And of course there's all the violence against Native Americans. Oh how great your religion is. It's just as violent as any other. And your religion also ended up contributing to the downfall fo Rome, so you can't exactly say it bought any good.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

Huh? The fact that christianity conquered the empire that tried to destory it and without using violence is pretty amazing. Just shows how strong and awesome our religion is :D

What I'm saying is that your religion spread like a fad. It's no different than how people try to imitate celebrities these days. The way it spread brings no merit whatsoever to the religion itself, but rather to the people who spread it (any religion the Emperor wold've given special favor to would've ended up the same). Your religion wasn't strong, the Emeperor was strong. The king's who forced all their subjects to convert were strong. Not the religion itself.

And violence was used, both in Rome and in other parts of Europe. When you make a religion the mandatory religion there are always gonna be people who oppose it, and there were many. Not to mention the vilenced between Christians for the supremacy of a certain doctrine (the Inquisition, heretics etc.). And of course there's all the violence against Native Americans. Oh how great your religion is. It's just as violent as any other. And your religion also ended up contributing to the downfall fo Rome, so you can't exactly say it bought any good.

And thats why Nazi germany turned jewish !!!!!! But no seriously, the one day the empire wants to destroy a religion, and the next day, it becoes part of it because religion is a fad? Religion isnt something like clothesr or music that you can just switch to whenever you want. And who the fuck was forced to be christian back than? Christians were haunted down and slaughterd all over isreal, they had no army, nor violent influence on anyone, especially on romans. Romans were by far the strongest empire in the world, they didnt need to listen to anyone if they didnt want to. The truth is, they were blessed by the truth, and by our powerfull God, and our heavenly savior. No one could force Romans to do anything back than, and if they were converted by other christians, im pretty sure its because of what the christians were saying abut their religion, not because it was a fad.


And i know violence was used in roman, but it was used by romans, not the first christians.  Anywyas, the fact remains -  CHRISTIANITY CONQUERD ROME (THE EMPIRE THAT TRIED TO DESTROY IT ) WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE <<<--- This is a FACT

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axt113 said:Disrarge said: I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods... How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

True. I said it's not our place to seek revenge. Then I said just gods. I mean the gods are just, not it's just god's place to seek revenge. Humans are not gods but they can become gods. Gods are not humans but they can become humans. Men are born of demons, women of angels... But there are good banana and bad banana angels and demons.

See, you can try twisting my words around to whatever you want to make me say. Your effort will be futile because I am the master bater. Master debater I should say.

DO NOT twist my words. As you can see I do it better... Now, GOD is the only person who is allowed to seek revenge. We humans are here to learn lessons, not get revenge on our fellow man. Love you neighbor and hate you neighbor, just don't kill em. God never said we had to be nice to our neighbor... But he did say not to kill em.



pizzahut451 said:

And thats why Nazi germany turned jewish !!!!!! But no seriously, the one day the empire wants to destroy a religion, and the next day, it becoes part of it because religion is a fad? Religion isnt something like clothesr or music that you can just switch to whenever you want. And who the fuck was forced to be christian back than? Christians were haunted down and slaughterd all over isreal, they had no army, nor violent influence on anyone, especially on romans. Romans were by far the strongest empire in the world, they didnt need to listen to anyone if they didnt want to. The truth is, they were blessed by the truth, and by our powerfull God, and our heavenly savior. No one could force Romans to do anything back than, and if they were converted by other christians, im pretty sure its because of what the christians were saying abut their religion, not because it was a fad.


And i know violence was used in roman, but it was used by romans, not the first christians.  Anywyas, the fact remains -  CHRISTIANITY CONQUERD ROME (THE EMPIRE THAT TRIED TO DESTROY IT ) WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE <<<--- This is a FACT

It's not a fact. Violence was sued. And again, people coverted because they wanted to be in the Emperor's good graces, after he showed special favor to Christianity, not because they thought the religion was better. People back then did whatever a figure like the emperor would do, in other words they'd be subjected to his whims. And changing your religion is no different than changing you music preference. It's really not a big deal, considering it's all make believe.

Christians themselves also persectured and forcefully converted many Native Americans (and in a couple of decades Latin American countries will have the largest Christian population in the world). Kings from Germanic and Slavic countries forced their subjects to convert, to get in the good graces of the Pope. And violence was used there. And lets not forget all the wars between differen Christian sects (heck, Christians were persecuting eachother in my very country less than a century ago). The ideea that Christianity is a non-violent religion is a myth (the first Christians don't count, as Christianity started gaining influence and popularity when it became mixed up with politics).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Disrarge said:

axt113 said:Disrarge said: I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods... How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

True. I said it's not our place to seek revenge. Then I said just gods. I mean the gods are just, not it's just god's place to seek revenge. Humans are not gods but they can become gods. Gods are not humans but they can become humans. Men are born of demons, women of angels... But there are good banana and bad banana angels and demons.

See, you can try twisting my words around to whatever you want to make me say. Your effort will be futile because I am the master bater. Master debater I should say.

DO NOT twist my words. As you can see I do it better... Now, GOD is the only person who is allowed to seek revenge. We humans are here to learn lessons, not get revenge on our fellow man. Love you neighbor and hate you neighbor, just don't kill em. God never said we had to be nice to our neighbor... But he did say not to kill em.



I'm pretty sure "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself" is of of the 10 Commandments FTR. I think that's more than just not killing them.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

And thats why Nazi germany turned jewish !!!!!! But no seriously, the one day the empire wants to destroy a religion, and the next day, it becoes part of it because religion is a fad? Religion isnt something like clothesr or music that you can just switch to whenever you want. And who the fuck was forced to be christian back than? Christians were haunted down and slaughterd all over isreal, they had no army, nor violent influence on anyone, especially on romans. Romans were by far the strongest empire in the world, they didnt need to listen to anyone if they didnt want to. The truth is, they were blessed by the truth, and by our powerfull God, and our heavenly savior. No one could force Romans to do anything back than, and if they were converted by other christians, im pretty sure its because of what the christians were saying abut their religion, not because it was a fad.


And i know violence was used in roman, but it was used by romans, not the first christians.  Anywyas, the fact remains -  CHRISTIANITY CONQUERD ROME (THE EMPIRE THAT TRIED TO DESTROY IT ) WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE <<<--- This is a FACT

It's not a fact. Violence was sued. And again, people coverted because they wanted to be in the Emperor's good graces, after he showed special favor to Christianity, not because they thought the religion was better. People back then did whatever a figure like the emperor would do, in other words they'd be subjected to his whims. And changing your religion is no different than changing you music preference. It's really not a big deal, considering it's all make believe.

Christians themselves also persectured and forcefully converted many Native Americans (and in a couple of decades Latin American countries will have the largest Christian population in the world). Kings from Germanic and Slavic countries forced their subjects to convert, to get in the good graces of the Pope. And violence was used there. And lets not forget all the wars between differen Christian sects (heck, Christians were persecuting eachother in my very country less than a century ago). The ideea that Christianity is a non-violent religion is a myth (the first Christians don't count, as Christianity started gaining influence and popularity when it became mixed up with politics).

Uh, by conquering the Empreror they conquerered Rome.  It did this without violence. 

sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

1) Actually, I would disagree... most pagan religion's main focus of belief was in fact "My god could beat up your god."   It didn't take much conversion.   You won?  Most of those people adopted your religion.  Judiasm was the first of the "New Religions" whose belief was built more on... well belief.

2)  Judaism is not ethnically tied to anything.  Jewish people are Arabs.  Also, at the time it surivived the Assyrians, the Torah wasn't even completeted!  It's actually events we first learned IN the Torah, and was later historicaly proven.  Which is another point towards the Abrhamic religions by the way.  They appear to be historically accurate.   Few people know this, but the house of Paul... one of Jesus' disciples is something you can visit in Israel.

As for Christianity... well you couldn't be more wrong.   Hell, you brought out my point for me, but actually ignored the salient point of it.   Roman Emperorers converted to Christianity... when it was very unpopular.  (Though it was well more popular then Scientology.)   Christianity conquered and empire that was trying to wipe it out... without using force.


If you think it would of been wiped out you should look up the Kakure Kirishitan.

1. I was talking about religions in general. I doubt pizzahut knows much abotu pagan religions. Seems like you just want to disagree with me at all costs.

2. Judaism is tied strongly to Jewish ethnical identity and history (as you yourself said). This makes it different than most religions, and is a reason why i hasn't died out, yet it has also never been very popular (because it isn't inclusive).

As for Paul, did he ever meet Jesus? Wasn't he just a self appointed disciple?And what does he have to do with Judaism? He started hiw own religion after all.

As for Christianity, the fact that Roman emperors converted to Christianity when it was unpopular (and really not much more popular than Scientology) is highly unimpressive, as they could do mostly whatever they wanted. The fact that people converted to Christianity to get in the good graces of the emperor is hardly a compliment for Christianity (as it makes it look like a fad). Plus, Christianity did become mandatory eventually, didn't it? Violence was also used in certain parts (like Scandinavia) and of course against pagans, and the so called heretics, the genocide of Native Americans etc. And there's the religious wars bewtween the different Christian sects, you know, violence to assure that a certain type of Christianity will rule over all.

As for that Kakure Kirishitan thing, well Native Americans went underground like that when they were forced to convert. Constant persecution eventually made their religions die out anyway. Not everyone is as violent and consistent at converting others as Christians are.

1.  It doesn't matter how much he knows if in general his proof proves his point.

2)  That really isn't why.  Your just being ignorant because as always it takes you forever to admit whe n your wrong.  Native Americans do not practice a pagan religion.  As for the Kakure Kirishitan's dieing out... if they were going to, they would of died out a loooong time before the restrictions came up.